Hemant Shibir 2009 , Hyderabad – A Report

published on December 9, 2009

RSS IT Milans Hyderabad organized its first Hemant Shibir (Winter Camp) on December 5th-6th at the Oasis Public School in Hyderabad. A total of 65 Swayamsevaks attended the camp. The camp brought together Swayamsevaks in Hyderabad working in the IT and related sectors and served as a means to share ideas and seek inspiration from each other.

The camp started at 8PM on Saturday, 5th December with Swayamsevaks streaming in, despite the TRS Bandh and related violence in the city. A beautiful Rangoli of Akhand Bharat, outlined by oil lit lamps, welcomed the Swayamsevaks, who sat around it and sang many patriotic songs before retiring for the Day.

The next day, Swayamsevaks woke up at 5AM and participated in several physical training activities including Yogasanas and Martial Arts. This was followed by a delicious breakfast, which included a cup of hot cow milk. The camp was officially inaugurated by Mr. Ekka ChandraShekhar. He is the CEO of Curosys Solutions a software consulting company. In the past, he worked full time for RSS in the Warangal district of Andhra Pradesh during the peak of the Naxalite movement. He gave an inspirational talk on the India’s glorious scientific and cultural contributions.

This was followed by a discussion on three topics:
(1) Challenges faced by India today
 (2) Service projects of the RSS
(3) Media and the RSS.

Several thought provoking points were discussed and action items to be worked on were jotted down.Swayamsevaks realized that with their knowledge and expertise in IT, they can make significant contributions in increasing awareness and providing solutions to problems plaguing the country. The visually charged up Swayamsevaks were then treated with an informative talk by the Camp Karyawah Mr. Krishnamurty on the Japanese Art of Zazen, which has trained the Japanese people in leadership skills. He traced its origins to the Vedas and talked about how we can use the Vedic knowledge to develop new management tactics.

After lunch, an innovative session on developing a socially conscious business was conducted.
Swayamsevaks were asked to develop a social business in the fields of Agriculture, Education, Health Care or Energy. It simulated the capital markets and within 30 minutes, the Swayamsevaks were able to develop 7 innovative social business plans in the above sectors. The plans were judged by a couple of Senior Management Executives who graduated from the Indian School of Business.

 This was followed by a Q&A interaction with Mr. Ram Madhav, national Executive member of RSS. The candid interaction clearly put forth the stand of RSS and its sister organizations on several issues. In the conclusion ceremony, Mr. Ram Madhav, called upon the young Swayamsevaks to take part in the Nation building process. He stressed on the need for every citizen of India to be proud of their cultural lineage and help in restoring the glory of their Motherland.

Overall, the camp was very well organized and a huge success. The testimony of one of the new Swayamsevaks summarizes the enthusiasm with which the attendees departed from the camp:

“I was pleased to meet and interact with a fantastic bunch of individuals committed to the cause of Nation Building. I’m throughly convinced that RSS is a great platform to dedicate oneself to this cause, for the cause is all about Discipline, Dedication, Right Knowledge and a sense of Direction which the RSS has infectiously ingrained in the minds of Swayamsevaks. There was a lot of knowledge sharing which I am sure fired imaginations of individuals like me to subscribe to a right sense of direction”.

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