How and where does Rahul becoming the next PM fit in this picture of parliamentary democracy?

via Dr Mrs Hilda Raja published on June 24, 2011

When on the 19th June Rahul Gandhi completed 41years there was a wish from Digvijay Singh-that it was time for Rahul to become the Prime Minister NOW. This was widely reported in both the print and the electronic media. Digvijay is one of the secretaries of the Congress and also the mouth piece of Rahul Gandhi if one carefully analyses his utterances and statements. It is of course another thing that Digvijay as most of the Congress men conveniently do-made a U-turn and stressed that his statement did not have the ‘Now’ time frame but that he saw all the potential required to become a PM in RG.

Most of the people were stunned at the Digvijay’s statement not because he uttered something which has not being bandied about that RG is the next PM but that it was time for RG to become the PM was outrageous because there is already a PM functioning or not functioning thanks to RG and his mother Sonia Gandhi’s dual power centres in the governance.

It must have certainly ruffled and hurt Manmohan Singh which the Congress realized that it fielded Jayanthi Natarajan to smoothen the ruffled feathers of the Prime Minister and reeled out how he is doing a good job etc. It was insult to injury because the game play was evident and Digvijay stood exposed-he had quickly and quietly to make a U-turn. Blame the media for putting words in his mouth and clarify that all that he said was that RG had all the potential of being a PM.!

It has been now seen, known and talked about that the scion of the Gandhi family as the next Prime Minister. P.Chidambaram and Kapil Sibal forget that there is a democratic process. They who lecture to us on democracy should realize that what they project is monarchy or at the most an oligarchy. We have opted for a Parliamentary democracy they often repeat when it comes to the assertion of the civil society’s demands against corruption. How and where does Rahul Gandhi becoming the next PM fit in this picture of parliamentary democracy? Chidambaram lectured to us about a democratic process. Is this process reserved only for the civil society and RG ascending the throne is outside the purview of the constitutionality of the Indian Republic ?

Dynasty regimes are no indicators of Parliamentary democracy. The Congress coterie has been reminding the nation that RG is ready and that RG is the next PM .Perhaps the Congress is bankrupt of leadership and apart from the Gandhi family cannot even think of any other leaders. This is the mindset and the chemistry in which the Congress has evolved and been nurtured. The Congress is not the nation- and the Gandhi family is not the nation too. This is an obsession of the Congress-a mental aberration that it suffers from. The people of India demand the process of democracy to throw up a leader to lead the nation and that surely need not be a Gandhi. It will be disastrous to have a Nehru-Gandhi family in the PM’s chair.

Now let’s have a cursory look at the potentials of Rahul Gandhi. Is Rahul Gandhi eligible to become the PM? Should the country not expect a capable and a well qualified person to hold the Prime minister’s post? Being the scion of the Gandhi family is the only qualification RG has and does that qualify him to lead the nation?

Let us view the Curriculum Vitae of Rahul Gandhi.He is a school drop out-then obtained admission in St Stephens on Sports quota. Again could not complete the course and dropped out hardly after one semester. He got admission in Cambridge on donation quota and there again dropped out because he could not obtain the minimum grades.

Well he talks of democratization of the party but he and his mother alone are outside such changes. Hence simply because he is RG he was promoted as the General Secretary of the Congress. He won the elections not because he could showcase any achievement because Amethi is the pocket borough of the Gandhis.

Just look at the performance of Rahul Gandhi as an MP. He who is suppose to represent and champion Youth power.The national average attendance of an MP is 77 %.Rahul Gandhi’s attendance is 47%. Rahul Gandhi’s asked zero questions.Similarly the national average for debates attended by MPs is 15.6 Rahul Gandhi attended zero debates. This is the icon of youth power

Amethi had five generations of Nehru Dynasty and look at the parameters of development in Amethi
Literacy level 39.5 % while the national average is 65 % .50 percent of the people are below the poverty line and only 15% of the population has access to electricity And vaccination level is below 16 percent.16 % of the children die below the age of 5 years.

When it comes to a very crucial eligibility factor Rahul Gandhi must clearly state whether he holds dual citizenship and an Italian passport. Are Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi Italian citizens? Then, both are not eligible to hold any constitutional position. They need to make this clear, because time and again Dr Subramaniam Swamy has raised this issue but there was only a stony silence .The nation has right to have an answer to this crucial question. Chidambaram and Digvijay who lecture on parliamentary democracy must clear this doubt-a crucial eligibility criterion for any constitutional post.

Rahul Gandhi whom the Congress and Digvijay holds out to the nation as the next Prime Minister must be more honest when he addresses the rural poor. He speaks of two Indias-one poor India and the other rich India , and he claims to belong to poor India . Is it a joke or an insult to the poor of India when he states this-he who celebrates his birthday bash in London and holidays in Switzerland claims to belong to poor India ? Poor Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party –they seem to have lost their bearings-but the people of India fortunately have not.

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