Hindu, Muslims to celebrate Prophet’s birth anniversary

via Narain Kataraia published on February 16, 2010

Ref to – http://www.newkerala.com/news/fullnews-51258.html

It is a matter of great shame and disgrace that some people with Hindu sounding names are celebrating birth  anniversary of Prophet Mohammed  with Muslims.

According to the available information, the followers of Prophet Mohammed  have killed more than 80 million Hindus in India .  According to Faith Freedom article “In the last 9 years of his life, he [Prophet Mohammed] was involved in an event of violence on the average of every 6 weeks.”

We should verify the antecedents of those who carry Hindu sounding names to get cheap publicity and fool us.  We should also find out whether these people are mentally distraught or suffering from some psychological disorder.  These people, in fact, could be wolves in sheep’s clothing.  It is possible that these traitors may be hobnobbing and colluding with our enemies to destroy us from within.  We should also investigate whether they are working for some anti-Indian agency.  It is our national duty to expose these fifth columnists and discredit them in public eye.

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