“How long can the SHEEP stand in the way of the WOLVES?”

via Kuru published on September 21, 2010


Mohammed Ali JINN, too, went to the “Supreme Court” of the ‘time immemorial’ that was located in NOAKHALI, Bengal, to get his demand for Pakistan accepted by the formidable Hindu STALWART Nehru and the holiest Hindu MAHATMA Gandhi.

The verdict of that ISLAMIC Supreme Court was the “DAGGER” that disemboweled thousands of Hindus and delivered countless women and girls to RAPE & mutilation within days.

Heroism, valor, deeds and teachings of Sri Krishna, Sri Rama, Rani of Jhansi, Shivaji, Guru Gobind Singhji, Banda Bahadur and General Hari Singh Nalwa FAILED to inspire or motivate our great HINDU nation to launch an unforgetaby fearsome COUNTER ATTACK.

Mother Nature’s Law of “BRUTAL MIGHT IS ALWAYS RIGHT!” saw the hope of INDIAN Muslims promptly fulfilled but ours DASHED.

The LARGEST Islamic State on earth was created within the national borders of India without even a pistol being fired while the brave, professional, well trained and well disciplined Indian ARMY looked on helplessly , confined to their barracks while the ENEMY raised his flag in LAHORE & MULTAN.

The question is: “How long can the SHEEP stand in the way of the WOLVES?”

The verdict of any High Court and the Supreme Court in PARTITIONED India, where the Hindus are meant to be bashed and crushed by “Italy, Islam & Dynasty”, is a foregone conclusion.

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