Hinduism is not like narrow minded Semitic Religions-Communist Leader!

via HK published on December 7, 2007

Kochi: “Hinduism is the only tolerant and accommodative Religion in this world; It is not like other narrow-minded Semitic Religions”

The above certificate to Hinduism is not from any Hindu spiritual leader or Sangh Pariwar functionary-But from a Communist Minister in Kerala named Binoy Viswam

Binoy Viswam was attending 150th Birth anniversary celebrations of the great Nationalist leader Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

As per the leader Hinduism and Hindutva is different and Bal Gangadhar Tilak was a true Nationalistic leader but not a Hindutvavadi

The boldness of this communist leader for his remark on Hinduism is appreciable at the same time it will be worth looking back to the views and philosophy which Balgangadar Tilak put into practice.

*It was Bal Gangadar Tilak who first exhorted Indians to revolt against British quoting extensively from Ramayana and Mahabharata.

*After Swami Vivekananda, It was Tilak who reminded Bharatheeyas about the power of Karma Yoga in his on Gita, The Gitarahasya

*It was none other than Tilak who introduced the present form of ‘Ganeshotsav’n 1895 by making the festival a public event lasting ten days with music and an organised procession

*Shivaji Festivals were also revived by Tilak to instill the sense of patriotism among Hindus.

*Anti-Cow-Killing Society which was much active during the time got good support from Tilak

*He was one of the few Nationalistic Leader who realized “The common factor in Indian Society is the feeling of Hinduness

As pointed out by Binoy Viswam ,

Tilak told

“If there be any religion in the world which advocates toleration of other religious beliefs and instruct one to stick to one’s own religion, it is the religion of the Hindus alone”

He adds:

“Shri Krishna does not say that the followers of other religions would be doomed to eternal hell. I challenge anybody to point out to me a similar text from the scriptures of other religions. It cannot be found in any other religion”

If Binoy Viswam get time in between his hectic schedule, we recommend the Minister to go through the Teachings of Tilak which will help to shed the misconception about Hindutva and can realize that – Bharatheeya Nationalism and Hindutva is quite synonymous

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