HJS’s All India Hindu convention in Goa – June 6th-10th

published on May 27, 2013

Objectives of ‘All India Hindu Convention’

The first All India Hindu Convention held last year in the month of June was the first historical step taken in the direction of ‘Establishment of the Hindu Nation’. The objectives underlying the organisation of this Convention were two fold.

    To unite the Hindu activists in Bharat who are devoted for the cause of establishment of the Hindu Nation.

    To strengthen the thought of protection of Dharma at the national level among the locally active devout Hindu organizations.

Both these objectives were fulfilled to some extent. The second Convention that will be held at Goa from 6th to 10th of June 2013, will be one that will give decisive fillip to the mission of Hindutva.

Why organise ‘All India Hindu Convention’ ?

Around the world, there are 157 Christian Nations, 52 Muslim Nations, 12 Buddha Nations and 1 Jew Nation. However is there a Hindu Nation in the whole Galaxy ? Yes, there did exist a Sanatan Hindu Nation till 1947 on this earth. What is the state of this Nation today ?

Declaring Bharat as Hindu Nation is one and the only solution over the secondary treatment given to the Hindus, downfall of the Nation and the calamities faced by Hindu Dharma.

Press Release

In Bharat, Hindus are accorded step-motherly treatment under the pretext of secularism and injustice is meted out to them, whereas, Hindus in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka are also being persecuted in various ways. In order to unite against such atrocities on Hindus and decide on the ‘common action programme’, 250 delegates from 22 States in Bharat are coming together on the occasion of the second ‘All India Hindu Convention’ for the ’establishment of the Hindu Nation’. The plus point of the Convention being held this year is the participation of devout Hindu delegates from countries such as, Nepal, Malaysia, and Bangladesh. The delegates mainly include Dharmacharyas (High priests), office bearers of devout Hindu organisations, lawyers, editors of periodicals, writers, and intellectuals. This Convention will be held from 6th June to 10th June 2013 in Shri Ramanath temple at Ponda, Goa and is jointly sponsored by ‘Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’ and ‘Pedne Navanirman Samiti’. This information was given by the organisers in a press note.

The press note further adds that the rationale behind the establishment of the Hindu Nation had become clear to all in the first Hindu Convention. In the current Convention, greater emphasis will be laid on deciding actual action plan along with taking review of activities undertaken during last year. With this viewpoint, this Convention will deliberate upon many topics such as, ‘Protection of cow’, Land Jihad’, ‘Riots and protection of Hindus’, ‘Western perversity and countering it’, ‘Plight of ancient temples and their preservation’, ‘Code of conduct for devout Hindus’, ‘Policy of devout Hindus during future elections’ etc. In short, the Nation, which was once a thoughtfully rich and cultured country under the influence of Hindu culture is now standing on the doorstep of an anarchy due to materialistic and consumerist culture from western countries. Therefore, this Convention will witness systematic interaction at the level of thoughts on making a comprehensive resolution of protecting Hindu culture and welfare of the

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