Income level of creamy layer among OBC has been increased – For whose sake?

via HK Correspondent published on November 18, 2011

The Union Cabinet on 17 November decided to increase the income level of the Creamy Layer among the OBCs from 4.5 lakhs to 12 lakhs in the metros and 9 lakhs in all other areas in India. This is yet another glaring example of UPA government’s intention to further divide the Hindus in this country. It also gives the impression that the per capita income of an Indian must have gone up to that level. But the fact remains that it is the last nail on the coffin of majority Hindus in the country who do not get benefited by this decision. Only a negligible percentage among the Hindus has the benefit of this decision. In Kerala, it would only help to widen the already existing gap between the two major Hindu communities, the Nairs and the Ezhavas. During the time of Mannathu Padmanabhan and R. Shankar, there were earnest efforts from their sides to bring together these two communities and form a Hindu Maha Mandal, which could have paved the way for a very different political equation in this state. Among other reasons, inclusion of Ezhavas in the OBC category was one reason for the failure of Hindu unification in Kerala and the result is very evident in the state today. In spite of such statutory benefits bestowed on a small faction of Hindus in the state, they have not grown to such a level economically, politically, religiously, educationally or in Business. With over 300% population increase in districts like Malappuram and other parts of the state, Muslims are the real beneficiaries of this government decision and when considered in conjunction with their all round growth in various other areas of life and in the society, majority Hindus in the state have no choice other than ending the life the way the farmers are doing in Malabar area.

Undoubtedly, the Union government’s decision to increase the income level of the OBCs on the wake of the UP election is aimed at next general election and to gain power by hook or crook. Sonia and the conversion lobby conducting under her protection can have a smile in their lips since the converted also remain with their original OBC status. The committee that recommended this increase in income ceiling gave as justification to their recommendation that when they kept the ceiling at 4.5 lakhs per year, they were unable to fill the vacancies reserved for OBCs. Is it not an irony that the very purpose of the reservation and bestowing benefit to BCs and OBCs has been defeated when the Government decided to increase the level of their income to over 1 lakh per month? The reservation system originally brought in for a period of 10 years got extended time and again and now after 63 years, is it not time that the BCs and OBCs should be brought in par with the so called higher cast Hindus in this country. It is high time to do away with the reservation system and brining the country under a uniform civil code and a reservation system for all those who are economically weaker. The existing reservation system will only divide the Hindus and enrich the Muslims and the converted Christians and when the ceiling is raised to unbelievable 1 lakh rupees per month, what the millions of Hindus in this country with less than 3000 rupees per month will do, for the simple reason of being termed as higher caste.

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