India and US Watchlists

via K. Vijayan published on April 27, 2011

India on US ‘Watch list’ – PTI; 28-4-11

Not just on the Religious Watchlist.

India has been on US’ Lootlist, Soul Harvest List, MPee Shopping List, Emerging Christian States of USA List.

And India tops the list of Global Nations-to-be-exploited-list maintained by the MNCs, Good Shepherds, Inquisitors, Colonisers, Contractors and war-mongers owning and running the USA.

In a continuing Crusade, America leads the christian world in killing off Muhammedans and razing their countries to the ground. How much of Truth is there in the claim that they are doing it for “democracy”, religious freedom etc?

Even less Truth than in the farcical accusations placing India on their Christian Shit List. Ask the American Black, the Original American Red Indian, the gooks, the chinks, the Asiatics and others with their eyes shut tight to everything but the yankee dollar.   

Perhaps Rajiv Malhotra’s book “Breaking India – Western Interventions and DALIT Faultlines” exposing the American Christian onslaught against Hindu India via the dalits, which is making waves in India as well as the USA, has sent the Evangelical Rosary Convertor Establishment masquerading under the title of “US Commission for International Religious Freedom” into the condition we in India recognize as Rectum Spasm Syndrome.

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