HJS Leading Akhand Bharath Campaign

via www.hindujanajagruti.org published on May 8, 2006

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti was first founded in 2002 by Spiritual Hindu Devotees in the Konkan, Maharashtra to protest against the on-stage defamation of Hindu Dharma by anti-Hindus. Later on several organizations participated in the Samiti’s campaigns. Today the Samiti stands as a huge Federation of Organizations dedicated to working towards Hindu Unity and Awareness about Dharma.
Some of the missions of the Samiti are :
1. To unite all Hindus in India and the world, by motivating them to rise above the barriers of Caste, Sect and Region and stand as a single community.
2. To Give Dharmic Education to Hindus. Create Awareness of Hindu Dharma in Hindus and instil as Sense of pride for Dharma among Hindu Youth.
3. Stand against all attacks on Hinduism like denigrations etc and protect Hindu Dharma.
4. To Stop all Religious Conversions by Direct Protests and Re-conversion of converted Hindus.
5. To Save Kashmir and North East and ultimately and gradually make India a “Hindu Rashtra” as a long term future vision.
6. Propagation of Sanskrit language which has been declared as dead by our Rulers.
All these objectives cannot be achieved without Spiritual Backing.
Some of the recent campaigns and the spectacular success achieved by the Samiti by grace of Ishwara :
1. Campaign against M. F. Husain for his blasphemous paintings of Hindu Deities. Unlike the previous movements which died down over time, we made it a point to constantly follow up with the Government of Maharashtra, Media, Employ Democratic methods of protest and finally we have also pressurised the Central Government of India.
2. Campaign against the Anti-Hindu Black Magic Bill in Maharashtra, which was a direct Govt Sponsored attack on Spiritual Freedom of Hindus in the name of tackling Superstition. At present the Bill is to be reviewed in the Monsoon Session of the Vidhan Parishad of Maharashtra.
3. We have also undertaken several successful campaigns against Denigration of Hinduism through Advertisements ,commercials and Paintings or Artwork not only in India but also in the US.
4. The latest Campaign against CIA and CNN/BBC for purposely showing the LOC as international border and breaking Kashmir from India. (Refer : http://www.hindujagruti.org/cia)

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