Haj subsidy : Intellectuals among Muslims coming in terms with reality

via HK Correspondent published on October 11, 2009

Haj subsidy is one subject that we have discussed on many occasions in the group. We have always been trying to reflect the feelings of concerned Hindus on subjects that has any relevance to our very existence. As years pass by, political parties that come into power are becoming more and more adamant in appeasing the minority community. Population of Muslims in the country has swelled to over 10% by virtue of their blatant discard for family planning and the increase in population has made them a vote bank with total religion allegiance and total obedience to their dogmas. The Christians by virtue of their intelligence and political support are in the lead in every aspect. The continued reign of Madam Soniaji who is so well guided by Vatican is fully utilizing all resources in the country to Christianize maximum Hindus and thus enhance their vote bank every year. The Hindus are least concerned of these happenings and vast majority are either ignorant of things happening around them or are not concerned with such issues. We still lack a machinery to spread awareness in a uniform manner among the masses.

Haj subsidy is one such issue. The High Court of Lahore in a 1997 judgment said that it is un-Islamic to avail of subsidy and perform Haj. Over 400 crores of rupees are being spent by the government on Haj subsidy when no country in the world, including Muslim countries, offers Haj subsidy. Earlier also, many Hindu leaders and very few Muslim scholars have pointed out quoting Hadith (authentic saying of the Holy Prophet) that ‘one should arrange for his expense of Haj and Umrah out of his or dependent progenly lawful earnings, as commanded by the Holy Prophet. Allah is pure and He accepts only what is pure. A pilgrim should avoid the earnings of others and not seek others monetary help’. Every Muslim who wants to go for Haj must keep in mind these two Hadith. It is also said in the Holy Koram that Haj is incumbent on those who can undertake the journey. Nawab Mohammed Abdul Ali, the Prince of Arcot recently made a statement that the words ‘can undertake’ prohibit any Muslim going to Haj on subsidy assistance, because it is not pilgrim’s lawful earnings, but someone else’s earnings.

Let us hope that the Ulema appreciate the wisdom shared by the Muslim intellectuals and issue a right Fatwa in the light of the Holy Koran and Hadith and put an end to the controversial Haj subsidy.

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