If Weakness invites aggression then Ignorance invites death – Need of Hindu Holocaust Museum

via Kuru published on October 6, 2009

Those who do not wish to see Hindu Holocaust Museum are the enemies, or friends of enemies, who wish the HINDUS to forget and PERISH.
It’s a pity that Bapu Gandhi never had the good fortune to visit one in his life time, although one ought to have been established A HUNDRED YEARS ago. He would have seen as to who is the persistent enemy and who is the PERENNIAL victim going through BLOODBATH decade after decade, century after century, year after year.
If not he himself, at least his FOLLOWERS would have been clued up and STOOD UP to the ultimatum of JINNAH who threw the gauntlet at all the HINDUS, “ACCEPT PARTITION OR FACE CIVIL WAR!”
That was over SIX DECADES ago and in this long time the adorers of Gandhi and slaves of DYNASTY have been busy producing the likes of Vijay Prasad who somehow wish the nation to perform in the same despicable cowardly manner as in 1947.
This is not a political expediency or anybody’s personal interest or even an issue for today. IT IS TO ENSURE THE SURVIVAL of HINDUS in South Asia through KNOWLEDGE. If weakness invites aggression then Ignorance invited DEATH. We had BOTH in 1947.
In ignorance people in those doomed five provinces PERISHED and in ignorance the REST OF HINDUSTHAN merely watched as neutral observer and went secular, detached and unconcerned.
“Traitor of Millennium” JL Nehru made us “morons” and imbecile so that when we see a man killed BECAUSE HE IS a HINDU, or a girl abducted and raped because she is a Hindu, we do nothing. We do not reach out to help because we are  SECULAR, not Hindu. Where on earth is the whole nation so SELF DESTRUCTIVE, so de-linked, so detached, so divided, and so STUPID?
None could see the “rivers” of HINDU blood flowing when Pandit Nehru FLOODLIT the whole dark landscape and employed all loudspeakers to blare out “Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai.” day and night.
What he did and even did not do (commission and omission), ALL were powerful though invisible steps towards showing the bloodthirsty destructive ENEMY as decent secular PATRIOTIC fellow citizens, and then, deleting the word “PARTITION” from nation’s psyche, gave them more constitutional rights, concessions & privileges through his Governors, ministers and Minority Commissions.
We cannot expect those who follow SONIA MAINO or the puppet  “lickspittle” PARLIAMENT and the PRESENT day President of India to support the idea of a Hindu Holocaust Museum.
We ought to be vigilant. Our children must not read sanitised sarkari version of HISTORY and downplay the past defeats, massacres and genocides, while ignoring the rising currents that will wash away the Hindus altogether.
It is everyone’s DUTY to educate those who think the Jews are fools and their Holocaust Museums a provocation to their enemies. On the contrary, we should NOTE the courage, FORESIGHT, VISION and WISDOM of the Jews whose tiny State that is standing up as the defiant counterpart of all the ISLAMIC REPUBLICS on earth while our own “mahaan” Hindusthan (20 times her size) has bent and buckled to go secular in order to feed and encourage the same enemies (FOREIGN & the so-called “INDIGENOUS”) once again.
The enemy WITHIN and the SARKAR without have nurtured the vast SADHU/SANT BRIGADE who keep repeating, “We have no enemies on earth!” They have to be reminded that they HAVE enemies.
Enemies are those who fly ISLAMIC FLAG OVER LAHORE AND DHAKA that were once in Hindusthan.
Enemies are those who PREVENT the Hindus having HINDU RASHTRA while flying ISLAMIC flags defiantly, shamelessly and provocatively in LAHORE and DHAKA.
Enemies are those who have forced out all the Hindus from the Valley.
Enemies are those who start INTIMIDATING the Hindus calling someone “HITLER,” someone else “NAZI,” and the others “FUNDAMENTALIST DANGEROUS HINDUS”.
They are the followers of Dr. Goebbles and coined the slogan, “INDIRA IS INDIA!” after she returned our own East Bengal back to the enemy. Such deception was not challenged by anyone.
Enemies are those who prevent or INTIMIDATE us from wanting to establish a HINDU HOLOCAUST MUSEUM which will also explain and illustrate the wretched fate of all the SADHUS AND SANTS who PERISHED across Bharat under Mogul and British rules.
Ironically, Hindu Holocaust Museum is also for the coming generations of those very brainwashed, intimidated and ignorant Hindus who are now opposing the idea instead of supporting its QUICK establishment.
Mr Gautier from France is like a light house in the dark & demoralised Hindu “Maha Sagar”. Let us acknowledge his deep and genuine love of Hinduism and HINDUS. He noticed us PERISH in the past. He wants us to SURVIVE in the future.
Let us HONOUR him.

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