HK’s Tarun Vijay Exclusive: ‘Situation of Kerala alarming’

published on August 2, 2014

Tarun Vijay is a Member of Rajyasabha and is in the parliamentary committee of External Affairs. A popular freelancer and the ex-chief-Editor of Panchajanya(Rashtreeya Swayam Sevak Sangh, Hindi Weekly).Tarun is also a columnist in TOI,Daily Pioneer etc.He currently holds the responsibility of the Director of Dr Shyama Prasad Mukerje Research Foundation(DSMRF).Tarun has also authored many books in English and Hindi. 

Sri. Tarun Vijay spoke exclusively to HaindavaKeralam recently.

Q.Finally Hindutva ideology has received recognition in the Indian political arena also. What can Hindus expect now?

This government is not for only Hindus. The government is there for all the Indians. We don’t recognize any sections or segments, we recognize all Indians without any discrimination. Modi’s very first message is of Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas.

Our approach as we recite in our Sangh Prarthana, is that of Namaste Sada Vatsale Mathrubhume. We end it with Param Vaibhavam Netumetat Swarashtram. Here we speak of Swarashtram, the Param Vaibhavam Netumetat Swarashtram . Now the question comes; which Swarashtram? Swarashtra  is our Sada Vatsale Mathrubhume.
If Hindus grow, then Bharat grows. If Bharat grows Hindus should automatically and obviously be growing. With regard to this government, I can give 100% assurance, that there will be a striving for the development for a complete Bharat Bhagyodaya.

Q.How far will this message reach to other communities and how will they be persuaded?

Unless Hindus are united and powerful, unless Hindus show their strength in every walk of life, your message will never be understood. Nobody on this planet wants to hear, wants to understand and wants to be friendly with weaker sections of society. When we were weak, nobody ever came forward to be associated with us. But when Kargil happened, when Pokhran took place, everyone started looking at every Indian, where ever he was, with a different attitude, with a different viewpoint. That changes the attitude of a person. Priority of Hindu society is to strive for solidarity. A complete unapologetic solidarity will make every one listen to us, understand us and recognize our concerns and address our anguish and woes.

I have written an article about Gaza issue recently in newspaper. There are a thousand different voices from Hindus for Palestine, but nobody speaks for Hindus yet. We have had discussions on Gaza and Palestine, against Israel, against Jews. Yehudi Yehudi, these were the words sounding in Parliament. But could we do the same for Iraq crisis? For ISIS? It speaks volumes about how we have organized.

Nobody stops Hindus from having demonstrations in any part of the country to protest against the atrocities towards Kashmiri Hindus. But where are these voices? But in every city, Muslims gathered and spoke about what happened in Palestine, death of a Muslim youth in Kashmir etc.  They have thousands of issues. Even Hindus have a thousand grievances, but we are least bothered about it.

Q.Why did we vote against Israel in United Nations?

We have good ties with Israel. India voted with Russia and China.  Our consistency in west asia policy must be understood. Taking into account whatever that is happening, India was the first to raise voice, on 10 July about stopping atrocities on the Palestine people, our good old friends as well as stopping Hamas cross border rockets into Israeli territory. The official statement by MEA spokesperson made it clear that “India stands not just against Israeli firing but also against cross border terrorism. Cross border firing by Hamas should stop.” No other nation has said that.

Q.India could have been abstained from voting against Israel.

Abstaining would have meant that we are in complete support of one another nation. We just cannot ignore all our age old relations with the Muslim world, Iran and Iraq. Kindly do not take the Muslim world as one monolith. No two Muslim countries are friendly with each other. Within those Muslim countries, no two societies are friendly with each other.

You only need to visit the Shia and Sunni sites. Relay horrifying. The way the Shias are being eliminated from Pakistan, the brutalities against them, slaughtering them. Within the mosque while they are offering Namaz, bombs are planted, which blast. The largest number of Muslims is being killed by Muslims, for the so called Muslim cause. No non-Muslim is involved in that war. This is the condition. You must understand that the division of Shias and Sunnis are very prominent in many Muslim countries.  We got to stand for out national, Gandhian values.

In this situation, it is very important for India to maintain friendly relations with the Islamic world, who can speak to us in whatever way. With Iran we have had good relations. Right from pre-Islamic days, during Pehlvi’s days, during even Khomeini’s days, a channel always existed. As long term diplomatic policies and taking into account the large number of Muslim population in India, it is in India’s interest to keep the relationship warm and on.

Q.Does this indicate India’s support for Hamas?

No. I would request you to understand the situation in Palestine. Palestine does not have a united government. Palestine people are fighting against each other more than they are fighting against Israel. One half of Palestine is being governed by Fatah and the other half by Hamas. So Hamas does not represent the entire Palestine. Fatah does not believe in rocketing and bombarding Israeli sites. Hence there is a fight between Fatah and Hamas. But because of Egyptian and Turkish revolutions, they have come to truce, trying to form a united government in Palestine.  Even the BRICS declaration says something towards the same. There is a clear line which says that this declaration supports a united government in Palestine, so that there is the semblance of law and order within Palestine.

Palestine does not have proper, effective medical care, or hospitals. They are the most poverty stricken people on this earth. Their schools are not running. They do not have proper shelter and protective shields for their citizens. Therefore they suffer more causalities. But Israel has got everything possible to protect their citizens. They have constructed iron domes. So the minute the alarm goes up, they gather in their iron domes. Hence causalities are very less in Israel. But rocketing by Palestinians continues. Causalities are less, but that doesn’t mean that Hamas is not active against Israel.

Another issue is according to media reports that Hamas believes in using their own people as human shields against Israelis. How would you explain this? This is a very delicate and precarious situation and therefore, one cannot have extreme and random positions.  

Q.Doesn’t it disrupt our ties with Israel?     

Not at all, we have always had good ties. We are the only country that has a direct democratic connect with Israel. There is no other country in between, which very loudly says in Parliament that we want to maintain friendship with Israel also.

I don’t think that our position is against Israel. It is an expression of the view point of a vast majority of humanity, about the violent activities that have occurred on the Gaza-Israel front and seeking an investigation into the same. This is, in fact, in line with India’s age old humanitarian approach. But this does not, in any way, violate or impact our age old friendly, time trusted and trusted relationship with Israel.

Q.How fruitful is our relation with China? Is China a real friend of ours? Can we trust China?

I am part of the ruling party and I will not see any country as an enemy. Every country deals with another country, keeping their national interests in the forefront. When China deals with India, Chinese interests are given utmost priority. The question is: do Indians, when we deal with China, keep our national interests on the vanguard?

My answer is ‘yes’. India is not in 1962. India is not a weak nation, which is something certain think tanks or analysts would like us to believe. India is truly lower in economy and defense preparations, when compared to China. However we are strengthening our sides. Unless we do so, we cannot speak to other nations from the same level. We have to continue our engagement with China.

I have answered in one line “no country is a friend or foe of another country”. Diplomatic moves have been made by the way circumstances and strategic positions guide us. India is emerging as a powerful nation, everyone will come to us. There was a time when the Indian Prime Minister would visit New York and Washington, and not a single US news paper would contain a line on the same.

But when Modi took oath in New Delhi, he was there on the front pages of all international news papers- in London, Washington, Tokyo, Saudi Arabia. Power makes all the difference. So keeping national interests as top priority should be our aim. Diplomacy is no charity, it is just serving your own national interests and engaging with other nations, in such a way that our national interests are served and the other nation’s interests are not offended. That is the balancing act.

Q.Modi govt has been in power since the last two months. Why has there been no visible result yet?

We are implementing loads of changes and we are on the right path, in the field of development. You are all well aware of how Modi became Prime Minister of this country. Don’t expect a push button to work, with Modi pressing the same like a juice machine, for delivering results.

Hope you are all aware about the entire lot standing in opposition to him- international pressure, international money bags, international conspirators and along with these, many Indian groups, NGOs, those who were trying to influence administrators and police etc. There was nothing that was favorable for us. But we were successful in overcoming all these.  And yes! You can see a day that will deliver results. We are not looking for imprudent and unproductive hurried developments but those results that will have long term vision. Small changes, in economy, governance, policies have already started showing big results. From foreign policy of engagement with neighbours and other developed nations show a marked difference.

Q.What are the government plans in rehabilitating Kashmiri Pandits after Modi came into power?

Say Kashmiri Hindus. I don’t like the term Kashmiri Pandits. It is an erasing of their Hindu identity, which is exactly what the terrorists and Wahabis want. This is something I tell members of the community themselves. The Hindu identity should not be obliterated.

If you haven’t been to Kashmir, let me tell you that it is a very precarious situation. The Muslims in Kashmir ie the Sunnis and Wahabis are a very much a dominant factor in Kashmir. In our over enthusiasm, we cannot push Kashmiri Hindus into a well. Regarding rehabilitation, Kashmiri Hindus are in touch with their home areas- be it Baramullah, Kishtwar or Anantnag. They know what the scenario is and so they will not go back unless security and honour is guaranteed.

Why don’t you try to meet the Kashmiri Hindus staying in other parts of this nation? Thousands are there in Delhi. Try to have a discussion with them. They will only go when they are secure- when they really feel there is safety for their lives, when their womenfolk and children will be safe. That is quite natural.

Q.What is our plan regarding abolishing of Article 370?

We are committed to this. When someone like Narendra Modi says this, you must trust him without any questions. These utterances like “it is 30 days, it is 40 days”, should not arise. We need to create a situation, where these Hindus are safe in Kashmir. They should not face the same trauma again, or get into a ghetto or another firing line. We cannot rub off and erase pain and sufferings of centuries, in just a few days.

Abolishment of Article 370 is a promise. But there are too many things at hand. Every single enemy of our country is waiting and watching for a moment, to trigger and fuel a movement to torpedo matters. We should be careful not to give them such an opportunity, in our over enthusiasm. This should result in the defeat of all anti-nationals.

Q.Along with terrorism, there has been recruitment of ISIS from India. How serious a threat do you perceive this as?

It is one of the most serious things that have happened in this century. There were people who went and worked for Khilafat, during Gandhiji’s time. Gandhiji supported Khilafat. But scenario is different here. Any Indian citizen, whatever be their religion, going out to a foreign country, to support a violent, illegal, anti-human, barbarous, anti-democratic set up must raise alarms in the government circles. The government is indeed alarmed at the situation.

This also puts a great responsibility on Jamaat leaders and Maulanas to explain what they perceive about the same. Why they are silent about the development? Why are they not issuing a public appeal to Muslim youths against going towards such misdeeds? Why no fatwas against stepping into these and supporting terrorism have been issued? Because if they think that Islam is for peace, any support for terrorism or terror related activities must be declared anti-Islam. It is their duty to say that.

Q.What is your take on growing extremism in Kerala?

Growing Jihadi extremism in Kerala is indeed a serious matter, as far as the state is concerned. Left extremism has not yet affected Kerala, as much when compared to other states. There have been incidents against RSS, VHP, BJP workers and CPM goons have attacked them barbarically. This has also been portrayed in a Malayalam movie. But unlike Chhatisgarh, AP, Jharkhand, Kerala is not included in Left extremism affected states.  

In this connection, we ought to ponder over the condition of Hindus staying on the border areas of this country. If we go to Poonch, Doda, Uri we realize how they are struggling. They are far more courageous in serving the nation than those staying in other parts of India. They do not vacate their place of stay and are staunch in supporting the Indian Army.  My counsel to the Hindus of Kerala would be to read more about their struggle; study more & work more. Thus, we could definitely bring down anti national activities in Kerala.

Q.Fake currency in-flow into India via Kerala, large scale Jihadi recruitment for fighting against our own Indian military, child trafficking, Bangladeshi infiltration and drug trade: Do you see the distance between Kerala and Kashmir shortening?

Situation is indeed becoming alarming in Kerala, not just because of counterfeit currencies but because of Islamist elements buying sizable proportions of land, especially in the vicinity of Hindu temple areas. We see this in many places like Guruvayoor. These are the situations that have to be addressed.

See, after many years, we have a statesman nationalist sitting on the chair of this country. Citizens ought to place their trust in him and resort to less worrying. He is there to safeguard the nation and ensure the welfare of all nation-loving citizens of this country.   

Q.Govt. has declared funds for Madrasa modernizing, but almost nothing for promotion of Hindu philosophy and cultural tourism?

There is a huge task to be done. Consider ICCR, Indian Council for Cultural Relations. Huge amount is being spent for various activities. But a lot of corrections have to be done in the interest of the country. We must start study centers to conduct research on various nationalistic issues.

We should do enough study on the destruction done by i
vaders and expose fabricated history. We must start studies about our border. If Stanford University can have a School of Theology, with a very scientific and modern view, why is it difficult to find a single school or university that studies Hindu Dharma traditons, resistance of the Hindus, the assaults on their society, destructions of their citis, why it all happened, by whom and how Hindus survived?? This is where necessary corrections are being done to accomplish the goal.

Q.Why is RSS purposefully dragged into all controversial issues?

We should understand geo-political pressures and its dynamics. Those who say that RSS was behind 26/11 attack have sick minds- they are sickening. You cannot reply them or take them seriously- they are fit for the mental asylum.  

Moreover these are the very same people who support ISI. They create confusion in the minds of fellow citizens. If you remember, the same tag was adopted by Karachi newspapers and published on 27 November, the very next day of the attack. The news piece also had pictures of LK Advani and Bal Thackeray. So the only response is- take them as anti-nationals and traitors and treat them likewise, without engaging with them, much.  

Q.What is your message to HK readers?

HK has been doing a marvelous job for many years. It is nothing but service to the nation. I really salute your fiery spirit and dedication. I request support of all HK readers in promoting our culture and heritage

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