Hindutva : Translating theoretical language into guiding principles

published on May 29, 2011
Dr. Babu Suseelan

There are several organizations around the globe and in India working enthusiastically that shows pride in Hindutva, a pride tempered with the reality to terms with a vastly expanding body of what we know, what we do not know and what we ought to know. This reality puts us assuredly in the family of Hindu organizations and leaders who are clearly aware of challenges we face and their many dimensions.

The cataclysmic change is all around us. It is clear. The psycho-social-political changes and the changing context in India, and the political order are less clear. The psych-social-political change and the context demand us to continue our sacred past, and  Vedic knowledge. The urrent events in India demand that we  develop strategies and action plan in quality, sophistication, and interconnection and enhanced applicability.

The present political-social and psychological context and the pitiful condition and predicament of Hindus remind me the old fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood. One day, a young village girl puts on a red cap and hood, accepts some cake from her mother and sets off to see her sick grandmother. In the woods, she tells a friendly wolf about her plans for a visit. The wolf arrives first and eats the grandmother. Then, the wolf disguises himself in bed with a nightcap and sheets. Little Red Riding Hood arrives and asks her grandmother why her arms and legs and her ears, and her eyes, and teeth are so big. The wolf answers the last question with “better to eat you with”, jumps out of bed, and swallows Little Red Riding Hood. Later, a hunter hears the wolf’s snores, enters the house, and realizes that the wolf might have devoured the old woman. The hunter takes a knife and slices open the wolf’s belly. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother came out safe and whole.

Little Red Riding Hood was saved by the benevolent hunter. But Hindus in India are still in the belly of the beast.

Let’s imagine that this story like many fairy tales, tells us something about Hindus, perhaps about jihadi terrorism coercive religious conversion, Marxist and Naxal menace, subversive activities, psychological warfare, discrimination against Hindus, mind viruses spread through our education, media and movies and corruption.  Jihadis, missionaries, indoctrinated intellectuals, academic zombies, phony secularists, spiritually malignant political leaders and misguided Universalists have offered different theoretical interpretations of the present problems faced by Hindus. Each theoretical perspective or language presents a distinctive vocabulary and offers a particular approach to assessment of Hindutva and intervention. All of these anti Hindu forces are unique in blaming the victims.

Their mental misdirection, phony interpretations and bogus root cause theories will not help us to save Hindus from the belly of the beast. Hindus should not follow these programmed bumper sticker solutions. Hindus should wake up from their slumber and use their energy, intelligence and commitment to make a difference.

Our task is very complicated. We have to enact many roles, the roles of advocate, teacher, researcher, policy analyst, social activist, mentor and more. Hindu leaders must possess multiple skills for micro, mezzo, and macro-level practice. We need to respond to Hindu problems: physical, psychological, social, economical, political and religious within India and around the Diasporas.  Unfortunately, the current pseudo secular set up allows our distracters to talk loud and prevail despite the dangerous premises of their position. They communicate like colonial masters, gangsters, and anti national politicians. They align themselves with our enemies in India and abroad signaling loyalty to their slave masters. They provoke conflict, crisis, turf wars, marginalize the majority Hindus and seek advancement by Balkanizing India.

The problems Hindus face today have a complexity and, which necessitates high quality actions. Practical necessity justifies trespassing across boundaries and assertive actions including powerful intervention. Hindus must develop effective strategies to ameliorate problems created by our enemies to enhance the quality of our life and survival. We need to draw upon the intellectual and pragmatic traditions of our Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas.

From Kanyakumari to Kashmir, from Manipur to Mumbai our enemies are deeply entrenched eating away our nation. Hindus have a set of significant symbols or shared meaning that allows Hindus to understand each other and work for our common cause. Hindus have a coherent collection of beliefs, aphorisms, theories and a world view that is unquestionably powerful. This truth must be preserved, and promoted for preserving our culture and the nation.

Different anti Hindu paradigms and closed, destructive political dogmas such as phony secularism, Marxism, and desert originated religions battle for influence in India and they invariably cause many problems for Hindus. Indoctrinated, blind followers of such divisive, closed, dualistic dogmas act out without considering the evil effects of their actions. Adherents of such destructive ideologies lose the ability to question their faulty basic assumption and act like programmed zombies and criticize Hindutva and because of their bias and hatred become eternal enemies of our sacred culture and traditions. Destroy or deconstruct our sacred land is the prime goal of such programmed zombies and they behave at the behest of their slave masters in India and abroad.

Why Hindus refuse to fight against the tyranny created by the bogus secular congress party, Marxists, Jihadis and missionary mafia? Why do we tolerate corruption and compromise with our slave masters and looters? The lack of assertive interventions to weed out enemies with evil intention is the result of a culture, philosophical tradition that ignored or scorned the concept of war against deviant, evil and dangerous enemies. The bogus secularists and universal misfits remained disdainful of policy and practices that is required to protect the country. As a result, we were invaded by Muslims, colonized by Christians, attacked by Chinese communists and lost our sacred land to the Chinese aggressors and Islamic terrorists. There were brave men like Chatrapathi Shivaji, Rani Jhansi, Subash Chandra Bose, Veer Sarvarkar, Bhagatsingh and Dr. Hedgawar. Since the general public became passive, indifferent, and apathetic Hindus could not maintain the fighting against Islamist and missionary mafia. Hindu ignorance of the brutal nature of Islam, deceptive psychological warfare of the missionaries did not allow Hindus to protect our wealth, preserve our freedom and promote our eternal philosophy. The evil effects of Islamic rule and Christian colonialism troubled Hindus, but they never did anything effectual against it.

Why our spiritual organizations, social institutions and cultural establishments not naturally shifted to a creative Hindutva already? The big catch is that these organizations with thousands of followers look at the nation and the world through the lens of our habitual perception of reality. Whether they are consciously aware of it or not, they use ingrained, distorted explanation of reality to guide their followers. Their assumption “all religions are the same” are wrong. Their explanation of cause-and-effect view is irrational, and their denial of current political reality is abnormal. Such views make Hindus lethargic, submissive and make them believe that our life is a random event, strewn with chaos and discord. It leads towards more disorder, chaos and indifference.

What we see around in India (corruption, deceptive and coercive religious conversion, discrimination of Hindus, Jihadi terrorism, bureau pathology, and nepotism) is a complicated, interconnected, pathological and it is going to get worse until Hindus are united, organized and assertively take appropriate, orderly explanation of reality to guide, and take assertive action.

We are facing monumental challenges when current corrupt political scene does not correspond to a “goodness of fit” between what Hindus expect and what the political parties do. We are still conditioned by our constraints, belief in tolerance, compromise and acceptance of evil and enemies as part of our existence. Seeing India as dominated by enemy forces is the first step. And the life threatening scene needs to be changed and it will inevitably provide us insight, understanding to transform our future.

Hindus in India and abroad can and should join together in transforming India and protect our Dharma   and culture for our present generation and for the next generation. Idly observing and tolerating the corrupt criminal politicians and phony secular rulers from the sidelines guarantee no salvation from our misery and tyranny.

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