Ideology of Nehru Family Political Congress

via Synonymous published on October 3, 2011

Indian Leftists have Communism, Socialists have Socialism, BJP have Hindutva & Integral Humanism etc., as their ideology. But what is the ideology of Congress (not Indian National Congress of pre-1947 era), that has ruled India for 90% of the time since independence. For ease in differentiation, let us call the present Congress party as Nehru Family Political Congress (NFPC). Every political party in a functioning democracy must necessarily have an ideology and it is a wonder if it can survive without one. If we ask any NFPC man, he will say it is Inclusiveness, Secularism and Socialism. But if one analyse their policies in detail so far, there is not even an iota of inclusiveness, secularism and socialism in any of their programs and practices. NFPC has the maximum number of Hindu-baiters, all their programs are loaded with vote-bank politics and none of their economic policies have anything to do with socialism. Neither Nehru nor Indira nor Rajeev have ever made any attempt to define the ideology of NFPC. But where the party stalwarts have failed, a rank outsider like Manmohan, under the strict surveillance of Sonia, has made it clear in the last six years.
So what is the core ideology of NFPC?

The party’s ideology is clearly embedded in his words when Manmohan proudly announced that the “primary owners of India ’s natural resources are the minorities of India ”. That single statement clearly defines and explains all the programs and policies of NFPC ever since 1947. Manmohan has provided the missing code of NFPC ideology that makes everything crystal clear in retrospect. Remember that India was divided on the basis of religion and Pakistan has already declared itself as an Islamic Republic, though they made some initial attempts to remain secular. In all fairness and natural justice, the entire world will accept the simple fact that the primary right for everything Indian rests squarely with those who practice one of the Indian religions viz. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. But NFPC always had a hidden agenda, which has now come out in open. It explains why NFPC has taken the lead in resuscitating the Muslim League.  It explains why NFPC is now bringing out the Anti-Hindu bill under the guise of an Anti-Riot bill. And it explains many other things, including NFPC’s uninhibited encouragement for religious conversion, reservation after reservations for minorities, vote bank politics and their strong dislike for reservation on the basis of economic status and any effort to promote genuine secularism.

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