India’s Intelligence Failure

published on September 27, 2009

Dr.Babu Suseelan                                                                                                                                                                         
Taking advantage of gaping holes in India’s defenses,  internal intelligence, and policing: subversive organizations, Marxists, Missionaries, Jihadis and enemy nations like Pakistan, China and some European intelligence agencies are infiltrating the Indian and state governments to steal our vital secrets and use them against us. and most astonishing of all, our leaders are letting it happen.
Missionary mafia, Jihadis, Marxists and subversive organizations work under different names, disguises and ploys, and to destabilize our nation, destroy our culture and deconstruct our social fabric. enemy nations and foreign intelligence agencies finance them, provide arms, and training for deviant and destructive acts including murder, bombing, arson and looting. In Kerala, for example a minimum of three temples are looted every day. In Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chattisgharh, Bihar and Tamil Nadu, these dark hidden hands recruit and train poor people for mass murder and creating social crisis by killing innocent people. They pose a grave threat to India’s national security and social cohesion. India’s failure to address the danger proves that our leaders are in bed with enemy spies, agents and their cohorts. They are betraying our nation, our freedom and the future. ISI and foreign intelligence agents have penetrated the highest levels of the government. Several terrorist organizations and subversive groups operates freely targeting India through espionage.
Instead of aggressive policing and counterintelligence operations against enemies and subversive agents, Indian government headed by the Italian Catholic lady Sonia is betraying India by cozying with subversive groups. India is cornered from within and without. Dangerous militant groups are operating in Nepal, Burma, and Sri Lanka. India had been fooled into thinking that several Human Rights organizations working in India working for the benefit of the social lower class people. They are recruiting agents for foreign intelligence organizations. failure to monitor, investigate funding sources, and evaluate operational style of such Non Governmental agencies is more disturbing.
Sonia government has failed miserably to recognize or identify subversive groups, their hidden agenda or dangerous activities. Without political support, our police administration officials have had great difficulty penetrating terrorist organizations, enemy groups or able to prevent weapon delivery system. Penetrating subversive groups and target their communication and operational system–without the terrorist groups knowing about-is the essence of intelligence work. unfortunately our police intelligence operation is ineffective, and they fail to discover deviant group’s plan before they are carried out. As a result, innocent people are murdered daily in all parts of India. Their goal is to subvert our economic development, cultural continuity, peace and democracy. Creating social crisis will make people helpless and hopeless. Such people are targeted for conversion and recruitment for additional subversive activities. Refusing to contain, control and prevent such subversive activities will lead Linda to still more devastating loses and even greater dangers in the future.

 Marxist academicians, phony intellectuals and media agents working as paid agents come up with phony theories and meaningless explanations to endorse such subversive groups. In our media intensive culture, it is not difficult to find out such bogus theories and phony explanations of crime, violence and murder of Hindu leaders. The gullible public is brainwashed and psycho programmed and they are unable to develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the hidden causes of subversive acts and Jihadi terrorism. Hindu organizations, intellectuals and activists must expose subversive agents and must highlight the fact criminals are not victims. they are sane human beings who choose to commit crimes. Blaming larger Hindu society provides criminals with justification for further criminal activity. Sadistic killers, hardened criminals and sociopaths who act without fear, shame or guilt are recruited, trained and armed by subversive agents for more crime, temple destruction, bank robbery and to create social tension.
When crime, violence, mindless malice and terrorism flourishes in our society as it now, it is not because society has so oppressed people as to bend them out of their true nature and twist them into moral deformity. It is the responsibility of the government to guarantee safety and security for its citizens. What but anarchy can we expect if the government failed to use legitimate force to identify, contain and control criminals? What can we expect if the guardians of legitimate police force cannot bring themselves to exercise it? 

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