How to deal with Hindu betrayers?

published on September 13, 2013

Political life requires its nourishment. Quite as important to the survival and vitality, Hindu politicians inject appropriate food unethically. New meanings and feelings are formed .   It is in this way politicians create the kinds of energy necessary to their maturation as a politician. India is the only country in the world,  there is no punishment or monitoring of our politicians. The Media is manipulated in India and we adore our criminal, anti Hindu, anti-national politicians as heroes. Gandhi, Nehru and the dynasty could never be in existence in our culture as members of political leaders. Mamatha Banergie, Jayalatlitha, Mayavathi, Mulyam Sing Yadav, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Sharad Powar, Rahul Gandi and her Italian corrupt Catholic Mother could only survive in India.

These anti-national, anti-Hindu betrayers could have been properly evaluated and analysed by Hindus before they were elected and retained to rule us. Proper assessment of our leaders, corrupt criminal politicians is needed in our culture. The majority voters are so accustomed to the notion that life is to be improved by accepting every human being. We assume that our corrupt, criminal politicians, and betrayers will act appropriately . We therefore emphasize that their criminal public space is not in need of assessment or analysis. With their criminal behavior, anti-Hindu attitude and anti-national, Pro-Islamist policies would fit them in their occupational pursuits. Efforts at evaluating others, assessment of their cunning behavior have degenerated into murky waters.  They in turn tinkered  with our education, and we went along with their diabolically cunning manipulation and looting.  Our politician’s s manipulating techniques, back stabbing, lies and deceits, spiritual blindness, and cunning plans for destruction, the nature of their political  episodes in Hindu India resembles our historic past.

 Without betrayers, Muslims and western Christian colonialists could not come to India or succeed , subjugate us, forcefully convert us, and engage in looting, plundering or ruling over us. Hindus were not in the habit of identifying, evaluating , assessing or punishing our betrayers.   Jaychand  betrayed Prihi Raj Singh Chauhan and supported an invading Muslims warrior.

Robert Clive came to India with 40 criminals. Siraj Dwaula was betrayed by his Prime Minster and Robert Clive was able to establish a Christian Imperialist colony that lasted for more than 300 years in India.  Our nationalist leaders like Veera Pandya Katabomman, Pazhzi Raja, Veluthampi Dalava and Jahanzi Rani could have achieved so many things in India. But  our pro-Hindu, nationalist leaders were defeated and butchered by our enemies with the help of fellow Hindu betrayers. The nature of destructive behavior of Hindu traitors now  and their bogus stance may resemble our historical past. Looking at more evidence of of our selfish political leaders against our Hindu causes  adequately  explain the uniformity of destructive and deviant behavior of Hindu political traitors, betrayers and sell out crowds.

Hindus believe that an atmosphere of harmony, tranquility, and human relatedness make our political field a precious place to all citizens.  We think falsely all “religion are the same” for all  Muslims and Christians to feel a sense of fitting and belonging.  Hindus want  them to feel valuing of them, and they have an intrinsic and inviolate claim to respect. These dimensions of harmony, and reverence often misinterpreted by Muslims and Christians as weakness of Hindus. They are   in India to gain political power and grab whatever they want.

Hindus believe in pluralism, secularism, democracy, and respect all living and non-living things. We look at the stars and moon, and sun and wonder the creator and respect all his creations. Hindus are spiritual. But unfortunately Muslims and Christians believe and practice violence, Jihad terrorism, cultural Jihad, love Jihad, violence , coercive and deceptive religious conversion.

The spread of violence, deception, lies  and irrational tolerance has ruined our nation. The violence, corruption, nepotism, discrimination of Hindus are everywhere in India.  or could it be because of our denial, indifference, apathy and zombie like behavior? Why? It does not work and what could be done to set it right.


One of the most important aspects of political life is setting limits. Without limits there could no positive, trouble free life. Limits define the boundaries of political life and ties it to reality. They remind the politicians of their responsibilities to the nation, to the electorate and to himself. They offer security and sanity to the electorates and at the same time permit the political leader freedom and moral life. They help the elected representative to be responsible and their life a rewarding ethical experience.

A time limit is a clear and correct dimension of politics. At the age of 87 Advani, the so called BJP leader could have ended his political carrier. The majority of Hindu activists must set limits for our politicians. Generally, the elected politicians should not be permitted to abuse us mentally, socially and should never be allowed to endorse or support Pro-Islamic policies.On any reason, Hindus should not allow Muslims and Evangelists to engage in smear campaign against Hindus.  

Limits may be thought of as the requirement inherent in the realities of present day situations in India. Without them, the political leaders would move in threatening areas and utter meaningless and chaotic words to stimulate anxiety, unreasonable guilt and chaos among the majority Hindus. They remain in active politics to mentally misdirect Hindus to unfamiliar and threatening areas which might stimulate confusion , anxiety and failure. These betrayers will unnecessarily induce feeling of discomfort and disunity and seriously threaten Modi’s victory.

In most instances Hindus ought to impose limit on politicians. Active and proud Hindus must decide what to do to enforce a limit. Those who oppose Modi’s prime ministership might  stand with Hindus  out of bounds.  Whatever they do should not be permitted to do certain things.It is  these process of structuring and setting of limits that Hindus can elect the person they want and the general election become meaningful for the majority.  The election becomes the real and true expression of free will of the majority.

Limits exist everywhere in politics, in administration, in judiciary and in relationship. Hindus can grow  and develop within limits of its own potentialities, talent and structure. In politics too, there must be an integration of freedom and order if Hindus involved can actualize their potentialities.  Hindu nationalist leaders and intellectuals must set limits on politics and must ensure that Mulayam Sign Yadav, Jayalatyhia, Sharda Powar, Mamtha Benerji and Myavathi and retarded Rahul have no part in politics.  We are not imposing restrictions, rather than merely a limitation to allow these criminal politicians to dictate and decide the destiny of the majority Hindus. A starfish  cannot be a starfish without the particular form which identifies as a starfish. It can develop as a starfish and use its capacities only within its own defined structure.

Limits provide the boundaries to structure in which growth can occur . In India, the majority never impose any limits and accept evil as it is. Limits imposed by the majority Hindus is existential and meaningful as the inherent requirements of current situation in India. Hindu organizations must establish limits and restrictions on our adversaries. Hindus  must realize their strength, must know or ought to know what is good for the nation. This means that a limit set with one corrupt politicians may not be set with another pro-Islamic, anti-national criminal politician. Every limit and restriction, we impose must be based upon their false and brutal belief system and anti-Hindu, anti-national behavior.  Such restrictions and limitations must be based on current realities but not based on ignorance, denial, apathy or on illusion or abstract delusion. Failure to do so will make our criminal politicians thrive,  and anti Hindu groups to grow and threaten our existence.

Our criminal politicians have made Indian economy in ruin. Indian majority are suffering from unemployment, under employment, inflation and lack of infrastructure. Crime, violence, Jihadi terrorism, coercive religious conversion are on the increase. India’s  majority are under bondage. They are eagerly waiting for the day when it will be set free from bondage and decay.  To upset the rhythm  to escape from corruption and jihadi slaughter, deceptive conversion, Hindus must be active in politics. There is o escaping from the responsibility.

 Today it is more urgent . The countdown has already begun.  The concern is no longer an unselfish one. The issue has become a matter of our survival.Hindu organization can exert a strong influence as they try to unite people  in a common case that has the backing of Hindus around the world. Hindu activism and participation in politics  may prove to be the opportunity we have been waiting for. This kind of of active participation may help to demonstrate the relevancy of Hindu Dharma in a jaded generation that assumes Hinduism has lost its power to address itself to India’s problems.

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