How to become a Gou Bandhu?

via published on July 23, 2010

GOU BANDHU – Cow, the dearest of all mothers.

With great pride we say, ‘This is my house, my car, my wife and my child’…so why not have ‘My Cow’ also?

Today, cow who nourishes us all our life has become a distant relative and a day may come when the indigenous cow may vanish from the world.

Before that calamity befalls, let us remind ourselves of our bond with Gou Matha and become her “Bandhu- a kin’ and rekindle the ambers of love for her.

‘Gou Bandhu’, a scheme inspired and willed by His Holiness Srimad Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shree Shree Raghaveshwara Bharathi Swamiji makes it possible for you to call a cow yours.

WE facilitate the adoption of a cow/bull/calf of your choice from or goushalas.

How to become a Gou Bandhu?

.You can contact us at our office/goushala and choose a cow for adoption .You will receive information with regard to your cow’s welfare from time to time .We invite you to visit the goushala and spend time with your and other cows .You can be with your cow on your birthday or her birthday and feel the closeness .Your name will be inscribed along with the cow’s name at the goushala .Maintenance and feeding of a cow for one year is Rs18,000/- and above. For 6 months Rs9000/- at the rate of Rs50/- per day. However you are welcome to contribute more .Your contribution is exempt from IT under 80G .Cheques/DD may be drawn in favour of ‘Gou Bandhu’

Those of you, who cannot take care of a cow at home, do not miss this opportunity to show her you love and gratitude for all the milk, butter and ghee she has showered on you and your children.

If you need further details please contact

Administrative Office:#2A,Shree Ramashrama, J.P.Road, Girinagar 1Stage, Bengaluru- 560085

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