India is at war but who cares

via Amitabh Tripathi published on July 29, 2008

By Amitabh Tripathi

In 20 years history of Islamic terrorism in India it was first time when two major cities of country were targeted in span of 24 hours. First, Indian IT city and the most renowned outsourcing place as identity of IT sector Bengaluru was targeted on 25th of July 2008 with eight serial blasts with low intensity killing one woman and injuring more than dozen people. Government of India as well as intelligence agencies with counter terrorist experts were busy in deciphering these blasts and before they could have reached to some conclusive results another string of blasts were waiting for them and this time Islamic terrorists targeted another economic hub and growing economic capital of Gujrat.


Unlike Bengaluru here blasts were intended to kill more people with a shift in terrorist strategy. Blasts in Bengaluru and Ahmedabad had some similarities as both were serial blasts and in both of these places low intensity bombs were used indicating that they were home made explosives with no more high quality explosives as RDX etc. These two blasts were reminiscent of blasts in Jaipur on 13 May this year as well blasts in some courts of most populated Indian state Uttar Pradesh in November 2008. Those blasts had also used bicycle and Tiffin box. Similarities between these blasts are not important only for the purpose of investigation but also for deciphering the motivation and inspiration behind these ghastly acts. On the one hand modus operendi of these blasts indicates that these blasts have been occurred by one organization and their motivation is also the same as it was in blast of Uttar Pradesh and in Jaipur.


 Moments before blasts in Ahmedabad some intelligence agencies and media groups received an email threatening for some blasts. This email was forwarded to these agencies from a terrorist organization Indian mujahideen. This organization was first came in light after blasts in Uttar Pradesh last year when it took responsibility of blasts and later this organization again took responsibility of blasts in Jaipur with sending an email with pictures of bicycle keeping the explosives.  


First time Indian mujahideen send an email to media groups last year after blasts in Uttar Pradesh with a clear message for judiciary and lawyers who refrained themselves from pleading for those terrorists who were responsible for attacks in Uttar Pradesh. At the same time this message was pregnant with an appeal for common Muslims in India after judgment in serial blasts in Mumbai in 1993 where most of the Muslims have been found guilty. Blasts in various courts in Uttar Pradesh were also retaliatory action against police forces that put behind bars few terrorists of Jaish-E-Mohammad just before blasts occurred.


But intelligence agencies as well government of India dismissed this email as a diversionary tact to deviate the entire investigation. No body was ready in India to buy the argument that Indian Muslim has become mujahideens and government as well as media was interested in portraying Pakistan and Bangladesh as real perpetrators. It is a major shift in history of terrorism in India where ISI or HUJI don’t need to be present in country to happen terrorist activities they have indianised jihad as counter terrorism expert B.Raman term it. After blasts in Uttar Pradesh if Indian government had arrested the ideology behind Indian mujahideen and realized that some section of Muslims in India getting radicalized then there would have been some possibilities of preventing the blasts in Jaipur, Benglauru and Ahmedabad. But it never happened and government was busier in PR exercise for Muslims rather than probe in these blasts.


After Jaipur blasts it was felt that entire country is in panic and nobody is ready with any solution because no concrete work has been done on this front. Government and polity in India are busier in abusing each other and making money from any of sources and nobody cares for terrorism. After every terrorist act government agencies come out with routine statements and major opposition BJP condemns government for its soft policies towards terrorism as per example not imposing harsh law against terrorism but nobody is ready to take this problem in its totality.


When Jaipur blasts occurred the same  writer written an article deciphering the message of Indian mujahideen as a manifesto of Jihad. In that message what has been said by Indian mujhaideen had grave implications for Indian security but that message was not taken seriously because in that process government has to indulge in debate of Jihad and Islamism to which they want to avoid. But why this escapism?


In its message after Jaipur blasts Indian mujahideen has categorically stated that they are going to target those Indians who are endorsing those politicians and parliamentarians who are in the eyes of mujahideens are working against the interest of Muslims. In this process this organization named Narendra Modi who was able to become chief minister with majority of seats second consecutive period even after his state witnessed riots and in which riots Muslims lost their lives. This organization owed in that message to target Gujrat and they come to their promise and now they have targeted prominent business man Mukesh Ambani and chief minister of Maharashtra Vilas Rao Deshmukh.


This is another example  how this organization is very shrewdly exploiting the sentiments of common Indian Muslims by targeting to those constituency which has become hypnotized to false theory of atrocity on Muslims worldwide. Indian mujahideen is playing with this sentiment that was the reason why they targeted Gujrat and send an email to declare that they have done this to attract more Indian muslims as their recruiters. Indian mujahideen is targeting Indian economic centers not only to create panic and vitiate communal harmony but they are on jihad against Hindus and their jihad permits them to break the backbone of Indian economy which is predominantly Hindu. In their latest message Indian mujahideen has mentioned chief minister of Maharashtra Vilas Rao Deshmukh because in judgment of Mumbai blasts of 1993 most of the Muslims have been convicted and they want to give political statement to Indian government and Indian Muslims as well.



Counter terrorism expert B. Raman has cautioned Indian government that Indian mujahideen is product of Indian Muslim reaction against some of incidents to which they consider as atrocity on them. In this way he has mentioned demolition of Babri structure in 1992, Gujrat riots in 2002, conviction of most of Muslims in 1993 Mumbai blast and non implementation of Shri Krishna commission of Mumbai riots in 1992. B. Raman gives the list of Muslim grievances but he did not suggest solutions for these grievances. One most important thing which B.Raman has mentioned in his earlier articles is that India could not react in the same manner as America reacted after 911 according to his argument India is a country with more than 15% Muslims in their population with Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan Muslim dominated countries as its neighboring country and if Muslim population of these countries should be considered along with India it counts more than 57% and this is the reason why India should not react to Islamic terrorism as America and Europe has reacted. Argument of B. Raman is very difficult to digest being a senior authority in Indian intelligence agency he has more experience in counter terrorism than any one else but sometimes he talks like an apologetic.  Having all respect for him I am bound to disagree with his arguments and solutions.


This is not the India only where Islamic terrorist are playing with sentiments of common Muslims with false theory of Muslim atrocity. This theory has become cover fire for terrorism. On the one hand intellectuals, academicians and clerics around the world approve this theory and the other hand they dissociate themselves with terrorism but at the same time they are unable to realize how damage they have done to others by intentionally or unintentionally approving this theory. Islamic terrorist has an absurd argument with them that terrorism has its roots in Arab-Israel conflict and once Israel should be dismantled to end this problem. But this is not true as Israel has history of thousands years for their promised land and in 1948 they get what they deserved for thousands years.


Same arguments are going for America as this country has ignited terrorism with attack on Afghanistan and Iraq. But these are peripheral arguments and don’t substantiate with facts. It is really disappointing to see scholars and experts on counter terrorism subjects in every country are confused with solution to this problem. An Israel a country which successfully battled with their neighboring countries in famous seven days war in 1967 started the policy of submission and appeasement to Islamic terrorist after intifada in leadership of Yasser Arafat and since that period Israel has never been able to overcome the threat of terrorism but world opinion is pressing hard Israel to give more concessions to Islamists as well work on the formula of division of Jerusalem into two parts as divided capital of Israel.


Theory of atrocity on Muslim regarding America has the same facts. America very shrewdly used mujahideens against Soviet occupation in Afghanistan but after Islamic revolution in Iran Ayatollah Khomeini has a vision for Islamic supremacy in the whole world after defeating both of super powers named Soviet Union and America. If we go for the arguments of Indian mujahideens in Indian context and which has some endorsement from experts like B.Raman then we would be bound to draw the same conclusion as we have drawn in Israel and America.


Indian Islamic organizations hide behind the veil of argument of reaction of Muslim society against demolition of Babri structure but at the same time they did not tell the whole truth that it was also time of resurgence of Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. After 1990’s decade Jihad became global and Islamist forces come with some ambitious project to rule the world with reshaping it in the background of Shariyat and quran.  It was not the first time in 2002 when riots happened in India but before 1992 and 2002 there were never any blasts in retaliation to these incidents. What change took place in these years we should also keep this fact in our consideration?


Now Jihad and Islamic imperialistic ambitions has become global with clear definition of reshaping this world in light of Shariyat and quran and this movement is not run by any single organization or command forces this has become an ideology and inspiration.


If ISI, HUJI, LASHKAR or JAISH is not going to provide any logical help for groups in India they are capable of doing blasts with indigenous techniques and infrastructure. Time has come for India to realize the gravity of the situation and declare this problem as a war against nation. Unless we would term it as war and define our enemy we are going to suffer in the same manner.

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