Hindu Monk of Ramkrishna Order Assaulted Ruthlessly in West Bengal

published on July 16, 2008

Author: Upananda Brahmachari

Source: http://bengalspotlight.blogspot.com/2008/07/hindu-monk-of-ramkrishna-order.html

A panic may strike now the common hindu people for the ongoing incidents of South Bengal for the last two months when the CPIM, the ruling party of the state tasted a bad defeat by losing the muslim support in this region through Panchayet election. When the wining force of All India Trinamul congress (AITMC known as TMC), is considering all the prime posts for the muslim minorities in every stage of Panchayet system, the losing CPIM has already adopted the way of direct torture against hindu people out of any situation for winning the heart of muslim people and to regain the muslim support by giving various packages to the muslim minority.

On June 12,’08 one muslim leader of CPIM Sk. Ismail initiated the attack upon hindu pilgrims in Gangasagar with the help of some 3000 fanatic muslim mob. Now they have tried to capture the Gorerhat Ramakrishna Ashram Campus by attempting murder of Swami Punnyalokanandaji, the Adhyaksha (in-charge) of the religious unit at Gorerhat under Joynagar P.S. South 24 Pgs, some 80 km from Kolkata.. Revered Swamiji is a hindu activists and social reformer who was initiated in monkship by His Holiness Swami Gambhiranandaji Maharaj, the 11th President of Ramakrishna Math & Mission , Belur, Howrah. Swami Punnyalokananda took the charge of Gorerhat R.K. Ashram (a small service center) some years back for the betterment of the local poor & unprivileged people. Swamiji was trying hard to start a coaching center for the primary school boys and a homeopathic dispensary in the ashram. But two leaders of local CPIM Party, Arabinda Mondal & Md. Abur Ali( husband of the sister of Arabinda) had a planning to operate an unauthorized country liquor shop within a tea stall by capturing two rooms of the said Ashram. This was stopped by the Swamiji after taking some steps through police & administration in early days. And for this Arabinda, his wife and sister and also Md Abur Ali were jointly finding a scope to drive out Swamiji from Ashram or even to murder him anyway.

On July 08,’08,the Swami was beaten ruthlessly tied with a tree by the aforesaid CPIM leaders to murder him. The Swami just tried to erect a pillar to protect the ashram fence after offering his morning prayer. The pillar was destroyed by the CPIM goons in the last night. The electronic media of Bengal telecast the ghastly sight of sever body assault upon a senior monk after stripping off his saintly robes.

The Police came to the spot when the Swami was senseless and the CPIM & Muslim fanatics satisfied themselves by a enormous blood-shed of a peaceful Hindu Monk. The Police admitted the Swamiji in nearby Padmer Hat Rural hospital, but arrested not a single culprit caused murderous activities upon Swami Punnyalokananda on spot. Swamiji had many injuries in whole body including scull. A police case was started by Joynagar Police Station on 08/07/08 vide P.S Case No.168/08 after a dairy registered by the Swamiji

Afterwards some devotees of Swamiji took him at SSKM(PG) Hospital Kolkata for a better treatment on 09.07.08. C.T Scan of Brain & other speciality treatment was done there. The health of Swamiji is now out of danger. Swamiji also personally met the District Magistrate & Superintendent of Police, South 24 Pgs., for appropriate action. But the endangered situations for Hindus prevail everywhere in Bengal for the inaction of Police, Administration and obviously for the unaccounted torture upon Hindus by all the secular Parties. The nexus of Political parties, Police, Administration and the Muslim fundamentalist Pressure groups are very much active to eliminate even for any protest to it.

Newly established HINDU SAMHATI and some other prime Hindu Organisations are trying hard to change the situation of endless torture upon Hindus in Bengal. Can Hindus of Bengal survive without joining Hindu Organisations, only relying upon pro-muslim Political Parties for their own fate?

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