India is not just a piece of real estate to be parceled out to all and sundry

published on August 5, 2013

Ref:Chinese troops stop Army from patrolling in Indian territory – PTI Report

LEH/NEW DELHI: Amid a spate of incursions by China in Ladakh, its troops are also resorting to tactics like preventing Indian Army from patrolling posts in this sector along the border which was well within India’s territory.

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Surely the south block where foreign ministry of India is located is busy fashioning a response to yet another Chinese incursion,intrusion or invasion or what ever you want to call it. If the past is any guide, the ministry must be preparing chicken biriyani to serve visiting Chinese which is what was done when China invaded Ladakh just few weeks back, followed by Chinese PM visit to Delhi. Apparently he likes Biriyani so he wants it again, hence yet another intrusion  at the border.

Now Indian army troops will have to take permission from China to patrol Indian territory just like our pilgrims have to take Chinese visa to go to our ancient pilgrimage centers at Manassarovar. But then we have to be thankful because we might have lost Himalayan frontier where not even a blade of grass grows but have gained secularism !

Why does Indian army be  held back in face of Chinese aggression in this manner ? Like what happened in near by sector few decades back when India gave a fitting reply that resulted in many Chinese casualties, what if India exercises right of self defense and fights back Chinese troops ? Is the India the only country be afraid of escalation ? After all it is China which is the aggressor, let them also have fear of escalation. After all Vietnam was not a nuclear weapon state, yet it fought tooth and nail with China when the latter went to ‘teach a lesson’ into Vietnam. The brave Vietnamese instead taught China a lesson.

Thus it is not weaponry alone that determines strength of a nation but also will power, patriotism and uncompromising devotion to the nation,a mother land, indeed a mother herself not just a piece of real estate to be parceled out to all and sundry. All such things of course constitute Hindu nationalism, hence against peculiar secularism that prevails in India which in turn allows China to invade or intrude when ever or where ever it pleases, even worse with Pakistan, which can come and abduct Indian soldiers , torture and behead them only to be paid back with halal mutton, another speciality of South block kitchen.

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