Hey Tamil Hindu! Awake! Arise! & Stop Not! Till you drive the Dravidians away!

via B.R.HARAN published on December 14, 2006

It was outrageous & atrocious that the government had given permission for the ‘shooting’ of the film on EVR inside the famous Varadaraja Swami Temple, kanchipuram, where in, the film crew had taken “donkeys” and spoilt the sanctity of the Temple. At a time when the Hindu majority is terribly hurt because of the unveiling of the statue of EVR in front of the Sri Ranganatha Swami Temple, Srirangam, this action of the government is like adding insult to injury.


Press reports say that the film crew had gone straight to the temple and started to shoot. Then the Temple management had objected and called for the local police. When the local police enquired, the film crew had told that they had already got permission from the HR & CE department, but could not show the letter of permission. Later on, the film director met the Collector & Superintendent of Police of Kanchipuram District, organised for the delivery of the fax copy of the letter and continued with the shooting with complete police protection. By the time the Hindu activists mobilised themselves and came for protests, the shooting was over and the protestors demonstrated in front of the Temple for about an hour and dispersed. It is also a disgrace that actors like Y.G.Mahendra & Madan Bob, amongst many others, who are believers of God, have acted in that worthless movie. They should have learnt their lessons from Maestro Illayaraja, who simply refused to compose the music for the film.


Will the government allow a film crew inside a Mosque to shoot a film with pigs or inside a Church with donkeys? When the government had granted a huge sum of Rs. 95 lacs of the taxpayers’ money for this worthless film, why can’t the film producers erect a ‘set’ and shoot?  On what basis the government had given permission? Just because the Temple comes under the control of HR & CE department, does it mean that it can permit anything & everything inside the Temple? Aren’t there any values for sanctity, sentiments and traditional practices?


The most Revered Guru of millions of Hindus was arrested & harassed on a falsely foisted case; a statue of a non-believer is placed in front of the most renowned Vishnavite Shrine, which is one of the 108 Divya Kshetrams; one of the respected Swamijis had been named in a FIR unnecessarily without proper reason; A number of Temples & Mutts were ransacked and the priests’ hair & holy threads were cut after attacking them brutally; The idols of Gods & Goddesses were damaged & thrown away; Donkeys are taken inside a Temple for shooting of a film on a worthless non-believer; The men, who had protested democratically were put behind bars on National Security Act; The aspirations & sentiments of the majority community are not respected. What the hell is happening in this state? Is the government duty bound only for minorities? Is it democratic governance or autocratic onslaught? Despite all these things, the majority community is sleeping and the leaders of the Hindu organisations are giving press statements! May GOD save them!


The Tamil Hindus should come out of their deep slumber. They are worse than ‘Kumbakarna’ as they have been sleeping for 40 years! With the advent of Dravidian movement, the cultured & God loving Tamils have been turned in to uncultured Dravidians by the myth called Aryan – Dravidian theory. The Dravidian leaders have divided the Tamil society along caste lines for their selfish benefits and the poor & down trodden are being separated from the Hindu fold by the self styled Dalit leaders. The DK cleverly isolates the Brahmins by instigating its cadres to attack only Shankara Mutts & Ragavendra Mutts and desecrate & demolish the idols of Vinayaga, & Rama, under the presumption that they are Brahmin Gods as they were seen with the holy thread. The innocent Tamils, who have been under the influence of a sustained anti Brahmin campaign for the last 40 years, are succumbing to such a vicious campaign. The Tamil Hindu community should realise the danger of such a Dravidian culture and unitedly rise to the occasion.  All the leaders of the Hindu organisations should meet immediately and discuss the future course of actions. They should bring their entire cadre under one umbrella and fight against the so-called Dravidian onslaught! Unless it happens, Tamil Nadu will be ruined!

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