Hindu Help Line 1st Anniversary ‘Hindu Ratna’ Award Conferred & many useful schemes announced

published on April 11, 2012

Indore: In a grand program at Indore (Madhya Pradesh) Hindu Help Line celebrated its 1st anniversary. Hindu Help Line, a 24 X 7 Help line service started April, 2011 for helping Hindus in difficulties. These include problems in Travel such as car break down, accident, natural calamities while in travel away from home / office etc; Medical emergencies such as need for urgent blood, ambulance, medicines, immediate hospitalization while away from home etc.; Teerth Darshan – facilitating visits to various temples, cultural, tourist places in Bharat etc; Religious information like correct time for a particular worship, Astrology, Books & CDs, products made of Panch Gavya etc.

Hindu Help Line’s central Call Centre attends calls 24 X 7 that come from all over Bharat. Getting the details from the caller, connects him / her to the Hindu Help Line Convener & Volunteers at a particular place where he / she needs help. Thousands of trained Volunteers are ready to assist Hindus in most emergencies. Since its inception last year HHL received over 5000 calls & could help most of them successfully.

The ‘Hindu Ratna’ Award for the Nandan Samvatsar that is year 2012 was conferred to Dr Yashodhar Mathpal, a 70 year old Cave Paintings & Rock Art expert. Hindu Ratna Award is given to the Hindus (Individuals & Institutions) who have been doing great social work in the fields of Art & Culture, Science & Technology, Agriculture, Tribal Welfare, Education, Medicine & Alternative Therapies, Business & Trade and all such fields where Hindus have made their mark with a Hindu well-being at its roots. Year 2011 Hindu Ratna was conferred to Dr Vinod Koushik who has been doing notable work for Tribal Welfare. Another individual who was given Hindu Ratna last year was noted Marathi actor Shri Sharad Ponkshe.  Those who wish to nominate themselves or others for 2013 Hindu Ratna Award may contact Hindu Help Line email before November 4, 2012.

A Ph.D. in Archeology , Dr Yashodhar Mathpal has visited 400 + caves in Bharat to study & analyze ancient paintings & sketches in them, he kept a record of all of them & up in the hills of Uttaranchal in Bheemtaal (near Nainitaal) he with his own scarce resources started a ‘Lok Kala Sangrahalaya’ (Bharateey Folk Art Museum) that houses all his Cave painting records, various artifacts from ancient times that he collected & many such things. Hindu Help Line felicitated Dr Mathpal with a beautiful Hindu Ratna Trophy, a beautiful citation engraved on a Silk paper etc. An exhibition of the cave paintings was held at the venue of the anniversary program attended by thousands of people in Indore.

At the program, Hindu Help Line Business Diary was unveiled for this year. A sustained feature from the last year this diary has become fast popular in the Business community as it gives specific information & reminders related to businesses, departments, dates to pay various taxes & so on. Along with the Hindu calendar it also has the financial year calendar.    

Speaking on the occasion, VHP International Working President Dr Pravin Togadia said, “Hindu Help Line strives to be a reliable friend of Hindus as much as it can. With such a rich cultural, economic, social & educational heritage, today Hindu as an individual feels lonely when in emergency. Hindu Help Line aims at being his / her friend in need. Apart from the emergency help in Travel, Health, Admin, Legal, Religious etc, Hindu Help Line also did Dadhichi Blood Donation camps all over Bharat & in a day over 20,000 bottles of blood was donated in them by Hindu Youth. It is available in various blood banks & hospitals all over Bharat. HHL also started the ‘Annapoorna Anna Daan’ (Food Donation) which is focused at this moment on providing food – lunch boxes -  to the relatives of the patients admitted in the hospitals away from their home, town, city as it is very difficult for many of them to arrange for their own food while caring for their patient. HHL is contacted by the families that wish to donate food packets in this, HHL volunteer collects the warm food from them & gives it to the relatives. This ‘One Kind Family : Minimum One Lunch Box’ scheme is fast gaining momentum. Those kind hearted Hindus who wish to participate in this scheme & get punya may contact Hindu Help Line email.

Hindu Help Line Ambulance service has taken off in Rajasthan & Gujarat as the first step & trying to establish it in other states.

For the Hindus working, doing businesses, staying abroad, Hindu Help Line plans ‘Know Your Culture’ camps & family stay programs children & youth. Hindus who went abroad for various reasons wish that their children – young & teen-agers -  know about their roots, culture & the current progress in Bharat. HHL’s KYC (Know Your Culture) plans to facilitate this wish  through specific camps, visits to interesting places & cultural programs. HHL KYC will could also be planned for groups from abroad.

Hindu Help Line 1st Anniversary program had an interesting Kathak & Folk Dance fusion by the noted classical dancer Sanjay Mahajan & his troupe.


Contact for Emergency Help: Hindu Help Line : Email [email protected]
Call Centre: 020 – 66803300 and 075886 82181

Contact for information on HHL activities &
for support & donations to HHL activities: 098703 31088  
Email: [email protected]
Visit: www.hinduhelpline.com

Hindu Help Line : A Reliable Friend of Hindus

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