Honor the wicked and blame the Victim

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on June 24, 2010

Central Government in India and several state governments are still ruled by phony secularists, Marxists and divisive regional parties with no moral ideology. They hate the majority Hindus. The insults, verbal abuse, and attacks on Hindus are so severe that anyone who contradicts them is labeled as a bigot and ignorant.  India is under siege from within and without. The tidal wave of evil is sweeping over our nation. Jihadi terrorism, deceptive religious conversion, subversive activities, mass murder of innocent Hindus, corruption, police inefficiency and bureaupatholgy are rampant.

Maoists are blowing up passenger trains, killing security police, burning down police barracks, and continuing mass murder with impunity. Only in India, Jihadi terrorists who kill innocent people can get anticipatory bail and continue their mayhem.

At the heart of the bogus secularism is a belief that all people are basically good, all political ideology including subversive politics and religions are the same, and thus individuals can’t be really be held accountable for the criminal acts they commit. The phony secular tactic is that it is better just to talk with deadly Jihadi terrorists, Maoist murderers and organized criminal gang. They are basically  good, and reasonable at heart .  Rather than bringing criminals and murderers to justice or fighting to stop these criminals committing heinous crimes against innocent citizens, they are honored by the media and mindless politicians.

Marxists, leftist academicians, alienated intellectuals and phony secularists have a difficult time seeing moral issues clearly because most of them are moral relativists. They reject any standards of good and bad, right and wrong.

In their view criminals, Jihadi terrorists, Maoist murderers and organized criminal gangs are on a path toward enlightenment and the concept of justice and punishment are primitive. A case in Point: Abdul Nasser Madani, a Jihadi terrorist leader in Kerala is wanted for several bombing cases. The Bangalore Judicial Magistrate issued an arrest warrant against him.  The police case is non-baleable. Instead of apprehending Jihadi Madani , who is a thug and terrorist, he is treated like a gentle statesman.  The media and the Marxist-Congress politicians invented Madani as a political genius, a peacemaker and a social leader not as a terrorist.

In their eyes, those who blow up passenger buses and trains and kill innocent people and destroy government offices are driven to such evil acts because of social injustices.  Bombers, who brought devastation to police barracks, buses, trains, restaurants, busy shopping centers, and even  schools are given the designation “fighters for social justice”.  Hidden behind such grand title is hate-filled attack against Hindus. The victims of the crimes are seen as the causes of the problem, and perpetrators are seen as innocent and exploited. The same Marxist-liberal-secular politicians believe the lie that criminal acts must be blamed on Hindu society or on psychological or economic circumstances. Terrorist victims are demonized and mass murderers are glorified.

Marxist government in Kerala, and the Sonia government at the Center coddle crime, violence and Jihadi terrorism, by refusing to confront them.  Instead they feed them. The Police, Judiciary, and the Criminal Justice Administration become paralyzed when dealing with criminal Jihadis, organized gangs, and the subversive groups with apocalyptic ideology.
Honor the wicked and blame the victim is the motto of the Indian secular government, mindless Marxists and the leftist liberals.

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