Hostility against yoga – How long closed dogmas can enslave its followers in slavery, in darkness?

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on December 9, 2008
Islamic hostility against anything spiritual, progressive,
holistic and transcendental is nothing new. It is as old as Islam. As a
closed, rigid, non-compromising, reductionist and regressive dogma,
Islam is against tolerance, freedom, and individual spiritual pursuit.
Yoga has been declared as a scientific panacea for several physical
ailment. It is natural, holistic and can be practiced by anybody
without religious discrimination. People in the west, and the east
practice Yoga for health benefits and spiritual progress for thousands
of years. The effects are empirically proved. As a rigid and
reductionist paradigm, Islam has to use force and violence to keep its
closed dogma as it is. Once freedom of thinking and spiritual practices
are allowed to Muslims, Islam will wither away. Mullahs and Islamic
leaders have a vested interest from preventing Muslims
to follow independent, beneficial, spiritual and healthy practices.
Several Christians, Jews and secularists practice Yoga without
reservations and benefit enormously from Yoga practices. Certain
fundamentalist Christians are against Yoga fearing it will expose
Christians to spiritual practices away from the closed, fundamentalist
Churchianity. Holistic medicine and Eco-systemic theories have
conclusively proved that Yoga is healthy and reduces several ailments.
Like Islam, Churchianity is a closed, rigid and reductionist dogma
which allows no independent and beneficial transcendental practices.
They clergy wants to keep its followers in perpetual slavery without
freedom to escape. These fundamentalist Christians and Islamic
religious leaders are afraid of freedom and spiritual pursuits.

Several secular Christians have escaped from the dogma and have
endorsed Yoga as a healthy practice. In spite of Islamic and Christian
hostility, Yoga and Eco-systemic-spiritual practices are spreading all
over the world. How long closed dogmas can enslave its followers in
slavery, in darkness?

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