‘Indian army reserves right to retaliate’…BUT

published on January 16, 2013

While it is laudable to see no nonsense reaction to attacks by Pakistan, from Indian Army chief, Gen. Singh, it is noteworthy that his remarks also contain the words,
Indian ‘army reserves right to retaliate’. Thus while his reaction advocating tit for tat is natural and befitting,it is obvious that the masters in New Delhi would have none of that with their most favored nation of Pakistan which in their opinion obviously cannot do enough to provoke such a reaction.
India’s foreign minister Salman Kurshid spoke appropriately for the policy of supine appeasement assiduously followed to date by be it  UPA led or NDA led governments in New Delhi.In fact he more or less spoke same way like foreign minister of Pakistan,though not in so cute manner as she did. He advocated ‘measured approach’ what ever that may mean. The measured approach for intruding into Indian territory,capturing a border post , Indian soldiers,beheading them and carrying off a head as a trophy much like medieval times when the cut off heads of Sikhs held on tips of spears were paraded by Islamic armies of that era, certainly is not retaliation as being suggested by Indian Army Chief.
 But here measured approach by Salman Kurshid , FM of India does not include even demanding from Pakistan to hand over those who did the foul deed or at least shooting back at Paki border posts. In fact it does not even include stopping even one cricket match with beloved Pakistan let alone yanking its most favored nation treatment which is extended only by India with out any reciprocity. So far it does not include even canceling Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh’s proposed ‘good will’ visit to Pakistan. May be it will be  delayed perhaps by just two hours,one hour each for one beheaded Indian soldier.
That is about measured approach we can expect from New Delhi. After all Pakistan’s army is not like unarmed followers of Baba Ram Dev in Rama Lila ground who posed great danger to India so they were beaten to death resulting in death of a 50 year old woman, a house wife.
So given such mollycoddling by New Delhi towards Pakistan, the approach advocated by Indian army chief stands out in stark contrast. Hence orders must have gone to him, to say in the same breath, that ‘retaliation will be reserved’. And Pakistan knows it, knows that nothing of the kind as Gen.Singh warned will take place. It knows it is quite safe with New Delhi always guarding its interests. After all then there was a Prime Minister who advocated ‘a strong and prosperous Pakistan’ and he said that will be in India’s interests !  Such ‘mahatmic’ approach continues to date. Therefore another stalwart leader, Man Shankar Ayer says there is no alternative to other than contining peace process and confidence building measures.
So if Indian army takes action how can battered Pakistan will be strong and prosperous? What will happen to peace process and confidence building mesures ? Who will play cricket? What will happen to those in power to day in New Delhi who are not afraid of continuing peace process so that Pakistan will have confidence built that it can continue to attack India with impunity ?
So my friends let us not expect any retaliation however much Indian army wants, but only its reservation. On the other hand it will not be surprising if Mr. Man Mohan Singh expresses sorrow at Pakistan being victim of terrorism and announces aid to it from Islamabad while he is on good will visit. Of course since Pakistan feels reticent to receive any aid from Dhimmies, it will be sent through United Nations which is what New Delhi did last time.
After all what of life of Indian soldier ? A great Congress leader, Dig V Singh says when an Indian joins army he should expect to die for his country. Obviously no such burden exists for those in leadership positions in politics.All we can expect from them is corruption and ineptitude.
May Sri Rama hence  save India,her people, soldiers and patriots, even if politicians do not.

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