Injustice heaped on Injustice for covering up Gandhi’s

via Dr Mrs Hilda Raja published on June 21, 2010

How thankful the nation should be in general and the people of Bhopal in particular because the GoM are sympathetic to the plight of the Bhopal gas victims. How hard the GoM worked because they looked into every aspect of the issue and they are going to keep working on. Surely they have rightfully earned their salaries and all that goes along with it as cabinet ministers and now ministers of the empowered group.

What is puzzling is the ordinary people are wondering what they have revealed and unraveled about the worst global industrial disaster now. Since they were empowered and worked as a Group one would think that new dimensions would be exposed. But one finds that documents are missing and the amount of compensation earlier promised was leveled down the reason not clear. So the GOI works without documentation-Safe way of working for safe passage to fugitives.

We must wait now for more compensation, for rehabilitation and for cleaning up.

Why should the State of MP do the cleaning up which the Union Carbide poisoned the whole area?
Why should the GOI pay-which means the tax payers, pay for this cleaning up business?
Why should the DOW not be asked to clean up and pay the compensation. Is not Union Carbide in the new avatar DOW?
Why punish the people of India again for the crimes of Union Carbide?

Now we shall wait for the extradition of Anderson , this is again another tactic for buying time. Throwing small morsels to the victims and keeping them silent. This is exactly what the GoM have done-nothing more .And we are promised that they will continue working.

Working for what and why? Trying to pull a fast one?

What about the Congress first apologizing for Rajiv Gandhi’s utter indifference.Why and who abetted the crime in allowing the criminal safe passage?

These are questions which need to be answered and the culprits fixed before compensation and cleanup is talked of. The main issue is being skirted and avoided. But for heaven sake let the people not be made to pay for the crimes and the conspiracy of those who were in power and allowed this to happen. It is injustice heaped on injustice.

There are three alternatives:-

1-The best would be that the Congress should dip into its kitty for its own negligence. So an apology and an absolution to become effective and valid only when there is reparation. Mrs Sonia Gandhi will understand this better. Let it pay the cost and not put the burden on the people again.

2-It could at least collect all the income tax dues from Hussain Ali Khan and pump that money into this cleaning up and rehabilitation business.

3-Or else the MPs can forgo their MPs Local Area Development Fund. Two crores from each now and no more for the next five years. Let that money be utilized. Even that is the people’s money yet the MPs irrespective of party affiliations must feel the pinch for the total failure of the political class all these years towards the victims of Bhopal .

It is clear that this is another conspiracy of the chief of the GoM-namely the PM’s wisecrack to cover up  Rajiv Gandhi’s role in the whole massive human tragedy. At least now does the PM realize why Mrs Sonia Gandhi selected him to warm the gaddi? He is submissive to her unjust demands. Can history be distorted, can truth be made untruth and can falsehood be held out as truth? Why should Rajvi Gandhi’s role be covered up?  Can hedging help? Mr Manmohan Singh should have restraint from playing such a role.He not only showed his feet of clay but also now has become a partner and an active one in the conspiracy and betrayal of the people.

It took 25 years for the Congress to sleep over it-thinking wishfully that with the 15000 dead and about 20 000 maimed and crippled and inflicted with physical disabilities of a wide range, the truth will get buried. That Rajiv Gandhi and the Congress can escape the sin –and the biggest sin in Independent India. Yet they did not hesitate to fault Modi-Year after year it was the Gujarat riots and Modi became the maut ke saudagar. Mrs Sonia Gandhi and her party did not spare Modi forgetting that the Hand is covered with blood-be it the Sikh genocide after the assassination of Indira Gandh or the Bhopal gas or the ethnic cleansing of the Hindus in J&K till date the Congress has not apologized to the nation. But if Modi terms the Congress as an old woman-then Priyanka takes umbrage and asks the media ‘do I look old”.Up jumps Jayanthi Natarajan demanding Modi to apologize to the women in India .

What is bothering and worrying is the fact that the Congress thinks that the Gandhis are the nation. This is something which we cannot overlook because it not just distorts the whole Indian polity but distends and dents the very concept of democracy. Over and above this it absolves all the sins and omissions including the betrayal of the poor of this nation by the Gandhis.

Hence now the Congress spokespersons are tying themselves in knots by defending Rajiv Gandhi in the Bhopal gas tragedy. How can they state that he did not have a role to play in allowing Warren Anderson to flee this country-how can they with their hollow words think that the people will believe that the Prime Minister was not aware of the safe passage given to Warren Anderson. How can we accept the myth that Rajiv Ganhi was in deep slumber or hibernating and suddenly woke up like Rip Van Winkle? Granted that was so-after his waking up what did he do?

So Arjun Singh was the culprit-then it is Narasimha Roa the then Home Minister who was the villain. First it was the Judiciary which let down the people….and so one after another the congress spokespersons try in vain to hold out their theories which only made them look ridiculous and pathetic.

Then comes Abhishek Manu Singhvi who tried to put to rest all our doubts by holding out that ‘The PM of India does not deal with what every police constable or police commissioner does’,Two things flow out of this brilliant theory. One that henceforth every police constable and police commissioner can allow a criminal if he is a foreigner to flee the country. There will be no objection neither from the State nor from the Centre. They are empowered with such powers. This is real news to the people.

Will Abhishek Singhvi brief his Congress spokesperson Arjun Modhawadia of the Gujarat State not to drag the CM and the Home Minister in the alleged fake encounter of which Tulsiram Prajapati has been accused of? Why should a CM and a HM stoop to the deeds/misdeeds of cops and police commissioners and be answerable?What is sauce for goose is also sauce for gander. The Congress must realize that it is in vain to try and detect a speck in the eyes of Modi when it carries a beam in its own. It will be judicious and probity for the Congress spokespersons to stop bashing Modi-for it boomerangs.

Is there a special immunity cover for the Gandhis? They cannot err, they cannot fault they cannot sin and they cannot be held guilty of any wrong doings. How come this blanket immunity/insulation to cover them? From where does such immunity evolve?

It is stated that Mrs Sonia Gandhi will not apologize because then she was not in politics then-a clever way to evade the responsibility as the President of the Congress party. How is she in politics now? By invoking the family legacy-by her being the bahu of Indira Gandhi, by her being the widow of Rajiv Gandhi. Which means she carries the legacy of the Gandhi’s-then the baggage she carries contains also the blood and suffering of 15 000 poor- the victims of the Bhopal gas, it also is loaded with the 3000 Sikhs massacred in 1984, over loaded with the thousands of Hindus brutally killed and others driven away from J&K. Mrs Sonia Gandhi and her children cannot escape this legacy baggage.When Priyanka does not fail to point out at the sacrifices her family had made for the nation then it is time to remind them of the lives that have been sacrificed because of their sins of commission and omission, of the injustices their negligence heaped on the nation. The poor are dispensable to them The Gandhis have always stood by foreigners and tried to save them at the cost of the Indian poor.

And now somehow Rajiv Gandhi must be saved-though he was the Prime Minister he was totally unaware of the thousands who were gassed to death-he was innocently unaware that Warren Anderson was allowed to leave the country and he was unaware that the price of an Indian life was whittled down to a mere 12000Rs. He was indifferent to the continuous suffering and pain and the dehumanized conditions in which the humans were living in Bhopal.

Just for a moment imagine what would have been the aftermath if 40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate (MIC0 gas wafted through Lutyens, North Block, South Block. The poor have been and will be the sacrificial goats of a system that we wrongly call democracy but in reality is a banana republic-thanks to the Congress party  and its President.

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