Hindu Terrorism – A Congress dogma to cover up its colossal failures

via HINDU JAGRAN FORUM (USA) published on July 24, 2011

The Dogma of Hindu terrorism is a Congress manufactured fiction to cover up the colossal failure of the party in defeating & uprooting Islamic terrorism and diluting the disastrous impact of massive corruption and scams, black money and funds stashed abroad.

            Dear Concerned Nationalists;

            A) The ruling political class headed by the Congress Party, due to its incompetence and wrong political strategy, has miserably failed in wiping out Islamic terrorism from the country. To cover up this colossal failure and divert the attention of the unhappy, angry and restive nation it has invented the fiction of Hindu Terrorism. To infuse life in this imaginary phenomenon and using the gutter politics as a tool Digvijay Singh, the party Gen. Secretary issued a statement that RSS was involved in the latest Mumbai terrorist attacks. Like a paper tiger and gutless wonder saving himself from the long arms of the law he readily confessed not having any proof to substantiate this allegation.

            The double speak by this prominent congress leader does not only reflect the meanness and cheapness of his political integrity like “Jaichand and Mansingh” but speaking from both sides of his mouth goes a long way in aiding India’s arch enemies – the Jihadists, terrorists and anti- India Pakistanis in achieving their mission. It also dangerously undermines the national security and war against Islamic terrorism.

            The “Communal Violence Bill”, enthusiastically supported by Digvijay, his party and secularist collaborators also aims at achieving similar goals. Therefore, both must be opposed and rejected for the survival of Hindus and their country – Hindustan.

            B) Unfortunately the preferential treatment to Muslims that allows them supremacy – and ability to suppress Hindus seems to be the Congress philosophy for retaining control on power. It could well be at the cost of national security and democracy as we know it as is evident by their so called “Communal Violence Bill”. The Congress govt. seems intent on pushing through this Hindu smashing “Communal Violence Bill” – in the upcoming monsoon session of Parliament. Through its political and constitutional implications the Bill elevates the NAC (National Advisory Council) to the status of a super, parallel and dictatorial authority superseding the powers and authority of the constitutionally formed Govt. of a Prime Minister.

            “Upon the bill becoming law, any minority person can anonymously file a police case against a Hindu for inciting communal hatred — and the police will be required to register the case as a non-bailable offence. The accused person under confinement would not even have the right to know who the complainant is. And the accused Hindu will be considered to be guilty unless he or she can prove his or her innocence.

            The present bill is just an other tool towards creating a fractured society ready to dance on the tunes of corrupt and dishonest assembled under the umbrella of Congress. If their goals, strategies, policies and political philosophies were not misguided and short sighted they would have understood that access to education, equal opportunities, equal justice and dignified living are inherently important values for bringing about communal harmony and mutual brotherhood.

            C) Dear Hindu Nationalists and Activists: Without your uncompromising and massive assault through nationwide mass protests at street and village level against it, the bill may pass as the Congress cabal and other political horse traders seem beholden to Muslim votes with little regard to the nation. Shamelessly many segments of the Indian media have chosen a partisan role of supporting Congress and its allies. Only the mass protests seem to be an effective way to convince Parliamentarians and the Congress Govt. for changing their modus operandi.

            Furthermore, it is equally important that the Hindu minorities including Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, etc. also stand up against this Bill. Once the Islamists and their collaborators take over – become majority – as in Kashmir, where will they be? There were more than seven lakh Hindus driven out of Kashmir valley by its predominantly Muslim population. They were forced to take refuge in India and else where in the world. Where will you and your families seek shelter? Well that’s our point. Surrender is not an option. The only way out from the congress clamped misrule in India is through a concerted fight as “Arjun’s in Mahabharata” for reclaiming equal human and Hindu rights.

Thanks for your time and consideration,

Dr Jagan Kaul
Krishan Bhatnagar
Hindu Jagran Forum (USA)

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