India’s Psychopathic Political Leaders

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on October 3, 2009

It has long since become common knowledge that Indian politicians reliquish their loyalty to reality and their consideration for safety and security of their fellowmen. These perverse political leaders who are driven by their impulses are suffering from approval addiction, lethargy, indifference and thought disorder. Their perverse personality appear in their decision making and behavior. And their hidden goal is to insult, demean and discriminate the majority Hindus who keep India together as a nation. The net result of their thinking errors and destructive behavior is the total destruction of the country.
A man is supposed to fight in his own right in defense of infringement upon his home, his freedom, happiness, culture, his reputation and ideals. Such defense is required to preserve life, family, community and the nation. Individual assertiveness and defesive action to protect life and liberty cannot be hostile action with culpable intention. Such aggression is not for selfish rewards or reaching martyrdom. Rather, a man who does not fight such circumstances for selfish reasons for due to passifism destroys the individual more or less certainly and often more nearly completely than anyopne else and hernce falls into the general category of self-destructive behavior.
These psyschopathic self-destructive politicians have uncontrollable urge for approval from their tormentors. Hindus in general show irrational guilt without reason, and hence contribute to the urgency of the psychopathic political leader’s compulsive impulse for approval addiction from their distractors. They have an unconscious need and obsessive tendency to minimize the dangerous consequences of confrntation with enemies. The dangerous disregrad of reason and sound judgment are a part of their destructive mindset.
The chronic passifism disguised by self-destructive behavior is quite obvious in our political leader’s decision making. There are several examples of destructive policies implemented by Indian politicians that lead to calamity and disaster. The Kashmir fiasco,  reservation and quota system for Muslims, Hajj subsidy, special funding for Muslims and Christians and blaming Hindu victims are few examples of defective thinking of our psychopathic political leaders.

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