India’s Deficit Democracy

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on August 9, 2010

What is going on in India? India is under siege from within and without.  Indian culture with its history of spiritual principles and cultural values is struggling desperately. Indian political leaders seem no longer capable of controlling internal strife and external threats. The Congress rule has brought corruption, criminal acts, Jihadi terrorism, Maoist separatism, conflict and external threats.

Political leaders talk of human rights for Muslims and the conversion gang but care little for the Hindu majority. There is plenty talks for increasing subsidy for Muslims to visit Saudi Arabia for advanced beheading training  than for improving education, infra structure development, price control and increasing police protection and national defense. There is no compassion for poor Hindus and no interest in protecting our culture, preserving our Dharma and promoting real, genuine Hindu values. The rights of Jihadis, missionaries and protecting corrupt political leaders are more important than their responsibilities to work for the common good and betterment of society.

Jihadi terrorism, violent Maoist acts, train robbery, kidnapping, contract killing, home invasion and car theft flourish in Indian cities. The police department and criminal justice administration seem helpless in their efforts to control the rampage. The print media and TV glorify Jihadi terrorism, Maoist violence and the missionary mafia activities, while the Hindu victims are graphically depicted as the cause for crime and violence.  Hundreds and thousands of Hindus are tortured, murdered and forced out of Kashmir and living in refugee camps in deplorable conditions. The media and political leaders willingly ignore their plights.  The media, bureaucrats and the political leadership willingly watch Jihadi bombing, torture, abuse, blood, and rampage in Kashmir and do nothing to prevent such brutal criminal acts. More Hindus are murdered by Jihadis in Pakistan, Bangladesh and in India after 1947 than during British Christian colonial period. Yet the Congress government at Center and many regional governments are obsessed with guaranteeing more rights   and privileges for jihadis.


It takes no great gift to be able to identify built in fallacies and anti national statements in India’s constitution. India is the only country in the world where Muslims and Christians are provided special privileges which is denied to the majority.

Several myths have grown up around Indian democracy.  Indian citizens are encouraged to believe that once a candidate is elected he automatically serves the people.  The majority Hindus sit back, confident that voting cures all political evils. The majority are told that as long as they can cast a ballot, they will be safe. Regardless of often the candidate and the political parties make false claims, trample Hindu rights, loot temple wealth, tinker with our education and introduce discriminatory policies, Hindus won’t react. The sooner Hindus forget the lies of the political parties, the sooner Hindus will be victimized by pro Jihadi and anti Hindu policians. The anti Hindu government is skillfully exploiting Hindu apathy and indifference and threatens Hindus into submission. Never in history have so many Hindus  been fooled by the Congress party. And Hindus have failed grievously in preventing the government from destroying nationalist leaders and Hindu temple take over by the government. The massive ignorance of Hindus is exploited by the politicians for their own personal gain.


If the majority Hindus do not possess the political power to safeguard their culture, tradition, temples and economic interest, democracy is meaningless.  India which has gained political independence but has not secured its cultural independence and remains enslaved to ant Hindu forces. The ruling phony secularists have no real appreciation for cultural liberation.

Cultural liberation, political and economic progress for Hindis is possible only if Hindus should become politically active and assertive.  For active political participation Hindus need unity. Hindu consciousness precedes our unity. Acquisition of Hindu consciousness is part educational and part phenomenological. We need to promote our traditional language, modify educational standards, challenge and modify the mistakes of the past. Liberation from alien cultural standards and dogmatic philosophies imposed on us should be the first priority. Hindus must be in the forefront for idea formation and then seize the instruments of political control.

Our history is instructive for us. For Hundreds of years we were oppressed, brutalized and subjugated by invading Muslims and Christian colonialists. Continuous oppression had trapped Hindus into using alien ideology and practices.  Now we are in a different context and these unnatural doctrines should be expunged. Systematic Hindu nationalism does not negate progressive ideas but it must reflect our liberation and nationalism.

Hundreds of years of constant propaganda, cultural exploitation, information distortion and physical annihilation have left Hindus shocked out of its own historical reality and purpose in the world.  The Hindu indifference and apathy immunizes political parties from their dangerous policies against majority Hindus.  One of the most important lessons of expunging Hindus from Kashmir is due to lack of Hindu response. Instead of protecting Hindus from jihadi terrorists the congress government was misled by fixating on the battle to win the jihadi minds. What is surprising is the eagerness of our intellectuals with closed minds turned a deaf ear to the plight of jihadi Hindu victims.

Now Hindus must join together to reconstruct and develop every dimension of the Hindu world from the standpoint Hindutva as subject rather than object. It requires discipline and devotion to Hindu culture on several levels. The task is for the lion hearted. Hindus need to abandon passivity, irrational tolerance, apathy, and indifference. Hindus can take back cultural traditions and generate more advanced ideas.

Currently Hindu reality is largely defined by our distracters and “irregular people”. Hindu laymen, artists, scientists, teachers and students, social activists and writers must unite, and let a Hindu revolution be born. Hindus should resort to positive violence if need be to thwart our enemies plans. Unless Hindus actively participate in social-political issues, India’s deficit democracy may continue in which our enemies can dominate political discussions and direct our future regardless of the imbecility of their ideologies.

Let India’s deficit democracy be made into a real democracy where the majority Hindus can dictate the destiny of the country.

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