Honing Celina, Yogic Ramdev, worrying Christians and Gleeful Gays

published on July 19, 2009

Media creating controversies or mastermind propaganda against Hindu religion?: How the media has been clever enough to create controversies by asking one person view about anything and then going to another to respond to what the first person said and so on. Otherwise, in what way, Celina has to do anything with Ramdev? The pressman puts a leading question that so-and-so is supporting gays and gays rights, immediately, the respondent comes with his / her view. The media picks up and the stories are spun; articles written; blogs created. The following has been such media-meddling compiled and pruned for brevity. However, if one closely or deeply goes into the subject matter, the affected party has been the church only, as it has long theological implications questioning the fundamental tenets of Christianity. That is why the Christians are now worried about the implications and complications that are going to arise.

1. Delhi High Court decriminalizes homosexuality in landmark judgment[1]:Gay rights activists in India claimed victory on July 2nd 2009 when the Delhi High Court issued a landmark ruling decriminalizing gay sex between consenting adults and overturned a 148-year-old British colonial-era legislation that outlawed homosexuality by describing a same-sex relationship as an “unnatural offence.” The Delhi High Court said that homosexual sex among consenting adults is “not a crime,” effectively scrapping Section 377 of the Indian penal Code (IPC) which criminalizes “carnal intercourse against the order of nature, with any man, woman or animal,” and is widely interpreted to include homosexual sex in India. “We declare that Section 377 of IPC in so far as it criminalizes consensual sexual acts of adults in private is violative of Articles 14, 21 and 15 of the Constitution,” the Bench comprising Chief Justice A.P. Shah and Justice S. Murlidhar said. “Consensual sex amongst adults is legal which includes even gay sex and sex among the same sexes,” said the division bench of the court. However, “the provision of section 377 IPC will continue to govern non-consensual penile non-vaginal sex and penile non vaginal sex involving minors,” the court said. The court further said that this judgment would hold till Parliament chooses to amend the law. “In our view Indian Constitutional Law does not permit the statutory criminal law to be held captive by the popular misconception of who the LGBTs (lesbian gay bisexual transgender) are. Equality and inclusiveness are the tenets of the Constitution. Equality should not be read literally, but in true spirit. It cannot be forgotten that discrimination is antithesis of equality and that it is the recognition of equality which will foster dignity of every individual,” the bench said in its 105-page judgment.

1.1 Catholic Sonia government has been silent: Though the “conservative” Indian government remained tightlipped and refused to comment on the judgment, gay rights activists have hailed the court verdict as historic and many supporters of homosexuality were seen celebrating with sweets and smearing each other with vermilion. “We have finally entered into the 21st century. We have been fighting for this right for eight years. Gay people are part of this democracy,” said Anjali Gopalan, leader of Naz Foundation, a leading health and gay rights lobby. “We cannot exclude a section of society just because of their homosexual nature. We never demanded repealing of Section 377 IPC. We simply sought that unnatural sexual acts between consenting adults be excluded from the purview of Section 377 of the IPC,” Gopalan said. “We are excited that Section 377 vis-a-vis unnatural sex has been excluded from the purview of regressive penal provision,” said Mehak Sethi, the advocate for the petitioner.

1.2. The petitioners: Naz Foundation: Naz Foundation, which works to prevent the spread of HIV and began a legal challenge to the law in 2001, had argued the law violated rights to privacy and equality guaranteed under the constitution, and was used to harass or blackmail gay men and women in return for money or sex. However, in 2004, the Delhi High Court had dismissed the same petition, saying that it was an academic challenge to the constitutionality of a legislative provision, which could not be entertained[2]. It also ruled that Naz Foundation was not an affected party under the law. But when the order was challenged before the Supreme Court, judges directed the lower bench to hear arguments in the light of present-day issues facing India[3]. Leading gay rights activist and the editor of India’s first gay magazine Ashok Row Kavi welcomed the judgment but said the stigma against homosexuals will persist. “The social stigma will remain. It is [still] a long struggle. But the ruling will help in HIV prevention. Gay men can now visit doctors and talk about their problems. It will help in preventing harassment at police stations,”[4] Kavi told the BBC. “The ruling is a huge step forward. It is fantastic. I hope the government of India accepts the Delhi High Court decision. It has been an eight-year battle and I am glad it came through,” said Vikram Doctor of Gay Bombay.

1.3. Aanchal Trust: The feelings of the gays: “Till now we were considered to be criminals. If a gay couple wanted to buy a house together, it was not possible. No financial institute would even consider them,” Doctor said. “There are gangs who target gays as they would not go to a police station for the fear of being booked themselves. Even some policemen are part of these gangs. Thanks to the repeal, we can now start fighting and demand our rights,” he said. “I don’t know whether I want to cry or laugh. I’ve got goose bumps down my arms and there’ve been so many who just burst into tears when the verdict was passed. The law was so repressive and regressive and after eight years of this case being in court, it’s a feeling of freedom we’re experiencing that’s hard to put into words,” said lesbian activist Geeta Kumana, of the Aanchal Trust.

1.4. Gay and Human right groups: “We are elated. It’s a path-breaking, a historic judgment,” said Aditya Bandyopadhyay, lawyer and gay rights activist. “I think what now happens is that a lot of our fundamental rights and civic rights which were denied to us can now be reclaimed by us,” Bandyopadhyay said. “The government has so far been pandering to narrow parochial groups, religious groups[5] but the court order shows that India is ruled by constitutional laws and not by vote-bank politics,”[6] he added. “This is a long-awaited and incredible judgment. The judges in their verdict spoke about inclusivity, equality and dignity. They spoke about a vision of India as an open, tolerant society and to hear all this from the Delhi High Court was amazing,” said Gautam Bhan, gay rights activist. Human Rights Watch has hailed the ruling “a victory for basic rights to privacy, non-discrimination and liberty.” According to Scott Long, director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Rights Program at Human Rights Watch, “This long-awaited decision testifies to the reach of democracy and rights in India.” “This legal remnant of British colonialism has been used to deprive people of their basic rights for too long. British colonizers introduced Section 377 to India in 1860. It became a model for similar sodomy laws imposed on other British colonies, and comparable provisions survive today from Singapore to Uganda,” Long said.

1.5. Blaming colonial legacy: “Most of the world’s sodomy laws are relics of colonialism. As the world’s largest democracy, India has shown the way for other countries to rid themselves of these repressive burdens,” he said. Health activists, which have also criticized Section 377, as it acts a barrier in the fight against HIV/AIDS by forcing homosexuals to go underground and making it harder for HIV/AIDS activists to reach them, have also welcomed the ruling. India’s National Aids Control Organization (NACO), a department that operates under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, had supported Naz Foundation and in its court application, had said that Section 377 and the suspicion it breeds is obstructing its HIV/AIDS prevention program. “The Delhi High Court has restored the dignity and human rights of millions of men who have sex with men and transgendered people in India,” said Michel Sidibé, executive director, UNAIDS, in a statement. “Oppressive laws such as section 377 drive people underground, making it much harder to reach them with HIV prevention, treatment and care services.”

1.6. The relation between “gayism” and AIDS: Though since the 1980s, courts in countries such as Britain, Australia, South Africa and the United States have issued verdicts against similar laws that made same-sex activity a crime, more than 80 countries still have legislation that prohibits same-sex behavior, Sidibe said. The Indian verdict, however, “sends a positive message to countries where such laws still exist,” she added. According to a report released last year by UNAIDS, about 2.4 million of the world’s 33 million people infected with HIV live in India, of which about 1 million are women. Thursday’s court verdict came after nine years of legal proceedings initiated by India’s gay groups. Under the current law, which was promulgated in 1861, homosexual sex is punishable by up to 10 years in jail. Petitions to change the archaic law have so far been firmly rejected by the government but there has been some softening up on the stand in recent years, with officials saying the possibility of revoking the ban was being discussed. It is not known how the ruling, which can be appealed at the Supreme Court, will be welcomed in India, a country where acts of public hugging and kissing even among heterosexuals triggers glances of unapproval and sometimes beatings. However, several celebrities, who recently stepped outdoor to support the cause of the homosexuals, as various cities in India witnessed gay pride marches, said the judgment reflected a “mature society” and a “progressive India.”

1.7. Celebrities support the judgment: One such person is Bollywood actress Celina Jaitley, who has been advocating the rights for gays for nearly a year. “I’m overwhelmed. It’s great not to be criminalized for being a human being and what you do in your bedroom,” Jaitley said. Agrees fashion designer Wendell Rodricks. “It is a historic moment for all of India. I feel very proud to be an Indian today. It has been a long fight. Now, one is not a criminal when anyway one was not in the first place,” Rodricks, a gay, said. “It is a move in the right direction and I would go further to say that India is not a religion-run state and this decision is restoring dignity to a community that has been fighting for a long time,” he said, noting that homosexuality is slowly gaining acceptance in some parts of India, especially in its big cities with many bars having gay nights, and some high-profile Bollywood films having dealt with gay issues. Thus, the undue interest shown by Bollywood stars in LGBT has also been intriguing.

1.8. Legalizing the gay-marriages: Meanwhile, though it was not immediately clear whether the ruling would eventually lead to legalization of gay marriages in the country, a top law officer said it could be the next demand from the gay community. “This will be the next level of demand from the gay community,” said Indira Jaising, additional solicitor general. “Adults cannot be denied this right as it would be against their fundamental right of equality,” Jaising, who has fought for the legalization of homosexuality for more than seven years on behalf of the Naz Foundation, said. Agrees Naz’s Gopalan. “This is just the first step in a longer battle,” Gopalan said.

2. Celina counters Ramdev claim of “curing” gays:
“Ridiculous,” says Bollywood’s champion of gay rights, Celina Jaitley on how self styled `doctors’ like Baba Ramdev are claiming to `cure’ homosexuality. “With all due respects to Baba Ramdev he may have the so called `cure’ but the point is LGBT community does NOT see homosexuality as a disease. No one is interested in buying this over-the-counter prescription for curing what is not a disease at all . It is who they are. They are not interfering in anyone’s life or religion but unfortunately everyone wants to interfere in theirs and tell them how they should eat, sleep and have sex.” She adds, ” People should not be judged on basis of what they do in their bedroom because if it was only about that… some of our taxes would have to be deployed into a special bedroom vigilance force which I am sure these babas would love to lead.” Calling Baba Ramdev ‘Samaaj Ka Thekedaar’ she feels he is a yoga teacher and should remain one. “Just because he is a yoga maestro, he cannot and does not have the qualification or degrees to diagnose an illness without any medical background because it would fall under fake medical malpractice.” Celina, says, “Even if Baba Ramdev screams from every rooftop of India, the reality is homosexuality will not cease to exist.” When asked if she feels there is any `cure’ for ignorance, she said, “Baba Ramdev is not ignorant, he is doing whatever his remote upbringing and closed mindset is dictating him to do.”

2.1. The Media blares against Ramdev siding with Celina: The headlines of the media including cyber one has been as follows:

Ø Celina and Baba Ramdev lock horns[7]

Ø Celina wages war against Baba over homosexuality[8]

Ø Celina is agitated about Baba Ramdev’s sexist comments[9]

Ø India’s dislike of homosexuality is deeply rooted in its culture and religion[10]

The Mumbai bishop has been consistently opposing the LGBT on TV-channels, but he is spared, but only Ramdev has been picked up. Thus, the foreign media and the Christian missionaries too targeted him. The following has been one example.

3. India’s dislike of homosexuality is deeply rooted in its culture and religion[11]: If the name “Baba Ramdev” means nothing to you, then it is safe to say you are not an Indian – or a yoga enthusiast. The 43-year-old guru’s international yoga camps – where he preaches a “medicine free world” – have been attended or watched on television by an estimated 85 million people worldwide, making him one of the most recognisable Indian faces on the planet. He is Hinduism’s very own Billy Graham[12]. But the usually peace-promoting Swami has been causing consternation this week, after he criticised the Indian high court ruling which legalised homosexuality in Delhi. The Telegraph’s Dean Nelson (South Asia editor and blogger) reports: Baba Ramdev, who counts senior government ministers among his devotees, issued a particularly strong response. In his petition he compared homosexuals to “other anti-social groups”, and said legalisation would have a “negative effect” on the young, while increasing the prevalence of HIV/Aids. “These are unnatural acts not designed for human beings. The decision of the High Court, if allowed to sustain will have catastrophic effects on the moral fabric of society and will jeopardise the institution of marriage itself. This offends the structure of Indian value system, Indian culture and traditions, as derived from religious scriptures,” it said. Baba Ramdev’s petition serves to underline India’s deeply conservative attitudes towards homosexuality. But it also reminds us where those conservative attitudes are rooted: Indian values, cultures and traditions – as well as Indian religious scriptures.

3.1. Colonial sin ans Noah’s Injunction: In a recent book review, Johann Hari argued that it was missionaries who instilled in the colonial East a Victorian understanding of “sin”. He writes: In Somerset Maugham’s novel Rain, a missionary complains, “I think [it] was the most difficult part of my work, to instill in the natives a sense of sin.” But they did. They succeeded. They soaked the East in a Western sense of sin, and saw it freeze up into a new frigidity. Johann isn’t the only one. Amnesty International and the BBC seem convinced that Indian anti-gay attitudes miraculously sprung up 149 years ago. I don’t buy it. Yes, missionaries and British colonialists certainly helped to enshrine these attitudes in Indian law (the infamous “Section 377”, first drafted in 1860), but Hinduism has for centuries treated homosexual men and women with disdain. The Manava-Dharmasastra (the laws of Manu, Hinduism’s Noah) are one of the earliest examples of Hindu textual doctrine. They describes how if a married woman is found to be a lesbian, she should have her head shaved and have two of her fingers cut off. Bizarrely, she should also “be made to ride on a donkey”. For men who engage in homosexual acts, it’s less barbaric – they simply lose their high caste, and become social outcasts. Thus, the blame-game against Hindu religion started!

3.2. Blaming Hindu religion finally: Let’s be clear about this: Hindu traditions don’t easily die. As William Dalrymple has brilliantly explored in City of Djinns, gay men of low caste still find themselves living as Hijras in India today. They become part of the so-called “third sex” of transgender men, shunned by society, discriminated against, and often forced into prostitution. So if homosexuality is going to be legalised all over India – and worrying HIV/AIDS statistics suggest it should be, very quickly – it will have to overcome a multitude of religious obstacles. Most of these will come from Baba Ramdev and some of his BJP-supporting allies. But you know what? Something tells me India’s 150 million Muslims aren’t going to help, either [note the mischief of pitting Muslims against Hindus.].

4. Celina Jaitley locks horns with Baba Ramdev over homosexuality[13]: Challenging the Delhi High Court’s decision over homosexuality, Baba Ramdev had called homosexuality a `disease’ which he claimed he can cure through yoga. Reacting to the claim, Celina Jaitley said `self-styled doctors’ like Ramdev’s opinion is ridiculous. Asked about the actress’ comment, Baba Ramdev said the actress knew nothing about the culture of the country. “They stay away from their parents and have no morals,” he said. Gays, Baba Ramdev said, “were like animals who do not realize what brings happiness. They are selfish and only care about themselves and not their families.”

4.1. An interview with Celina Jaitley[14]: Recently Baba Ramdev publicly made comments around sexual life of ‘actresses like Celina Jaitly’ on the front page of a leading newspaper. On her standing up for gay rights, he stated, ”These actresses know nothing about Bhartiya sanskriti. They stay away from their parents and have no morals. Unke partner har mahine badalte hain.” Not just that, he also termed homosexuality as a congenital disease and claims that he can ‘cure’ it. Truly livid, Celina bares her heart out. Baba Ramdev seems to have termed homosexuality as a disease. What’s your take on it? If he says so, then this self proclaimed doctor has gone against the medical community of the entire world. With all due respect, just because he is a yoga maestro, he cannot and does not have the qualification or degree to diagnose any illness/disease. Without any medical background, it would anyways fall under fake medical malpractice.But he does have a wide following, isn’t it? Of course, but then he has the right to teach yoga and help people to use it to their benefit based on prior approval and diagnosis of a trained medical practitioner. However, he cannot make serious medical diagnosis based on religious beliefs and his own personal perspective. It appears that you have really turned offensive this time around and aren’t willing to take it lying down. And there is a reason behind that! Reactions such as those coming from the likes of Baba Ramdev are bound to happen every time there is a cultural revolution. Let me state an example. When ‘Sati Pratha’ was abolished, many people were offended and there were protests. It was the same in case of widow remarriage and child marriage as well. I feel eventually people do come out of it. Didn’t Shikhandi, who belonged to sexual minority, fight in the Mahabharata 5000 years back? He has also made comments around ‘actresses like her’ changing partners every month. Aren’t you offended? Well, isn’t it strange that this great Brahamachari seems to know more about my sex life then I may know myself? I couldn’t be more amused when I heard him making such statements. I really believe though that he himself does not know the meaning of true ‘Brahamacharya’.” He has also challenged on my knowledge of ‘bhartiya sanskriti’. Well, this is my take on it:

1) I am a 4th generation Bhartiya Fauji kid

2) I am a Bhartiya Sundari 2001

3) My 80% education has been in Bhartiya Hindi medium Kendriya Vidyalaya

4) My education background is science and computers

5) I had Sanskrit as a subject until 10th grade

6) I have lived all my life in the interiors of India

7) I speak five Indian languages

8) I can recite 500 Sanskrit shlokas

9) I have been a Yoga practitioner since the age of 14.

Need I say more?

In the same way, the Harvard University professors of Sanskrit and theology have been presenting themselves here. In fact, they have more status than Celina, but all appear to be sailing in the same boat targeting Hindus. Why? Perhaps, one day Celina might overtake Ramdev in teaching Yoga!

5. Defending “Progressive” Catholics, but putting blame on “conservative” Hindu religion: Actually, the Hindus have never bothered about the gays, the rights of gays or the judgment, as it has been a non-event. However, for the TV-channels and the media are dragging Hindus and Hindu religion in this issue, while they are no way concerned or bothered about these guys or gays. The usage of expressions have hidden agenda, as they blame time and again that –

Ø Hindu traditions don’t easily die.

Ø India’s dislike of homosexuality is deeply rooted in its culture and religion

Ø India’s deeply conservative attitudes towards homosexuality

Thus, it is evident that they have been targeting Hindus and Hindu religion with overt and covert media-machinations. That the international media and Christian organizations have joined the propaganda makes one in India to think about its mischief and seriousness.

SC takes up plea against gay sex, issues notice[15]: The Supreme Court. on July 9th 2009, issued notices to the Centre, the Delhi government and the NGO Naz Foundation seeking their stand on a lawsuit challenging the July 2 verdict of the Delhi High Court decriminalising gay sex. A bench of Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan and Justice P Sathasivam issued notices on the lawsuit filed by a Delhi advocate Suresh Kaushal. The bench has sought replies of the various parties by July 20, the next of hearing of the matter. Challenging the high court verdict, Kaushal contended before the bench that the high court had delivered a “perverse ruling” that would threaten the natural balance of society. “By any standards this is animal instinct. This is unnatural. It should have been avoided and not permitted because tomorrow people will seek to have physical relations with animals. West is supplying all these problems to us. None of our scriptures say this is tradition or a right. Only one way…our one is is relationship between man and woman,” Kaushal said. He alleged that since the High Court verdict there have been seven cases of gay marriages and order was likely to affect the institution of marriage. However, the Supreme Court said: “we have not changed the definition of marriage.” For “gay sex, to my knowledge, no body has been prosecuted,” said Justice Sathasivam.

Politicizing the gay issue: Of the major political groupings, only the Communist Party of India-Marxist has welcomed the court order. The Congress and the BJP have reacted cautiously and have not said what stand will they take if the issue comes in Parliament. Religious leaders of all faiths have also united against legalising homosexuality. On Thursday, a Hindu Shankaracharya, a Jamaat-e-Islami cleric, Delhi’s Catholic Bishop and a Jain muni held a press conference where they described gay sex as immoral, unnatural, and alien to Indian society, culture, tradition and religious ethos. Gay rights activist Sunil Gupta, however, strongly disputes their arguments. “We want decriminalisation not legalisagtion. We are talking about the rights of people. The kind of comments being made about homosexuals are immature. We must be allowed to live with dignity and freedom. Millions are silently being harassed,” he said. Meanwhile, Union Law Minister Veerappa Moily says the Government has not received the Supreme Court’s notice but will reply in due course. He said, “It’s not the view of an individual minister but the view of the Government as a whole. The PM has directed all three ministries to analyse the High Court’s verdict and its impact. The report will be submitted in a day or two.”

Church to oppose legalization of gay sex in India[16]: Joseph Dias, general secretary of the Catholic Secular Forum, concurs. “The Church’s stand on the issue has always been clear. For us it is an unnatural act, against the divine law. We will definitely oppose it,” he said. Averthanus L. D’Souza[17] has pointed out, “In the context of this discussion, it is necessary to bear in mind that the Law does not encompass all of Morality. Morality has to do with Truth, Beauty, Goodness and, above all, Love. Morality cannot be encapsulated in a legal framework of a set of rules and regulations. The most insightful observation about the relationship between morality and the law is the statement that Jesus made to the Pharisees (the guardians of the law in his time) that Man is not made for the law; but rather that law is made for Man. (Matt.12: 1-8; Mk.3: 1-6)…………The misguided campaigns by homosexual groups to “legalize” homosexuality – which they admit is an “orientation,” – is akin to the equally ridiculous campaign of some women’s groups to gain legal recognition of women’s “reproductive rights.”…….. The campaign for “homosexual” rights is equally specious and ridiculous.”

What Islam and others say about it? The Maulana said that according to Islam homosexuality is a crime. “Such behaviour is against the moral values of our nation that is based on cultural and ethical traditions. The government should take our views seriously.” Father Dominic Emmanuel, the founder of Sarvadharma Sadbhav (Communal Harmony and Peace), said: “We have no objection or opposition to de-criminalisation of homosexuality because we never considered them (homosexuals) as criminals. “However, we are also clear that we are against legalising it… because what they do is unnatural and against the design and will of god.”

Homosexual priests not acceptable, say India’s Anglican churches[18]: Protestant church leaders in Mumbai have likened homosexuals to people “not of sound mind” as the Anglican Church thundered towards a schism between liberals and conservatives. Both the Church of North India (CNI) and the Church of South India (CSI) are supporting a conservative breakaway faction of the Anglican Church, called the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, on the battle over allowing gay clergies. The Fellowship, which was at odds with the Anglican Church over the issue of ordaining homosexuals as clergy and blessing same sex unions, was set up at a conference held in Jerusalem last month. It effectively meant a split of the Anglican Church. The Church faces another summit at the Lambeth Conference to be held in London on July 16, at which global representatives will decide the future of the faith of its eight crore followers. Both CNI and CSI did not confirm if they would join the Fellowship, but said the issue would be on top of their Lambeth agenda. “We are not comfortable with the idea of gay priests,” said Reverend Prakash Patole, Bishop of Mumbai, CNI. “CNI and CSI have accepted women priests but we haven’t got to the stage of welcoming homosexuals,” said Reverend K.I. Dyvasirvadam of St Stephen’s Church, Bandra. “The Bible talks of eunuchs, lepers and people not of sound mind and homosexuality being accepted by Jesus… but there is a big difference between a gay man coming to church and having gay priests.” Similar views were echoed by the CSI. “The Bible does not recognise gay marriages or gay priests,” said Reverend Benny Thomas of CSI, Mumbai. Gay Christians in Mumbai have reacted strongly to the news that their church has lurched further to the right, and pointed out that King James of England, who introduced the modern Bible, was a homosexual. “Indian Church leaders should place King James under the `not of sound mind’ list and stop using his Bible,” said George Thomas (26, name changed), a designer from Andheri and member of CSI. “I never divulged my sexuality fearing backlash. But church leaders should encourage more tolerance.” Agrees gay activist Ashok Row Kavi. “The church should come in line with the Church of England and allow gay priests and marriages.”

Sex, psychology, theology and religion (CBCI AND LGBT): Christianity is more worried about sex issues of whatever nature, as every such issue questions its fundamental tenets. Why the church has been so vociferous about pre-marital sex, teenage pregnancy, teenage mothers, and why even American President has to take view against abortion[19] etc., Indians might not have thought about so far. Thus, the homosexuality, gay, gay-marriage and other issues also cause great concern for Christian theologians in India and elsewhere. Ironically, three months back, when the issue of pubs, pre-marital sex, i-pill, and other issues came up, they kept proverbial silence, putting blame on the “Hindutva” activists, but actually, they affected only their belief system theologically. Even now, note what is said in the CBCI website: )…………The misguided campaigns by homosexual groups to “legalize” homosexuality – which they admit is an “orientation,” – is akin to the equally ridiculous campaign of some women’s groups to gain legal recognition of women’s “reproductive rights.”…….. The campaign for “homosexual” rights is equally specious and ridiculous.”

What is wrong in the recognition of women’s “reproductive rights”? Christianity revolves around the following fundamental tenets[20]:

1. The concept of sin

2. The Immaculate Conception.

3. The Crucifixion.

4. The Resurrection.

5. The Ascension.

The “sin” (moral defection) brought into this world by the First Adam is removed by the Second Adam with his blood by dying on the cross. The First Adam is responsible for the creation of woman – that is to say, a man produces a woman without any conception or sexual activity. And from such father and daughter, by actual sex, the humanity is created. Thus, homosexuality or self-sexuality turns into real sexuality resulting with the man-woman sexual activities. However, in the second time, a woman has to produce man, as Adam did. Thus, Jesus is born to Mary without any sex [Mary says, “I know no man”]. Thus, as the sin is increased, the Second Adam – Jesus Christ has to cleanse it with his blood. Thus, the Father made the First Son to get sacrificed on the cross. Thus, one can understand how the Christian theology is woven around the concept of sex in all aspects.

Man, sex, language and mixing of races and languages: Monogenetic or autogenetic creation of humanity has been divine and thus such things cannot take place. Only one Man can create woman and only one Woman can create Man and none can do such things thereafter. Thus, “the babe

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