Hindu organisations gears upto Sree Krishna Jayanthi and Onam Celebrations in Bangalore

published on September 8, 2014

Hindu organizations like Balagokulam, Samanwaya and KNSS are gearing up to celebrate Sree Krishna Jayanthi in the mega city of Bangalore. There is a clear enthusiasm among devotees and every year the number of participants are increasing. Notwithstanding the fact that this year the event falls on a Monday, preparations are going on full swing to make it a grand success. The recent upsurge in the Hindu psyche due to the unprecedented political victory at the national level, and the increasing awareness in the community about the series of overt and covert attacks against it have added the feeling of unity among Hindus across India.

The grand success of the just concluded Ramayana masam celebrations by the Hindu organizations also energized the Malayali Hindus living in Bangalore. This year Sri Kummanam Rajasekharan, one of the indisputable champions of Hindu cause in Kerala will be participating in the Onam celebrations of Jayamahal Karayogam of KNSS being conducted at Taralabalu Kendra, RT Nagar on 14th September. On the same day he will also participate in a seminar on Aranmula Airport. Hope such noble work will be emulated by every section of the followers of Sanatana Dharma and a unified Hindu society will become a reality very soon.

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