I pay my obeisance to the life and deeds of the late Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat! -Modi

via http://www.narendramodi.com/post/I-pay-my-obeisance-to-the-life-and-deeds-of-the-late-Shri-Bhairon-Singh-Shekhawat!.aspx published on May 20, 2010


Akhatrij holds a very special place in a predominantly agricultural economy. And a pro-farmer leader has bid adieu to the nation on such an auspicious occasion for the farmers.

The death of former Vice-President and the illustrious Chief Minister of Rajasthan for three times, the late Shri Bhairon Singhji Shekhawat, was a special loss to many like me.

My association with him goes back to the last 35 years. He was a master of wit and humour. To get elected as a people’s representative ever since 1952 is no easy task; it demands big sacrifices on the part of a leader.

While ‘Changing with the Times’ is the norm in current political scenario, he belonged to the rare class of ‘Swimming against the Tide’.

Quite in the beginning of his political career, the late Shri Bhairon Singh faced the ant-jagirdari law. It was a big challenge for a Rajput from Rajasthan to support such a law. Even Several JanaSangh colleagues left him at such a trying time on such a sensitive issue, but Shri Bhairon Singh stood firm on his ground, refusing to go with the vote-bank.

A few years back, Rajasthan witnessed a big turmoil over an incidence of ‘Sati’. Raising voice against the prevalence of ‘Sati’ for a Rajput leader was like committing political hara-kiri. Yet, without caring for the pros and cons or repercussions of such a tough decision, Shri Bhairon Singh roared back: “People fanning public opinion to perpetuate the practice of widow-burning in the guise of ‘Sati’ are enemies of the society.”

Friends, I am sure, Shri Bhairon Singh would continue to show the righteous path to future leaders, amidst the vast cesspool of accusations, spreading canards and untruths and mud-slinging in political arena.

I pay my obeisance to the life and deeds of the late Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat!

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