Hindu organizations heading for Crisis:Remedies and Survival mechanism

published on October 3, 2007

By Veda Prakash 

The Pathology of transition: In India, the traditional religious institutions and organizations have been functioning mainly as temples, maths / mutts, Chatrams / choultries, Gurukulas-schools-colleges. Later the concept of endowment has embraced such institutions and organizations. The endowments have been public and private. Though during monarchy, Kings used to have control over temples and mutts, still they were independent and absolute. The Mohammedan iconoclasm, heinous destruction and continuous interference have affected their nature adversely leading to different consequences. Before rejuvenated to get re-established, the European forces turning to ruling class impinged on them politically and controlling brutally. Thus, the endowments were started to be brought under the control of the British Governance with an eye for revenue. However, even after independence, the Indian rulers in spite of their trumpeting of non-interference with religious affairs and secular principles thereafter, their prowling upon endowment properties directly or indirectly have been going on unabated. Now, the Hindu religious institutions and organizations have been facing crisis for survival in spite of movable and immovable properties. Therefore, the governance and management come under scrutiny.


Categorization of Hindu religious Institutions and Organizations: At present, the Hindu organizations come under the following categories:


1.     Traditional / orthodox mutts: These are the well-established and recognized religious institutions mainly interested in the theological, spiritual and then mundane affairs of the believers. They have been in existence for more than 2000 years tracing back to their founding Acharyas. May or may not be opened to other groups.


2.     Mutts established on theological variance: They are also of the above category, but either they have been break-away group or tried to establish their own identity by way of expounding new, changed or modified theological variance, liturgical differences and ritualized procedure. Different Saiva-Vaishnava and other Hindu faiths come under the category.


3.     Mutts / associations established on caste affiliation: These have been the phenomenon of 18th-19th centuries, because of the ruling British attempt to identify the Hindu-believing groups on the basis of caste. Starting with 1909 Census, now, such division of Hindu-society into many castes, sub-castes etc., could be noted. They have dual role of religious and political entities jointly or severally depending upon the exigency.


4.     Mutts / associations / societies established with political affiliation: The mutts reduced to associations and then societies because of the modern compulsions of officially authorized status acceptable to Government Act and Rules. As they become more and more commercial-type governing body, with holding lands and properties etc., very often, they are at the mercy of changing Governmental policies. Thus for survival, they slowly depend upon political affiliation.


5.     Religio-political organizations: A religious organization or institution having open or explicit political affiliation, support and relationship.


6.     Socio-political organizations with religious affiliation: The social, political or socio-political organizations slowly concerting into or having affiliation with the religious institutions. Though, they are not exactly the opposite of the above, many times they may pose as secular organizations with hidden religious agenda.


The examples for 3 to 6 categories are not mentioned, as they could be understood in the present context.


From Endowment Act to Company’s Act: The Hindu Religious and Endowment Act has been the starting point of Government controlling Hindu religious institutions and organizations. The Articles 25 to 28 of the Indian Constitution dealing with “Rights to Freedom of Religion” have bearing on the Hindu religious Institutions, establishments and organizations in governance and management. Therefore, the owners, managers, trustees and others have to understand and act accordingly.


Now, the trend is to start Companies under Section 25 of the Company’s Act in the name of God. Even Christians have such Companies in the name of Hindu Gods of course duly with Hindu share! So whether Hindus sell their God or not like Christians or Muslims, they have to learn the process. When the question of legality comes, even God has to be proved for existence, as if the Judge does not know! Whether one judge sits or three sit or nine sit, they know very well that they are human-beings, but still, they have the audacity of challenging the existence of God and so on! So God-protectors, as managers have to defend their God legally. Unfortunately, in India, there is no MRTP Act for Christians and Muslims, however, they always exploit the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act! Poor Hindus do not know either!


Amendments of the Constitution makes Hindus vulnerable: In spite of secular nature of Indian Constitution, the 42nd Amendment has made India “capitalist and communal” instead of proclaimed “socialist and secular”. Thus, the above institutions started diluting their principles aligning with one or the other political party for getting Governmental sanctions etc., in day to day management of their affairs. After the 44th Amendment Act, 1978, which has omitted Art. 31 (2) and inserted Cl. (1A) in Art. 30, a religious denomination has no fundamental right to compensation, if it belongs to majority community – Hindu, but such right is guaranteed to it as a fundamental right, if it belongs to an educational institution established and administered by a minority – Muslim or Christian religious denomination (Art., 30 and 31). It has given a death-blow to Indian institutions. Whenever, any Hindu educational property is taken over by any pretext, no compensation needs to be given.


Taxation has been discriminative against Hindus: According to Art. 27, “no person shall be compelled to pay taxes, the proceeds of which are specifically appropriated in payment of expenses for the promotion of or maintenance of any particular religion or religious denomination”, but we know what has been going on in India (to be read with Art. 265). Though, the majority of tax payers have been Hindus, the revenue collected has been spent for promotion or maintenance Christian and Muslim religions and denominations. The present Central Excise Act, Service Tax Act, Sales Tax Act and other Acts have been blatantly anti-Hindus, as they have been targeted against the traditional Indian system, services and institutions. In fact, by no stretch of imagination, they could be brought under such Acts and Rules. But, the Indian political rulers, who have been aiding and abetting the foreign forces, have been taxing Hindus unnecessarily. And where the tax collection is going? To help the majority tax-payers – Hindus? No. This is just like Jaziya. Therefore, here, tactful Hindu CAs / ICWAIs / Cs should work for the benefit of the Hindu organizations.


Educational institutions are discriminated: Again Art.28 proclaims that, “no religious instruction shall be provided in any educational institution wholly maintained out of State funds. However, nothing shall apply to an educational institution which is administered by the State but has been established under any endowment or trust which requires that religious instruction shall be imparted in such institution”. It is well known that the endowments made to temples with Gurukulas / Vidhyapeeths / Mutts are meant for the religious instruction, but in such schools and colleges run by them, Hindu religion is derided and denigrated. In spite of the Supreme Court judgements, they do not impart such instruction.

  •  What is prohibited is religious, not moral education disassociated from ay denominational doctrines (Nampudripad vs State of Madras, AIR 1954 Mad.335).
  •   It has also been clarified that the academic study of teaching and philosophy of any great saint of India (e.g, Guru Nanak or Mahabir and its impact on the Indian and world civilizations cannot be considered as `religious’ institution [DAV College vs State of Punjab (II), AIR 1971 SC 1737 (paras. 24-26), Suresh vs UOI, AIR 1975 Delhi 168 (para.11)].

But to prove the secular credentials of Hindu institutions, they have to praise Allah and Jesus Christ! We know the way Sri Ramakrishna Mission went!


Hindus are discriminated by cultural factors also: The Art. 29 has been very significant in the present context as it asserts that, “any section of the citizens residing in the territory of India or any part thereof having a distinct language, script or culture of its own shall have right to conserve the same. No citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the State or receiving aid out of State funds on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of them”. But, whether all people get such rights or their rights protected? When one particular language is assaulted, denigrated and blasphemed by the very rulers of present democratic India, who take oath under the Constitution and occupy power, how is that everybody keeps quite? How the minority institutions employ only their religious members and virtually ban Hindus? The tactics now followed is that either the existing Hindu member is retired or resigned by force or harassment, so that his / her post is occupied by a non-Hindu, thus, the Government funded institution totally becoming Muslim or Christian! However, the Sankara University at Kalady has a Muslim Vice-chancellor! Can a Hindu become VC of AMU or at least any minority institution?


Minorityism working against Majorityism: The Art. 30 has still been worst in implementation in India. It declares that, “All minorities, whether based on religion or language, shall have right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice” adding that, “The State shall no, in granting aid to educational institutions, discriminate against any educational institution on the ground that it is under the management of a minority, whether based on religion or language”. Whether, such principle is followed in the States of Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala and north-eastern States? How and why Sanskrit is treated differently?


Politicians can threaten Hindu Institutions easily: These are the provisions of the secular Constitution which have been used against the Hindu institutions and organizations and thus the Religious leaders, Mutt heads and others are compelled to compromise with the political rulers. When Government donated land where Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated to the Rajiv Gandhi Memorial, the land owner, the Sri Perumpudur temple represented by the Jeer filed a case in the Madras High Court for usurpation, as the Government had no right to do so. Legally, he would have own the case, but he was evidently threatened, so he withdrew the case filed and generously donated the temple land to the Rajiv Gandhi memorial! This is how the Hindu religious institutions are handled and controlled by the secular government. Now, there has been a suggestion by the Communists that the temple lands should be donated to the people! Why they cannot suggest that Mosque and Church properties also could be donated?


Traditional way of management of Institutions and Organizations do not help: The management of Hindu religious institutions and organizations has been to escape from the Governmental clutches of controls, which are obviously meant for controlling, containing and closing them instead of preserving and promoting. So the managers have to be legally sound, besides their religiosity and belief in God. Perhaps, they have to be archaeologists, numismatists, epigraphists, historians and scholars of all sorts to defend his belief, institution and organization. The moment a Hindu religious institution or organization is registered as a society, trust or association, it is reduced to a legal entity and thus it can easily be attacked by the ruling politicians and others. That is how in Tamilnadu, the “Dravidian rulers”, in spite of their proven anti-Hindu atheism could always control and enjoy temple properties. They talk ill of everything that is Hindu, but without any shame, such spineless creatures consume the produce and profits by way of lease, rental and sale of God-properties.


The so-called Hindu-denominations siding with them and opposing Vedas and Agamas too coolly forget what Tirumular said but follow what Aurangazeb did and EVR said! So again, here, we have to tell them or make them remember. “Sivan sottu kulam nasam” = The misappropriation of property of Siva would doom to destruction of one’s clan – yeah, but who cares, when one has decided already that there is no Shiva! Tirumular categorically declared what would happen in a land where even a brick of compound wall of temple is disturbed:


  •  The consecrated Lingam should not be disturbed at any cost. If disturbed, the government would fall and disappear. The Ruler dies and he would get great disease before death (Tirumanthiram.515).


  • The builders of temples should take care that even a single brick of the compound wall is not disturbed. If a brick falls, the Ruler will ruin, the Vedic seers will also ruin (516).


  •   If the established Pujas are not performed, in time or otherwise, or stopped totally, the rains will stop. Many diseases would appear and epidemics spread. The Rulers would loose their power. They may loose their manliness to get defeated (517).


  •     If the Pujas are stopped intentionally, not only the Rulers ruin with failure of rains, but defrauding and looting increase (518).


  •      Fearing such consequences, if anybody appoints “Parppar” for namesake and the Pujas are performed, battles and wars occur; incurable diseases appear, there would droughts and scarcity (519).


Here, Tirumular is quoted because, he is considered as a pucca / Pachai “Dravidian”, a Brahmin / Parppar-baiter and so on. But the real intention of Tirumular has been profound and he comes out with much disgust perhaps during the period what was happening in his land. Here, we have to appreciate on the contrary how such situation should not repeat or recur by proper management. So if we believe that Shiva would take care of and so on, it would not happen. It is not the period of “Triuvilaiyadal” we are living, but under the Rulers of “opposite qualities”. Therefore, the defenders have to deal with the problem accordingly.


Modern management principles have to be applied for good governance of Hindu Institutions and organizations: It is right time that the Hindu religious institutions and organizations are managed by young and energetic experts with background of modern management techniques, accounting and financial proficiency, and above all legal expertise. Now even God has to be proven in the Court of law and that too exempting other Gods. There have been Gods, who declare that there is no God other than him above or below the earth etc. So that God knows that there is another God, because, if he is the only God, how he / she can think about another one? Anyway, as the God’s property has to be managed, the God has to be protected legally! An Idol is a legal entity and it can have property. So the Idols have to be protected. Remember, how the Markandeya embraced Linga, when Yama came to take away his life. But now, we have to embrace the modern techniques strongly and hold tight to fight the modern Yamas coming in Fords and BMWs.


Multi-Billion Institutions mismanaged, misappropriated and defrauded by the Secular and anti-Hindu mafia: The management and governance of Hindu religious institutions is not a joke, but a task involving in INR 120,000 crores affair in India. According to Kishor Kunal, Religious Trust Administrator, the estimated loss of temple properties in Bihar has been worth of Rs. 2000 crore per annum, then what would be the income? Take the Tamilnadu figures:


The Religious Institutions have been classified into two categories viz., Non – Listed and Listed Institutions on the basis of their annual income as below:




Number of Institutions


Non-Listed Institutions

Institutions with an annual income of less than Rs.10,000/-



Listed Institutions :

(i)              with annual income of more than Rs.10,000/- but less than Rs.2.00 lakhs

(ii)             with annual income of more than Rs.2.00 lakhs but less than Rs. 10.00 lakhs. 

(iii)            with annual income of the more than Rs. 10.00 lakhs. 









The figures are mind-boggling coming to INR 5000 crores per annum, even if we take one lakh for each institution. Then for India it could be INR 120,000 crores per annum approximately (here I have a feeling that I may be wrong, as I do not have exact figures, but the figures would be more only).


Hindu-experts, therefore should come out immediately, for managing and governing the institutions. The politicians, the political-appointees, Dharmakartas etc., cannot do any justice to the temples, mutts and other Hindu institutions. What would happen if the pimps are given governance of ladies hostel etc? (I am sorry to give such similes, but the point has to be driven out). There is no meaning in blaming DK-DMK-PMK and other anti-Hindu elements of Tamilnadu, Communists of Kerala and West Bengal or Yadav-Mulayams of Bihar and Orissa. Even if Hindus come, they have to be watched for good governance. Therefore, slowly, Hindus should act moving towards such target.


Narrowing down the Differences: The mentioning of the above six categories clearly prove as to how the Hindu religious institutions and organizations have been affected by the theology, liturgy, denomination, caste and politics. So experts have to narrow down the differences and reduce the categorization. Here, the egoism, egotism, pride etc., have to be set aside for the common cause. When modern law makes them to come within a specified ambit, they may have to be come within a domain to be controlled efficiently and managed effectively. Infighting, backbiting, power struggle etc., would only weaken the organization. As a family has to be run at any cost, an organization has to be managed successfully for the benefit of the Hindu society.


Crisis management: Now reality of the situation has to be realized, instead of talking philosophy or karma. God cannot take care of when things which are to be tackled by ourselves.


   1. Avoid bickering, loose talk, criticism etc.
   2. Keep quite instead of backbiting, telling-tales, gossiping.
   3. Follow the rules, instead of breaking and making new rules.
   4. Obey the rules, instead of opposing. Do not be rabble-rouser and rebel creating nuisance.
   5. Narrow down the differences.
   6. Come together at meeting points.
   7. Strengthen the consensus.
   8. Identify the enemies, as they have already completed the above processes and readied for attack.
   9. Call a spade a spade.
  10.  Fight all sorts of terrorism – verbal, ideological, propagandist, psychological etc.


Survival mechanism: That Hindus have survived all onslaughts does not mean that they are now at comfortable position. Whatever is identified as strength, the Hindu-baiters to Hindu-traitors have tried to tarnish and propagate mischievously. This has to be tackled under changed situation. The strength of the enemy has to be assessed and understood instead of boasting of our endurance or proverbial silence of indifference. When grass-root attack has already been launched, there is no meaning in vain argument, apologetic excise and superficial defense. We should carefully analyze and check that the pathos does not change to carcinogenic. As it has to be tipped in the bud, such poisonous elements have to be subjected to detoxification. For continued existence no doubt endurance is required, but offensive posture is also required, if not for actual assault. Survival of the fittest has to be established, as rightful persons, we have to be the rightest with just.



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