‘Gujarat Shining’

published on February 4, 2010

Narendra Modi took charge as the Chief Minster of Gujarat on 7 October, 2001when its economy was shrinking and the domestic growth was stagnant.Faced with massive economic losses, he reorganized the government’s administrative structure and embarked upon a massive cost-cutting exercise.As a result of Gujarat government efforts under the guidance of Modi, Gujarat registered a GDP growth rate of over 10% during his first tenure. This was the highest growth rate among all the Indian states.Continuing this extraordinary run, over the last year GDP growth rate was registered at 11.5%.

Various Development Programs

These include the Panchamrut Yojana, a five-pronged strategy for an integrated development of the state; Sujalam Sufalam, a scheme to create a grid of water resources in Gujarat in an innovative step towards water conservation and its appropriate utilization.

• Krishi Mahotsav – agricultural research labs for the land

• Chiranjeevi Yojana – to reduce infant mortality rate

• Matru Vandana – providing preventive and curative services under the Reproductive and Child Health Programme

• Beti Bachao – campaign to protect baby girls to improve sex ratio

• Jyotigram Yojana – to electrify every village

• Karmayogi Abhiyan – to educate and train government employee

• Kanya Kelavani Yojana- to encourage the education of girls

• Balbhog Yojana – for midday meal for students

As a result of these yojanas, Gujarat has become the number one state in India in various perspectives. Gujarat has become a developed state within a developing country. Many scholars and India Inc. leaders suggest that if the Gujarat development model will be applied in all states in India, then India can easily become a developed nation.

Awards and recognitions

More than 60 awards bagged by the state during the tenure of Chief Minister Narendra Modi.

    * 16-10-2003 – UN Sasakawa Award for outstanding work in the field of disaster management and risk reduction.
    * October 2004 – CAPAM Gold Award from Commonwealth Associations for innovations in governance.
    * 26-08-2004 – Gujarat bagged top honour’s for its performance in the power sector as President A P J Abdul Kalam
    * 24-02-2005 – Nirmal gram award to a village in Rajkot district in Gujarat by Government of India for sanitation facilities
    * 25-04-2005 – Elitex Award by Department of Information Technology, Govt. of India Science and Technology Department for “PRAGATI”, a GIS Software developed by Bhaskracharya Institute of Space Application and Geo-informatics, Government of Gujarat
    * 21-05-2005 – Gujarat awarded the status of the Best State after a survey of all the states in the country, carried out by the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, New Delhi.
    * 01-06-2005 – UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage Award for reconstruction of a Gurudwara damaged during the earthquake.
    * 05-08-2005 – Best Investment environment Award by India today
    * 05-08-2005 – Most Economic Freedom Award by India Today
    * 27-11-2005 – Gujarat won the first ever Gold Award at the India International Trade Fair at New Delhi.
    * 14-10-2005 – Readers of the Gujarati weekly “Chitralekha” rated Shri Narendra Modi as “Person of the Year”. Tennis star Sania Mirza was ranked second and superstar Amitabh Bachchan stood third. Awards were given away on 18-05-2006.
    * 12-11-2005 – India Tech Excellence Award by India Tech Foundation for Power sector reforms and Initiatives
    * 30-01-2006 – In a nationwide survey conducted by “India Today”, Shri Narendra Modi was declared the Best Chief Minister of the country.
    * 23-03-2006 – Nirmal gram award by Government of India to a few villages of Gujarat for sanitation facilities
    * 31-07-2006 – Gujarat again ranks first in the country in “Implementation of 20 point programme”.
    * 02-08-2006 – Gujarat tops among 35 states of the country in “Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan”.
    * 12-09-2006 – Ahalyabai National Award function, Indore.
    * 30-10-2006 – Asian Innovation Award at Singapore from Wall Street Journal and the Financial Express for Chiranjeevi Yojana (initiative for reducing maternal and infant mortality rate).[38]    * 04-11-2006 – E-governance award to e-dhara project (computerization of land records)
    * 27-11-2006 – Silver Award the India International Trade Fair 2006
    * 10-01-2007 – ELITEX 2007 -Best E-governed State Award from Government of India
    * 05-02-2007 – Adjudged the best CM for the third time in the nationwide survey conducted by India Today – ORG Marg, a unique achievement for any Cm during a 5 year tenure
    * 10-12-2008 – Gujarat Wins Wind Power Award.
    * 29-01-2009 – Gujarat received five awards for the best use of information and technology from administrative reforms and public grievances and Information technology department of the Central government.

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