HJS and Ganeshotsava Festival Mandals demand immediate arrest of Zakir Naik

published on September 27, 2012

Dr. Zakir Naik should be immediately arrested for denigrating Sri Ganesha; else intense agitation will be staged !

Mumbai, 25th September ? The so-called Islamic thinker, Dr. Zakir Naik against whom ?Deuoband Sanghatana? of Muslims has issued a ?fatwa?, tried to hurt religious sentiments of Hindus by denigrating Sri Ganesha; that too, during the Ganesha Festival. He has given a challenge to Hindus, through the medium of ?Facebook? and ?You-tube?, to prove that Sri Ganapati is a Deity. A complaint has been lodged by office bearers of Ganesha Festival Mandals and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) with various Police Stations all over the State demanding that ?when Ganesha Festival is being celebrated in peaceful atmosphere, Dr. Zakir Naik is trying to disturb Hindu-Muslim harmony by giving such
challenge; therefore, case should be immediately filed against him?.

The above information was given by Mr. Ramsh Shinde, the national spokesperson of HJS in a press conference today.

It has been observed during Mumbai riots that took place on 11th August that ?Internet? is a very effective medium. Similar terrorism is being spread by Dr. Zakir Naik through the medium of internet. Parts of his provoking speeches have been posted on You-Tube, Facebook and Twitter.

The Central Government imposed ban on websites and facebook accounts of all pro-Hindu organisations under the name of inflaming riots in Assam; but why the Government is not showing guts to stop such propagation which is spreading terrorism?

When Muslims are creating chaos all over the world that their sentiments have been hurt by a film titled ?Innocence of Muslims?; who gave them the right to throw mud at others ? The Chief Minister of Maharashtra promptly meets Muslims? delegation and promises them to stop denegration of Islam; he should now show whether he is going to take stringent action against Dr. Zakir Naik for denigrating Sri Ganesha or he is going to bow before Muslims as usual; else strong agitation will be staged uniting all Ganesha Committees. The above warning is being given by Ganeshotsva Committees
and HJS on the occasion of this press conference.

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