Indian soldiers prevent Chinese from constructing road in Arunachal – A welcome departure from depressing news stories

published on October 29, 2014

Indian soldiers preventing Chinese troops constructing a road in Arunachal Pradesh is a welcome departure from hitherto depressing news stories of Chinese aggression rewarded with chicken biriyani. 
Claims of Chinese on Indian territory one side and Pakistan notably in Kashmir on the other side are legacies of Nehru’s rule whose birth day will be coming next month. Let there be some objective evaluation of his role , contributions positive and negative especially with benefit of hind sight , on that day rather than usual shibboleths of cha cha Nehru. Only way to correct Himalayan blunders is through correct appraisal of past and present. 

A long list of weapons each country has , India and China , is often noted when ever there is flare up of tensions. While quantities have their own significance, spirit and mindset also have equal importance. Vietnam tiny state compared to behemoth of China, stood up to China when it went to ‘teach a lesson’ to Vietnam. Instead China suffered such a bloody nose it learnt one and retreated. 

Vietnam’s model hero is Chatrapati Shivaji. Vietnam President and its foreign minister said so. India is giving training to Vietnamese pilots lessons in flying Sukhoi planes. As you know Shivaji himself faced a much bigger army of Moghuls on one side and Bijapur, Ahmednagar et al on the other. In teeth of opposition thus he carved out a Hindu pada padashahi . 
India now is much better placed than in those times. 

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