Highlights of Kanyakumari RSS Sanghik

via VSK - Chennai published on February 15, 2012

Highlights of the Programme:

·       In one shaka-largest Sankhya of 160 (Kanyakumari Jilla) swayamsevaks.

·       21 Disabled persons with purna Ganavesh in 18 tricycle participated by travelling 20 k.ms.

·       27 Advocates participated from Coimbatore Milan.

·       15  Prowda Swayamsevaks along with family participated from Tirunelveli.

·       From Trichy District, Swayamsevaks from all 81 Basthis participated.

·       Swayamsevaks from 618 new villages participated.

·       In 2542 villages, Swayamsevaks and others participated.

·       New Swayamsevaks of 3469 number enthusiastically participated.

·       2948 vehicles were parked. There was Zero Traffic jam which was well appreciated by the Traffic Police and local people.

·       Sanghasthan is 300 x 500 metre space.

·       Dias was 15ft height, 105 ft length and 25 ft breadth.

·       Dias was set up as a Replica of Rock Memorial of Swami Vivekananda, symbolizing the culture of Tamilnadu was also placed.

·       13 Mathaadhipathis participated in the gathering.

·       Pratharshinem of 4 Vyayamyog and one song were sung at the Sanghik.

·       Various political persons and sangh adhikaris also participated in purna ganavesh.

·       To add to this, 1.46 lakh idlis were prepared in 19 hours using 606 kgs of flour involving only 8 persons in the work. ‘Elite World Record ‘has announced this as a world record and a certificate was also issued by Elite Representative Sri Balanaga Sayeekrishna to the contractor Sri Saravana Manickkam.

·       2 lakh chappathis were prepared and served for dinner. 

One particular TV channel reported like this-
 We went to all wineshops before arriving here. Our aim was to know whether there was any vehicle or person who came to the sangik standing there waiting to purchase liquor. To our astonishment , we could not see  a single person or a vehicle standing in front of the shop. During the live telecast the TV reporter also reported when videocameras focused on the road sides-“See here!  Thousands  and Thousands are participating in this programme.But no one could be seen,in front of the liquor shop.A scene different from usual political rallies.

·       The IG of police (southern region) advised all his subordinate police personnel not to interfere in RSS arrangements. They would have planned everything. Don’t disturb them .So police were deployed wherever necessary.

·       One DSP of police who came to see the vehicle arrangements was inspired on seeing the arrangements made by our karyakarthas.Everything was clear. So he got one copy of layout arrangement from our karyakartha to keep in his custody.

·       The Adhyaksha of our sangik Hon’ble Justice Shri AR.Ramalingam(retd.Highcourt Judge,Chennai)was given ten minutes time to deliver his presidential address .But he cut short his speech .When our karyakartha enquired about this.,He said I am a Judge.Judgment will always be short and apt.so i gave my judgement about sangh.The judgement was “sangh is the only source to bring about a change in every walk of life including politics .I have a hope on sangh  “.

·       Not even a single mode of advertisement done (no poster, wall board, flux, pamphlet). Person to person contact had given the fruitful results

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