Highlights of the views expressed by the students on widespread liquor habit in Tamilnadu

published on October 2, 2011

Highlights of the views expressed by the students on widespread liquor habit in Tamil Nadu are given below

The students overwhelmingly pointed out the severe and huge damage that is presently being done to the fibre and fabric of Tamil Nadu because of the rapidly spreading liquor habit .

Many students vehemently disapproved government of Tamil Nadu selling liquor for the sake of multiplying income, unmindful of the consequences to the economics and social well being of lakhs of families in the state, particularly those belonging to the lower income group. It was pointed out that government of Tamil Nadu has provided sort of legitimacy to the unhelathy practice of drinking by providing the sanction of law for this practice. The great work done by stalwarts like Rajaji, Kalki Krishnamurthy and others towards the cause of prohibition have been wiped out in one stroke by the successive governments in Tamil Nadu, the students pointed out.

The students refused to accept the argument that imposition of prohibition will lead to loss of income for the government and may also result in sale of illicit liquor. The students refuted the argument saying that only a government without commitment and sense of pride would advance such arguments.

The students said that the price that we are paying in Tamil Nadu for the rapid spread of liquor habit is very high and will certainly affect the progress and betterment of Tamil Nadu in the years to come. One would realize the gravity of the situation by the fact , that even boys in the age group of 12 and 13 have taken to drinking habit and some students are reported to be attending schools in drunken state , as published in the media.

The students further said that it is tragic that women are taking to liquor habit in a bigger way and even educated and well employed women increasingly consume liquor in parties as a matter of routine.

In college hostels , it is now a common practice to see some students keeping liquor bottles in the shelves in their room , which are meant for keeping text books and note books.

In many cases, whether it is a death ceremony or birth day /marriage function or religious congregation, liquor has become a must.

Many students pragmatically pointed out that extending freebies to the poor people on the one hand and selling liquor to the poor people to increase revenue by the government amount to cheating the poor people, which a welfare government is not supposed to do.

Thanks and regards

Nandini Voice For The Deprived

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