‘I Support NarendraModi’ launched in Kerala.

published on February 5, 2014

                                The Kerala chapter of ‘I Support Narendra Modi’ was inaugurated on 1st February, 2014 in Kochi.  Meenakshi Lekhi, noted Supreme Court lawyer and national spokesperson of BJP inaugurated the meet. The function was presided over by  Meena Das Narayan, Editor in Chief of the luxury magazine, Gulf Connoisseur. The highlight of the event was a session by Prof. Dr R Vaidyanathan, Professor of Finance and Control and UTI Chair Professor in the area of Capital Market, along with the release of his most recent work ‘INDIA UNINC.’.Dr.CV. Ananda Bose, Chairman of the?Central Warehousing Corporation also graced the occasion.

Presiding over the function, Meena Das Narayan said that her reason to endorse groups like ‘I Support Narendra Modi’ was due to her ardent desire to see that her home state of Kerala gets its rightful share of development. ‘Our generation has seen much of degeneration. That should not be the case with the younger generation. They must witness prosperous days and must reap its fruits,’ she said.  

Inaugurating the programme,  Meenakshi Lekhi said that Congress was creating a culture of disrespecting national symbols and heroes, which was the reason why the country has been witnessing mayhem.
‘Congress is trying to subvert national cohesion by adopting divisive politics along communal lines. They have always resorted to a culture of doing away with national symbols that instill a sense of pride in us,’ said  Meenakshi Lekhi. “They have conveniently ignored matters of national concern and have conveniently shoved it all under the carpet. When riots take place, they play communal cards. Congress has always been expediently ignoring the bitter truth of Hindu genocide,” she added.  

The highlight of the programme was the book release of Dr. R Vaidyanathan’s latest work ‘India UNINC.’. The book release was rendered by Meenakshi Lekhi, with a copy of the same handed over to Dr. CV Ananda Bose.  

Following the book release, Professor R Vaidyanathan, who addressed the gathering, highlighted the need for realization that the self-reliant class of small manufacturing units, single entrepreneurs and household enterprises are the most important aspect of our economy. ‘Any growth story about India is incomplete if this real engine of our growth is ignored. India’s real story lies with the many proprietorship and partnership firms and this has been for over the years. The small entrepreneur must prevail over crony capitalism, which alone will usher in change in the country’, said Professor Vaidyanathan, founder Chairperson for the Centre for Capital Market and Risk Management [CCMR] at IIMB and National Fellow of ICSSR.

The existence of small entrepreneurs has been explained with the need for good policy to enable their growth and contribution to employment, he said. India’s non-corporate sector makes up around 45% of our GDP. It is the major source of employment for the majority of our population. Hailing BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi as ‘development icon’, Professor R Vaidyanathan reiterated that change is imminent and inevitable. ‘The self-reliant class that has been completely ignored by the government will be the ones who will usher in change’, he emphasized.  

The highlight of the programme was a brief speech given by  Shaibu Mathai Thomas, a chaiwala hailing from Pathanamthitta, who stressed the need for a leader like Narendra Modi being our Prime Minister because his mantra of  ‘Development to all and appeasement to none’ has held the fascination of not just me, but the entire section of society.

I realized that the Prime Ministership of  Narendra Modiji will contribute in gallons towards my ambition of bringing Bharat to the pinnacle of her glory.‘I was born and brought up in a middle class family and yes!! I proudly declare that I run a tea shop. That is what I do for survival, to earn for my family, who depends on me’, said  Shaibu, evoking a thunderous applause from the audience.

Earlier, a special workshop on social media preceded the function, with social media expert  Renjith Raveendran, a techie from Bangalore highlighting the various ways by which internet media can be harnessed by all alike.

The gathering consisted of members from various profiles of life like entrepreneurs, members of the corporate & legal strata and students. The gathering was also served ‘NaMo chai’ which was sponsored by Shaibu Thomas, with  Meenakshi Lekhi serving the first cup of tea to  Shaibu.

The welcome speech and vote of thanks for the programme were rendered by Vineetha Menon, national coordinator ISN and  Sanju S, ISN team member respectively. Jayshankar Panicker, ISN team member severed as moderator of the event.

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