Hindu Journalists & Intellectuals Forum

via http://hjifmumbai.blogspot.com/ published on July 19, 2009

HINDU JOURNALISTS & INTELLECTUALS FORUM is a NGO promoted by Hindu Voice, a monthly espousing the cause of Hindutva. (http://hinduvoicemumbai.blogspot.com). HJIF is registered as a Public Trust under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 – Regn. No. E-25872(M) dated 15th July 2009.

The Broad Aims & Objects of HJIF, as per the Trust Deed, are as under:

a) To promote and propagate the glory of Sanatan Hindu Dharm and Bharat Matha, by all available means.
 (b) To organise discussions, debates, seminars, conference etc. on matters affecting Hindus. (c) To undertake printing and publishing of Books, Periodicals, Pamphlets, etc. promoting Nationalism, National Spirit,
(d) To establish a TV channel (This clause is not approved by the Charity Commissioner).
(e) To promote and propagate Hindu Religion, Vedas, Yoga, our hoary culture and tradition, and to preserve our heritage.
(f) To inculcate and propagate spiritual and moral values ….
(g) To give exposure to various Hindu Service Organasations by Organising Exhibitions, Get-togethers, etc.
(h) To act as a Forum for research on different Faiths and Beliefs, and publish its findings.
 (i) To eradicate inequality, casteism, racism and other social evils in the society. plus some general activities, such as running hospitals, schools, orphanage, etc.

In short, any activity to protect and promote Sanatan Hindu Dharm and Hindu/National cause can be undertaken by HJIF.

Under clause 4(n) of the Trust Deed, the Board of Trustees have powers “to frame schemes, bye-laws, rules and regulations to enrol members and to conduct their meetings”. Accordingly, we have decided to enrol members. There will be only one category of members – i.e. Individual Life – with a one time payment of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only). Every member will be issued a Membership Card, and their name will appear in Hindu Voice too. From among the members, a few members (maximum ten only) may be co-opted in the Board of Trustees, as Representatives of Members, for a specified period.

An organisation’s strength is its members. The more the members are, the more is the strength and worth of the organisation. I would therefore request all concerned and awakened Hindus to join HJIF, by filling up the Membership Application Form (specimen given below). Also, please consider actively participating in the activities of the Forum, so that HJIF becomes an effective Forum of Hindu intellectuals, for not only protecting Sanatan Hindu Dharm but also for challenging anti-Hindus and anti-Nationals.

My plan is to have a few thousand members all over India with Chapters in different States and major cities, Mumbai being the head quarters. With such a network, HJIF will be a force to reckon with and will act as the protector and propagator of Hinduism.

Our immediate aim is to launch an English Weekly, NATIONAL SPIRIT, for which I have already got RNI permission. Many activities can be undertaken by HJIF and I welcome suggestions, guidance and participation from all members, to make HJIF an effective Hindu NGO.

Needless to say, the activities of HJIF will be published in Hindu Voice (as well as in National Spirit when launched). All the three entities – Hindu Voice, National Spirit and HJIF – will work shoulder-to-shoulder.

P. Deivamuthu
Hindu Voice,
210 Abhinav, Teen Dongri
Yeshwant Nagar, Goregaon West
Mumbai 400062
Tel: 022-28764460, 28764418, 09324728153
Email: [email protected] & [email protected]


Hindu Journalists & Intellectuals Forum
210 Abhinav, Teen Dongri, Yeshwant Nagar, Goregaon West, Mumbai 400062.
(A Public Trust registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950)
(Regn. No. E-25872(M) dated 15th July 2009.)

Membership Application Form

The Board of Trustees
Hindu Journalists & Intellectuals Forum
210 Abhinav, Teen Dongri, Yeshwant Nagar,
Goregaon West, Mumbai 400062.


I wish to become a Member of Hindu Journalists & Intellectuals Forum, and am enclosing herewith my Life Membership fee of Rs.1,000/-, by cheque/DD No. ___________ dated _______ drawn on Bank _________________________. favouring “Hindu Journalists & Intellectuals Forum”. I subscribe to the aims and object of HJIF. My details are as under:




with PIN


Personal details (Optional):

I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of HJIF as may be framed from time to time by the Board of Trustees.

I am sending herewith two stamp/passport size photographs.

Dated ……………………….. (Signature)

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