Hindu Resurgence – 2008

via GSK Menon published on October 2, 2008
The year 2008 is a great landmark in Hindu Resurgence in this country.

Centuries of uninterrupted slavery under different alien rulers ensured that the Hindus were ruthlessly repressed. By the time the British magnanimously granted us a fractured country and a volatile independence, the country was taken over by an Anti – Hindu elite from among the Hindus themselves. These new rulers saw in the vast multitudes a bonanza to perpetuate their family rule bysimply continuing to repress them. So the concept of Secularism was introduced.

Desert religion propagandists were given a free hand to run amok and convert in the guise of “social service”. Hindu temples were taken over for the express purpose of looting. So called Minorities who are actually in majority in several states and districts were given a plethora of benefits, subsidies, reservations, political patronage etc. The average Hindu suffered all these iniquities silently as they were kept divided on caste lines.The Hindu was expected to be quiet and submissive, any communal riot, disturbance was blamed on him by the politicans, bureaucrats, judiciary, press and English language TV mediums.

Hindus were fugitives in their own country. Any assertive Hindu was dubbed as belonging to the ‘”Parivaar” a contemptuous phrase coined by an antagoistic Press and scheming politicans. The idea was to crush the questioning Hindu. More than 50 years of repression under Secular rule has infuriated the average Hindu.

Secularism has brought the country to the brink of another Partition. Kashmir which represents the Head of this country and Bharatmata is sought to be dismembered by a group of Islamic separatists. Eating subsidised Hindu food, Haj travel, and engaged only in sexual reproduction, these Separatists have been thriving on anti – Hindu repression and violence. Even a small piece of land, that too on lease, was sought to be denied by the Islamic fundamentalists and separatists. The “secular establishment” fearing disruption for their family rule went on an anti Hindu tirade. That was when the VOLCANO EXPLODED. The average Hindu armed only with stones, sand and sticks joined in unison to fight the Islamic militants. As the nation watched the angry faceless Hindus of Jammu rose in a mighty effort to take on the ruthless might of the Separatists and the inimical secular rulers. What happenned is History, despite the anti – Hindu hysteria of the Islamic terrorists, the anti – Hindu tirade of the Politicans and the media, the world watched amazed at the stoic battle waged and won by the brave Hindus of Jammu. Yes, we too can revolt against the secular impostors, that was the message from Jammu.

Next, an obscure tribal district in neglected Orissa. Bearing the brunt of high voltage conversion tactics by Missionary gangs, led by Keralites like Raphael Cheenath, Thomas Chellan etc Kandhmal District, became the laboratory for Christianising India. Shameless tactics like abuse, violence and anti – Hindu ridicule were taken to great heights. The fed up Hindus rose in unison to combat the menace of conversion. The Missionary gangs sowed wind and reaped whirlwind.

Next, Mangalore, which had felt the tremors of the Goan Inquisition of Francis Xavier, was still being prodded by Pentecostal Evangelical gangs. The same ridicule of Hindu Gods, their customs, rituals and rites was the chosen weapon of the converters. But Mangalore on the border of Kerala had seen what the converts were made to do. First Hinduism is ridiculed, gullible Hindus are converted and thereafter told to imitate the same rituals but pray to the Desert Gods. Hindus are no longer fools. They have also seen through the chicanery of the politicans, press and missionary gangs. The inevitable happenned, Mangalore rose in anger to teach the converters a sharp rebuke.

In distant Jharkhand the Sarnas, have warned the Christians that their crusade through “Nemha Bible” to demolish the “Sarna Dharm” will not be tolerated. They have warned the Bible Society of Bangalore not to carry intentional insulting messages.

It is time for the Politicans, the media and the conversion gangs led by Keralites to take note of the RISING HINDU. The message is loud and clear no more repression of the Hindus. Social scientists should now study this emerging phenomenon of assertive Hindus rising in rebellion in different parts of the country to protect their religion, culture, and customs.

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