IAIF Congratulates Nitin Gadkari

via Press Release published on December 23, 2009
On behalf of the Indian American Intellectuals Forum (IAIF), I, the undersigned hereby convey my heartiest congratulations to Shree Nitin Gadkari on his elevation to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president.

Nitin Gadkari is immensely qualified to hold the post of the President of the BJP because he is a visionary of sweeping ideas and innovative approach, a performer par excellence, an able administrator who believes in attaining results.  He is an iconic leader who will be a great inspiration for the party workers. 

Unlike the Congress Party which derives its sustenance and legitimacy from the Gandhi Family (Jawahar Lal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi), the BJP derives its inspiration from its democratic structure, Indian philosophical traditions and culture.  In the Congress Party, only pliable sycophants and subservient people can expect positions of power and pelf.  But in the BJP anyone believing in the time honored Bharatiya ethos and values and with truly nationalistic spirit can attain the highest post in the party.

That an ordinary person like Nitin Gadkari should be promoted to the exalted position of BJP president is a great tribute to the democratic setup of the party.

A huge responsibility has been given to this relatively young man to steer the ship of BJP and India clear of sharks and shoals in the 21st Century.

At the moment, the BJP is in disarray. Nitin Gadkari has to prove that the BJP is the party with a difference, a party which will be a unifying nationalistic force.  Further, that the BJP is a party of committed, disciplined and patriotic volunteers who are ready to sacrifice their lives at the altar of the nation.  He has millions of volunteers at his command.  He has to give them right directions to get the job done.

Here are some of the suggestions and guidelines for the new president:

Indian media, especially English, is anti BJP and anti Hindu.   BJP should come out with a concrete plan to establish a TV channel on par with American Fox News, NDTV or CNN/IBN to represent mainstream and traditional India .

The BJP should also think of having at least one quality national newspaper to convey its message and with the same ethos as above – be the voice of mainstream and traditional India .

BJP should become vastly more internet savvy and have websites with one million people in A class cities, half a million in B class cities and a quarter million in C class cities to propagate its message.

Indian leaders like Americans do not openly talk about Islamic terrorism.   In order to avoid a repetition of 26/11, BJP leaders should articulate this problem on TV and the internet and educate Indian citizens about the menace of terrorism and give them guidelines as to what they should do during terrorist attacks.

India is a Hindu nation.  83% of the population of India is Hindu.  Hindus are the backbone of BJP and India .  India is a secular nation because it is a majority Hindu nation.  BJP should widely publicize that the Hindu core vision is truly secular, democratic, syncretistic and inclusive.

BJP should work to have Article 370 of the Constitution of India deleted – this is the major cause of Islamic separatism in Kashmir .

The BJP should work to get a Uniform Civil Code implemented for all Indian citizens with a view to unify all of them.

Millions of Indian citizens are still living below poverty level; the BJP should and come out with a detailed program to alleviate this problem within 3 months of Shree Gadkari assuming charge.

The Maoists have become a widespread terrorist threat – they have converted the Hindu nation of Nepal into a Communist regime.  BJP should eliminate them with an iron hand from India .

When the BJP comes to power, the state of Jammu and Kashmir should be converted into 3 administrative regions:  (i) Jammu , (ii) Ladakh, and (iii) Valley.  Patriotic Indian settlements comprised of retired army personnel and Hindus should be encouraged, in and around the Valley, on the pattern of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.  In this connection, it should be noted that through Islamic genocide aided and abetted by Pakistan more than 90% of the Hindus have been forcibly displaced from the Kashmir valley.

Military training should be made compulsory for all the students.

Most of the Hindu leaders when they come on national media do not speak with confidence – they have a very poor media presence.  This gives a wrong impression to the viewers that either they do not know anything or they are not sure about themselves.  This is a very serious drawback.  The BJP should immediately train its spokespersons to be broadcast media savvy.

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