Impose social actions against corrupt politicians

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on June 25, 2011

India is ruled by the Mafia politicians.. Mafia political rulers of course will set their criminal priorities and destroy our cultural values. Our ideological values influence our social behavior. I  agree,  that we cannot make absolute statements about all Indians. But we can speak with some assurance  about relative probabilities. For example, we can predict a DMK minister, a Marxist Minister or a phony secular congress leader becoming corrupt and endorsing religious conversion, jihadi terrorism and insulting Hindu dharma are more significant than a BJP minister. A BJP minister’s chance of becoming corrupt or supporting Jihad terrorism or missionary misdeeds are negligible.
One of the reasons for poverty are uncivil rule, poor administration and disastrous income distribution in a civil society. Poor people normally are not indulging in antisocial behavior or commit crimes. Only criminals with criminal thinking commit crime. Culturally educated and trained in Dharma will work hard to improve their life conditions. But the issue of inequality, poverty and crime in India has been at the center of ideological debate for centuries. Differences in nature and personality is not difficult to understand when we consider some basic elements of life. Differences in human nature and different creative talents is a social necessity  and at best is a benefit to society. Elimination of poverty, inequality simply cannot be the issue now.
The issue is how Hindus are becoming poor in a rich country. Why our temple funds are looted and diverted for Muslims and Christians? Why Hindus are not interested in political power in a democratic system? Why are Hindus electing or tolerating corrupt criminal politicians like Karunanidhi, Jayalalitha, Mayavathi, Sonia Maino, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Sarat Pawar and support these deviant apocalyptic political goons?
Our major demand is to eliminate them from politics. One of the debates should be how can we achieve political power and inform, educate and condition Hindus with authentic Santhan Dharma and Vedic values. Well informed, well educated and assertive Hindus with self-esteem can solve  pervasive social problems, corruption, religious conversion and unequal resource distribution for Muslims and Christians.
Today, the battle lines are drawn around the issues of corruption, black money, looting of public money and reeducation of Hindus, liberating Hindu  temples and political power for Hindus. We are faced with the core process of eradicating corruption from Indian society. Hindus should join together and impose strong social actions–both formal and informal against corrupt politicians.

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