Hindu writer unmasks Gandhi

Much, much has been written (mostly in praise) of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi but no book has so far unmasked him as thoroughly as “Eclipse of the Hindu Nation†by Chennai-based writer Radha Rajan.
In 519 pages, the writer completely demolishes the myths about Gandhi that were carefully built up by the Congress party after India’s so-called Independence. Your view of Gandhi will never be the same again after you have read this path-breaking book.
Every Hindu who adores the Hindu dharma, Hindu samaj (society) and Hindu bhoomi (land) must not miss reading this book, though it may seem rather scholarly for the average reader. But read he/she must in order to cure himself/herself of the myths about Gandhi.
After reading this book, any one will be convinced that Gandhi was the deadliest enemy of Hindu society in the first half of the 20th century. The book is still relevant because the heartless anti-Hindu policies begun by Gandhi continue to be faithfully practiced even today by the Congress party and the Communist Party (Marxist) and even by smaller non-Congress parties, even including the so-called nationalists. The Gandhian rot has sunk so deep into India’s polity that at present there seems to be no light at the end of this dark tunnel.
As the book’s author says in the preface, “this book is dedicated to all kshatriyas in particular, and to all Hindus in general, who lived and died for this timeless sanatana karmabhoomi. It is an offering of deep gratitude to all who serve and will serve dharma and protect the dharmi.†Hindu society will forever remain indebted to Radha Rajan for writing this book.
The least that patriotic Hindus like us can do today is to buy this book, read it and give it to family, friends, relations and neighbours to read. Over time, this may, to some extent at least, help Hindu society to cure itself of suicidal Gandhism that afflicts it even today. NRIs and relatively well-off Hindus based in India can sponsor a few copies of the book for those who wish to read it but cannot afford the cost.
“Eclipse of the Hindu Nationâ€, priced at Rs 495, was first published in 2009 by New Age Publishers (P) Ltd, 8/1, Chintamoni Das Lane, Kolkata 700009. For readers from Kerala, the book is also available at New Age Publishers’ outlet at GSS Shopping Complex, 1st floor, opposite college post office, Convent Road, Ernamkulam 682085. Postal charges to addresses within India will be about Rs 70.
The easiest and quickest way to buy this startling book is through the Internet for which a credit card is required. Those who want buy the book may write to Rima Kar Ghosh at [email protected]. Bank account details of the publisher are: 1. Beneficiary – New Central Book Agency Pvt Ltd. 2. Bank: SBI, branch Hatibagan, Kolkata. 3. Account No. 10914880346. 4. Account type: current.
Though it may be a tough task, it would immensely benefit Hindu society if this book is translated into other Indian languages. But do we have intellectual kshatriyas like Radha Rajan who can take up this arduous task?
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