Hindu Youth Council to organise Dharma Sabhas in Kerala

via Press Release published on March 30, 2010

  HYC organised an informal meet of a few pro-Hindu Organisations and Hindu caste organisations with the aim to mobilise those hindus who have the fire in them to work for the future of Sanatana Dharma.
    The following needs and issues were identified during the talks:
    #Lack of centralized authority.
    #Lack of respect for other orgs/groups.
    #Lack of coordination among groups.
    #Lack of social agenda.
    #Moral decadance.
    #Spiritual bankruptcy.
    #Lack of self esteem.
    *.  Exposure to spirituality.
    #Family satsang (strengthen family).
    #Temple satsang (socialise temples).
    #Discourse meets/conventions (increase vistas for spiritual dissemination).
    #Door to door campaign (Reach out to all).
    *.  Resource mobilization.
    #Use temple funds to further social change.
    #Wastage avoidance through elephants, fireworks, rituals.
    #Encourage charity.
    *.Awareness on morality and ethics in life.
    #Financial discipline.
    #Ethics and morality.
    #Choice of good friends.
    #Proximity to spiritual life.
    #Leading an Impeccable life.
    #High moral and ethical life, be role models.
    #Visit temples regularly and motivate others.
    #Encuorage Home temples.
    #Daily Sandhya namam.
    #Ramayanam reading (teach youngsters).
    #Veda and Bhagvad Gita classes in temples.
    *Harijan watch.
    #Fight blatant discrimination (against temples, individuals, orgs).
    #Job and educational planning&placement cell.
    #Carrer, educational, marriage counselling.
    #Financial assistance.
    #Religious ritual training.
    #Promoting intercaste marriages.
    #Educate on self-esteem.
    #Religious empowerment by promoting dalit temples&priests&preachers&leaders.
    *Maximise the use of govt schemes/funds/benefits.
    *Encourage financially sound individuals/groups to start more schools&Colleges.

    A meeting of representatives all these groups will be held regularly on first sunday of every month at 6 p.m. at Parakat Devi Temple, Chembumukku, Eranakulam, Kerala.  The last meeting conducted on 24th and 28th had paricipation of local members from NSS, SNDP, Pathmashaliya sabha, KPMS, Hindu Janajagruthi Samithi, Sai Baba Samithi, Guru Upendra Veda Vidya Prathistan.  Efforts are on to involve more caste-based groups in the next meeting.
    A consensus has been reached to conduct Dharma Sabhas in temples at a “test locality” here jointly where selected speakers who are oriented to the issues discussed above will preach to the community during these Dharma Sabhas.  This will be replicated in other areas with appropriate steps to improve effectiveness.
    We would appreciate all of you to motivate yourself to start such Dharma Sabhas in your area.  We would request you to motivate and gather similar organisations in your locality and your friends for similar action in your area.  We would also want you to be ambassadors of Sanatana Dharma by understanding and adopting the above-mentioned points.  Let the change begin from you.
    Understand that “individuals” like Mata Amritanandamayi, Sri Sai Baba, Sri Sri Ravishanker, Baba Ramdev have become “extraordinary individuals” by their actions.  A group of young Hindus can make far more impact if we volunteer to “act” and success is assured as we have the blessings of these revered saints and our Gods.
 For more information contact [email protected]
    Hindu Youth Council.

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