High drama at sea- Last stand at Koodangulam of a frustrated line up

published on March 23, 2012

Even as you read this, the Indian coast guard is combing the waters off eastern coastline, to keep at bay a sea bound invasion of church activated fishermen into koodangulam area.
All 6 major entry points towards the Reactor site have been sealed tight with 3 layers of security barricade with massive build up of battalion strong para military forces drawn form kerala.

Outside the Lourdes church the much pampered Uthaykumar and his gang of church henchmen are ringed inside a human shield of some few hundred strong crowds pulled in by the toll of church bells.

Its literally the catholic churches’ Crusade against the Indian state.

That is one reason this group was pampered and left scot-free to do all the mischief.
The cabinet meet okayed Opening of reactors. Scientists and engineers after a long time enabled entry.

But a last desperate misadventure is bluffed by a church cabal –who will blink first?

Frustrated Lineup of medievalist churchianity

The tirade against the most advanced and secure Nuclear reactor at koodangulam was launched confidently after a consortium of church organizations owned up the idea-last year.

The church mouthpiece Nation reported then-

The Church has fully backed the protest and has expressed solidarity with the cause.

The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) initiated an email campaign that requested the central cabinet to pass a resolution against the project.

Flush with unaccountable funds from dubious sources overseas, and armed with a vociferous backing of the Paid news lobby the movement was a front to test the political waters of tamilnadu for a Church agenda to gauge the reaction and extent of its influence. 

For a while things seemed to go the way it expected it- what with well meaning and ill informed sections of the nation getting carried away by the performers on stage, their one big highlight being fakushima reactor meltdown and the kaido earthquake and tsunami that washed the tamil nadu shores in 2004-both lending to easy panic mongering. But Freudian science of Free association alone being the singular scientific fact.

Best laid plans of mice and men go astray, but for awhile the charmers had their way-
The endless rant was about the danger by way of tsunami and earthquake and its mindless enchanter Uthaykumar and his company who frothed at mouth against these perils and radiation fallout and the fishing waters.

The church thundered in The Nation- “  The Church of South India (CSI) earlier expressed concern over the huge radioactive accumulations at the plant site which they said could become the principal causes of environmental and health hazards.

“We strongly denounce the move to set up the N-park in Koodankulam, which in fact is a tsunami-prone and quake-prone area,” a statement said.

Both facts were false- the region was the most stable seismological and tsunami in 2004 didn’t touch coast there at koodangulam for it was built away from tsunamegenic area and path line.
For an important project set in a power starved state- the way the self-assured innuendo assumed apocalyptic imagination was typical of Churchmen.

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) also called for decommissioning of the nuclear reactors. The Bishops body urged the Indian government to protect citizens’ right to life, and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life.

There wouldn’t be any ‘huge radioactive accumulation’ either since the bishops hardly could be expected to spare time to read science books besides bible tomes.

It was evident they knew nothing about generational differences among reactor technologies and that latest Reactors have no issue with huge nuclear wastes or disposal as they Recycle them after storage.

The sea water too doesn’t enter in touch with reactors or mix- the fish life don’t fray inside the complex.

The radioactive levels would be of the same if not lesser degree than any other technological feature that dots the modern topography-such as cell phone towers and transmission lines.
Naturally since the church backers never carefully considered the issue at hand, and the Opposition to Kodangulam was picked up to simply test its own political muscles and check the alliances, the big holes in their armor started to show.

Repeated pointing to the fallacious ideas by eminent scientists was simply lost on them.

The Nationalist rescue of koodangulam

Haindavakerelam credited itself with highlighting the political nature of the movement and its backers – ref-

Soon S.Gurumurthy though thought to be averse to high technology penned underlining the Church and overseas anti-nuclear lobby at NIE and raised the defense compromise of india’s nuclear capabilities.

The BJP initially had Advani putting UPA on dock to take a stand and assuage fears of locals- but made a corrective at state level and took its own firm stand of Opening the reactor.

Hindu munnani entered the fray, whose activists were assaulted and arrested instead of the anti-nuclear lobbyists scuttling the plant.

But the Hindu Munnani kept up the good fight and expanded the agitations. 

One by one the contradictions came unraveling- Dr APJ kalam ventured to pooh pooh the baseless fears and irrelevance of japan and an ancient history of Chernobyl.
The nations’ need for nuclear science and capabilities being his sole concern, the attempt to tarnish the project boomeranged.
Tamilnadu must have obtained at least 800 Megawatts by January 2012 and the intransigence and blockheadedness of the spearheads f anti-koodangulam couldn’t have come at more inopportune times.

Since whole deficit was just 3000 megawatts and Dr Abdul kalam persuaded Centre to show concession by re-jigging 40% of generated electricity to 80% for tamilnadu-which means at once some 1600 megawatts. With successive units going into production- tamilnadu would be power surplus state.

The church backers and the anti-koodangulam movement started looking like an unreasonable bunch of political lobbyists and eco-extremists that have ushered in a medieval dark age literally plunging entire state in unprecedented Power cuts of 8 to 10 hours a day!

More lies came unwound- of not having overseas sources of funding, which was exposed by none other than usually meek Manmohan singh- something that Sangh hailed as bold in its editorial.

Having denied such funds, now the banned NGOs were explaining why funds were spent not at disaster relief spots but towards activists at koodangulam to purchase and pull crowd and news.

The state government and its chief minister who had tossed the hat in the ring to stay in good books of churches were coming under pressure of the ire of the masses – for power not just crippled small industry, wiped out looms, and damaged agro-pump sets but was coming during a Heat wave and examinations season.

The unspoken alliance of church and ruling party could only go so far.

 Grand finale –mandaikadu 2?

The other expected broadening of the church politics alliance also proved inadequate.
The communists were out on streets demanding immediate power supply but the Hindu organizations were more appropriate demanding koodangulam initiation- which is more realistic.

The usual crowd of anti-Indian separatist fringe outfits began facing the ire of public who weren’t pleased with anti-nuclear rhetoric when electricity was scarce and yet ready to come but for their shrill cries and obstructionism.

The best the chief minister could do was to appoint a panel that repeated earlier scientist panel study that koodangulam reactor was the best anywhere in the world and safest- a signal that on record she had gone with them as far she could but not an inch more.

If anything helped the hare brained opposition to a 3rd generation plus nuclear reactor to remain in reckoning it was strangely BJP’s sudden busying with its own state conference – at a time when it must have committed all its leadership and cadre to match the Church sponsored anti koodangulam movement on the field-

Here was when the lineup of nationalists and anti-nationalists most clearly drawn out.
The masses of the state witnessing the consequences of the shutdown of the most needed and crucial reactor, going through sheer hell of unpredictable power cuts and chaos, and there they go- busy arranging what is at best a routine event of any party. This disconnect with masses and busying elsewhere when Rome was burning and when they should have been fighting fire shoulder to shoulder with the power starved people of Tamil nadu- with countless agitations and demand to open at once the koodangulam reactor-

They had missed a golden chance to win the hearts and minds of tamilnadu- instead they congregate like hobos for a massive meet.

The Opposition to koodangulam and the church backers thanks to this are left with some bought time in hand and yet fewer options-

The one that we feel they might embark as a desperate last stand –not wanting to yield to a Galileo who proved convincingly that their beliefs were in fact unscientific and wrong.

Mandaikkdau 2.

Where a handful of poor and misguided fishermen were mislead to opposing violently the resumption of boat services to Vivekananda rock- and the state had to open fire to quell the violence.

This way a fresh tangential lament of Christian persecution can be started and test the nerves of a chief minister whom they can paint as drifting towards Narender Modi and bring back to its influence.

Otherwise it stands like a pathetic lineup of frustrated forces of Medievalism that Hindu nationalists have squarely thwarted and checked at koodangulam.

The Society online notes in its koodangulam leading to Polarization –

“ Therefore the BJP and other Hindu organizations consider this as a golden chance to pay the Christians in their own coins by opposing their agitation in the name of patriotism. The Church made a mistake in entering into this agitation voluntarily, thinking that it is taking up a good cause for the welfare and safety of the people. The Church miscalculated and had not considered a Hindu backlash to its well meaning agitation. Now if the Church retracts, it will be considered as surrender to the Hindus. If the Church persists in its protests, the Hindu protesters will outnumber the Church as numerically the Hindus are larger than the Christians in Southern Tamil Nadu. It is a situation of ‘head I win tail you lose’ situation for the Hindus. The Church has itself to blame for this”.

That is if it understands the buck stops there.

The Sun TV telecast the jubilant Hindu munnani celebrating on the streets bursting crackers and distributing sweets to a much relieved public perishing in day long power outs.

Around koodangulam, the Churches all over kanyakumari, Nagerkoil and far off places were on a overdrive tolling bells to an unholy cause and sending mobs towards India’s most crucial Power project in a power starved state.

The stage is set for a show of nerves and high gambit all to save face of an ambitious church- where the lives of its own misguided flock and the livelihood of a power squeezed state citizens don’t matter.

So what does it matter if a few heads and eggs get broken to make an omelet?

The infallible church simply cannot admit that the world wasn’t flat to Galileo and the world.  




High drama at sea- Last stand at Koodangulam of a frustrated line up


Even as you read this, the Indian coast guard is combing the waters off eastern coastline, to keep at bay a sea bound invasion of church activated fishermen into koodangulam area.
All 6 major entry points towards the Reactor site have been sealed tight with 3 layers of security barricade with massive build up of battalion strong para military forces drawn form kerela.
Outside the Lourdes church the much pampered Uthaykumar and his gang of church henchmen are ringed inside a human shield of some few hundred strong crowds pulled in by the toll of church bells.
Its literally the catholic churches’ Crusade against the Indian state.
That is one reason this group was pampered and left scot-free to do all the mischief.
The cabinet meet okayed Opening of reactors. Scientists and engineers after a long time enabled entry.
But a last desperate misadventure is bluffed by a church cabal –who will blink first?

Frustrated Lineup of medievalist churchianity

The tirade against the most advanced and secure Nuclear reactor at koodangulam was launched confidently after a consortium of church organizations owned up the idea-last year.
The church mouthpiece Nation reported then-
The Church has fully backed the protest and has expressed solidarity with the cause.

The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) initiated an email campaign that requested the central cabinet to pass a resolution against the project.

Flush with unaccountable funds from dubious sources overseas, and armed with a vociferous backing of the Paid news lobby the movement was a front to test the political waters of tamilnadu for a Church agenda to gauge the reaction and extent of its influence.  
For a while things seemed to go the way it expected it- what with well meaning and ill informed sections of the nation getting carried away by the performers on stage, their one big highlight being fakushima reactor meltdown and the kaido earthquake and tsunami that washed the tamil nadu shores in 2004-both lending to easy panic mongering. But Freudian science of Free association alone being the singular scientific fact.
Best laid plans of mice and men go astray, but for awhile the charmers had their way-
The endless rant was about the danger by way of tsunami and earthquake and its mindless enchanter Uthaykumar and his company who frothed at mouth against these perils and radiation fallout and the fishing waters.
The church thundered in The Nation- “  The Church of South India (CSI) earlier expressed concern over the huge radioactive accumulations at the plant site which they said could become the principal causes of environmental and health hazards.

“We strongly denounce the move to set up the N-park in Koodankulam, which in fact is a tsunami-prone and quake-prone area,” a statement said.
Both facts were false- the region was the most stable seismological and tsunami in 2004 didn’t touch coast there at koodangulam for it was built away from tsunamegenic area and path line.
For an important project set in a power starved state- the way the self-assured innuendo assumed apocalyptic imagination was typical of Churchmen.
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) also called for decommissioning of the nuclear reactors. The Bishops body urged the Indian government to protect citizens’ right to life, and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life.

There wouldn’t be any ‘huge radioactive accumulation’ either since the bishops hardly could be expected to spare time to read science books besides bible tomes.
It was evident they knew nothing about generational differences among reactor technologies and that latest Reactors have no issue with huge nuclear wastes or disposal as they Recycle them after storage.
The sea water too doesn’t enter in touch with reactors or mix- the fish life don’t fray inside the complex.
The radioactive levels would be of the same if not lesser degree than any other technological feature that dots the modern topography-such as cell phone towers and transmission lines.
Naturally since the church backers never carefully considered the issue at hand, and the Opposition to Kodangulam was picked up to simply test its own political muscles and check the alliances, the big holes in their armor started to show.
Repeated pointing to the fallacious ideas by eminent scientists was simply lost on them.
The Nationalist rescue of koodangulam
Haindavakerelam credited itself with highlighting the political nature of the movement and its backers – ref-
Soon S.Gurumurthy though thought to be averse to high technology penned underlining the Church and overseas anti-nuclear lobby at NIE and raised the defense compromise of india’s nuclear capabilities.
The BJP initially had Advani putting UPA on dock to take a stand and assuage fears of locals- but made a corrective at state level and took its own firm stand of Opening the reactor.

Hindu munnani entered the fray, whose activists were assaulted and arrested instead of the anti-nuclear lobbyists scuttling the plant.
But the Hindu Munnani kept up the good fight and expanded the agitations.  
One by one the contradictions came unraveling- Dr APJ kalam ventured to pooh pooh the baseless fears and irrelevance of japan and an ancient history of Chernobyl.
The nations’ need for nuclear science and capabilities being his sole concern, the attempt to tarnish the project boomeranged.
Tamilnadu must have obtained at least 800 Megawatts by January 2012 and the intransigence and blockheadedness of the spearheads f anti-koodangulam couldn’t have come at more inopportune times.
Since whole deficit was just 3000 megawatts and Dr Abdul kalam persuaded Centre to show concession by re-jigging 40% of generated electricity to 80% for tamilnadu-which means at once some 1600 megawatts. With successive units going into production- tamilnadu would be power surplus state.
The church backers and the anti-koodangulam movement started looking like an unreasonable bunch of political lobbyists and eco-extremists that have ushered in a medieval dark age literally plunging entire state in unprecedented Power cuts of 8 to 10 hours a day!
More lies came unwound- of not having overseas sources of funding, which was exposed by none other than usually meek Manmohan singh- something that Sangh hailed as bold in its editorial.
Having denied such funds, now the banned NGOs were explaining why funds were spent not at disaster relief spots but towards activists at koodangulam to purchase and pull crowd and news.
The state government and its chief minister who had tossed the hat in the ring to stay in good books of churches were coming under pressure of the ire of the masses – for power not just crippled small industry, wiped out looms, and damaged agro-pump sets but was coming during a Heat wave and examinations season.
The unspoken alliance of church and ruling party could only go so far.

 Grand finale –mandaikadu 2?

The other expected broadening of the church politics alliance also proved inadequate.
The communists were out on streets demanding immediate power supply but the Hindu organizations were more appropriate demanding koodangulam initiation- which is more realistic.
The usual crowd of anti-Indian separatist fringe outfits began facing the ire of public who weren’t pleased with anti-nuclear rhetoric when electricity was scarce and yet ready to come but for their shrill cries and obstructionism.
The best the chief minister could do was to appoint a panel that repeated earlier scientist panel study that koodangulam reactor was the best anywhere in the world and safest- a signal that on record she had gone with them as far she could but not an inch more.
If anything helped the hare brained opposition to a 3rd generation plus nuclear reactor to remain in reckoning it was strangely BJP’s sudden busying with its own state conference – at a time when it must have committed all its leadership and cadre to match the Church sponsored anti koodangulam movement on the field-
Here was when the lineup of nationalists and anti-nationalists most clearly drawn out.
The masses of the state witnessing the consequences of the shutdown of the most needed and crucial reactor, going through sheer hell of unpredictable power cuts and chaos, and there they go- busy arranging what is at best a routine event of any party. This disconnect with masses and busying elsewhere when Rome was burning and when they should have been fighting fire shoulder to shoulder with the power starved people of Tamil nadu- with countless agitations and demand to open at once the koodangulam reactor-
They had missed a golden chance to win the hearts and minds of tamilnadu- instead they congregate like hobos for a massive meet.
The Opposition to koodangulam and the church backers thanks to this are left with some bought time in hand and yet fewer options-
The one that we feel they might embark as a desperate last stand –not wanting to yield to a Galileo who proved convincingly that their beliefs were in fact unscientific and wrong.
Mandaikkdau 2.
Where a handful of poor and misguided fishermen were mislead to opposing violently the resumption of boat services to Vivekananda rock- and the state had to open fire to quell the violence.
This way a fresh tangential lament of Christian persecution can be started and test the nerves of a chief minister whom they can paint as drifting towards Narender Modi and bring back to its influence.
Otherwise it stands like a pathetic lineup of frustrated forces of Medievalism that Hindu nationalists have squarely thwarted and checked at koodangulam.
The Society online notes in its koodangulam leading to Polarization –
“ Therefore the BJP and other Hindu organizations consider this as a golden chance to pay the Christians in their own coins by opposing their agitation in the name of patriotism. The Church made a mistake in entering into this agitation voluntarily, thinking that it is taking up a good cause for the welfare and safety of the people. The Church miscalculated and had not considered a Hindu backlash to its well meaning agitation. Now if the Church retracts, it will be considered as surrender to the Hindus. If the Church persists in its protests, the Hindu protesters will outnumber the Church as numerically the Hindus are larger than the Christians in Southern Tamil Nadu. It is a situation of ‘head I win tail you lose’ situation for the Hindus. The Church has itself to blame for this”.
That is if it understands the buck stops there.
The Sun TV telecast the jubilant Hindu munnani celebrating on the streets bursting crackers and distributing sweets to a much relieved public perishing in day long power outs.
Around koodangulam, the Churches all over kanyakumari, Nagerkoil and far off places were on a overdrive tolling bells to an unholy cause and sending mobs towards India’s most crucial Power project in a power starved state.
The stage is set for a show of nerves and high gambit all to save face of an ambitious church- where the lives of its own misguided flock and the livelihood of a power squeezed state citizens don’t matter.
So what does it matter if a few heads and eggs get broken to make an omelet?
The infallible church simply cannot admit that the world wasn’t flat to Galileo and the world.  




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