Heritage is valuable than Gold, Silver and Diamonds

via Rohan @ http://psenthilraja.wordpress.com/2011/07/02/padmanabha-temple-treasure-and-british-loot/#comment-5689 published on July 6, 2011

1) It dosent matter to whom this temple or treasures belong to. That is imaterial

2)What ever that has been found in the vault why do people have to look at it as GOLD, SILVER, DIAMONDS and etc ?? Why are u people looking at it only by the material value ??

3)There are things that are more valuable than GOLD SILVER AND DAIMONDS. It is called HERITAGE

4) do anyone understand the word HERITAGE I doubt not.

5)What ever that has been found in the temple is OUR HERITAGE. Whether we belong to Bhrath or not, whether we are hindus, chiristian or muslims. This is a part of the heritage of our land.

6)These treasures are not valued in material value they should be valued agaisnt our history. This is a part of our history which we ahve to be proud of.

7) I am sure each of these pieces will bear evidence for our past history.
eg: what dose the coins of Naploeaninc era say >>> defiently they say there was a rich trade between europe and us. Is it only that ?? No it says that we were producing good and they were depended on us to purchase it.

8)Similarly if properly analysed each will bear evidence to our glorious past.

9) But unfortunately some IDIOTS only think of their stomach and tell give this to the poor !!!! and some say develop the country with this money

10)How were u guys planing to develop this country prior to finding these ??

11) 2G spectrum it is said the scandal is worth 1 lakh crore almost equivaent to this treasure, why dont u guys find that lost money and use it for poverty and development

12) some reports say Indians have more money in the swiss accounts putting rest of the whole world together. Why dont u get those money and use it for the poor

13)Why do u want to destroy our HERITAGE.

14)Because for those who want to use this wealth is trying to find easy options. U guys are not bothered to get those hidden money in swiss account why bother when u can destroy our heritage.

15)And worse part is some one here says to auction these…………

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