‘Gurupooja’ – A Report from Chennai

via VSK Chennai published on August 5, 2010

South Chennai Gurupooja

Gurupooja function was held at Sri Krishna Gana Sabha on 1-8-2010 wherein Six hundrend and five swayamsevaks participated. Shri Ram Madhav, Central Executive Member, RSS spoke on “how a true worship in our society is considered one in which the worshiper becomes the worshiped, shivo bhootwa shivam yajet.  The real worship of Shiva is for you to become Shiva.  Our Gurus are that way a bridge between our past, our civilizational heritage, our value systems, our greatness, and the present. One, who is sheelawan, is guided by his conscience, his heart, not by brain.  The most dangerous thing in our body is the brain.  So we in RSS always try to encourage people to become sheelawan.  Be sensitive to the needs of your society.  You can lead a happy life without thinking about your next door neighbor, you can lead.”

He also narrated an incident: “I was in Hyderabad last year.  One Muslim gentleman came to meet me.   He has told me that ‘Sir the RSS blood is flowing in my family.  I was surprised.  What is this RSS blood flowing.  But he said, ‘Sir when my daughter was to deliver a child, she urgently needed some blood.  The doctors said go to RSS office.  Then, I said sir, I am a Muslim.  Will the giver take from me?  He said no no no you just go there.  Then I came and within half an hour, six of your swayam sevaks came and they gave the blood and that operation was successful.  That is why I say my daughter carries RSS blood.  That is the character of the swayam sevaks who are charged with terror today. Where is Hindu terror?  Hinduism and terrorism cannot go together.  They are mutually exclusive statements.  Either you are a Hindu or a terrorist.  Because when you go to a remote village, go to the hut of an uneducated old woman, when she comes out in the morning to clean her backyard, listen to what she prays.  She says ganga maatha ki jai, gomaatha ki jai, tulsi maatha ki jai, lok kalyan ho.  Who taught her?  Which religion taught her that you should pray lok kalyan ho?  It is in the blood of Hindus.  Hindu can never be a terrorist.  But that does not give license to pseudo-intellectuals to declare that there is no religious terrorism in the world.  There are doctrines.”

He also called upon the audience to join this gigantic movement.  This is a movement for creating sheelawan society— society with great character, great sheel, which can uphold our dharma.”  Shri J Krishnan, President Air Cargo Association of India presided over the function.

The programme concluded with a render of appreciation by Sri M K R Mohanji, Vibhag Karyawah, Chennai.

Madhya Chennai Gurupuja

Shri Guru Pooja of Madhya Chennai took place at SRKK Agarwal Bhavan, Anna Nagar on 1st August 2010, Sunday. One hundred and forty three swayamsewaks participated in this function to offer their respects to Bagwadh Dwaj and do gurudakshina. Sri M Thyagarajan, President, Chennai Koymabedu Market Tomato Vendors Association presided over the function and Sri Kumaraswamyji, Pranth Karyavah, Uttar Tamil Nadu delivered the bowdhik.

Sri Thyagarajan during his short speech mentioned that he would like to serve the Hindu society by joining hands with the Sangh and promised all help within his powers for Sangh work.

 Sri Kumaraswamyji started his bowdhik by explaining the concept and importance of Guru. He made the audience understand this through anecdotes from the life of Shivaji and Swami Vivekananda. He also explained how and why sangh has chosen the bhagwad dwaj as the Guru. He highlighted to the audience the numerous seva activities carried on by sangh swayamsevaks and how sangh takes up any challenge that is thrown at the nation and the Hindu society. He quoted sangh’s contribution in countering the separatist movement in Punjab and the recent Amarnath yatra agitation as samples for the sangh work. He told sangh swayamsevaks get their inspiration for all these work from their mouna guru bagwad dwaj. He explained the need for doing guru dakshina and requested the audience to contribute in every way they can for the betterment of the society by giving not only money but also time, effort etc. He also spoke at length about the dangers facing the nation today and the requested the good elements in the society to come together. He reminded that the contribution to the society needs to be done without any expectations like name or fame and this only will help us grow as a better human being.

 The program concluded with Mananeeya Somanathanji, Bagh Sanghachalak, Anna Nagar rendering the note of appreciation.

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