‘Great minds on India’ has earned global recognition – Book Review

published on July 22, 2013

‘Great Minds on India’ by Salil Gewali, an accomplished writer from Shillong has been published by Academic Publication, Shillong. It is a compilation of quotations. It is doubtlessly a remarkable attempt to showcase the views of the world-renowned intellectual giants about India and her classical literature and spiritualism. The book provides how ancient Indian wisdom inspired ‘the greatest of the great’ scientists, thinkers, writers, poets and statesmen such as Werner Heisenberg,  T. S. Eliot,  Voltaire, Friedrich Hegel, Ralph Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, H.G. Wells, Mark Twain, Bernard Shaw, Erwin Schrodinger, Carl Jung, William Butler Yeats, Schopenhauer, Johann Goethe to name a few. The compilation has already earned the world-wide appreciation.

The book illustrates how the father of Atomic Bomb, Julius Robert Oppenheimer got immersed into the treasure trove of oriental knowledge who even had gone to the extent of proclaiming – “What we shall find in  Modern Physics  is an exemplification, an encouragement and  a refinement of old Indian wisdom.”

The book illustrates how highly great thinkers from all over the world valued Indian spiritual culture and how it transformed their lives. “These great quotes should be embossed on plaques and displayed on the walls of our Parliament, State Assembly Halls, and at all our educational institutions”, says Prof. A.V. Murali, renowned NASA scientist. The book has earned global recognition.  “While the West has excelled at investigating and manipulating the Exterior world, the East has specialized in understanding and transforming the Interior world, says K. Bruder of  Michigan, USA.

During his assiduous research, Salil Gewali gradually got to know that scientists like Schrodinger, Neils Bohr, Julius Oppenheimer, David Bohm, Heisenberg, David Josephson, et al had got the ideas related to Quantum Physics from Upanishads and Vedas. Werner Heisenberg has stated: ‘After the conversations about Indian philosophy, some of the ideas of Quantum Physics that had seemed so crazy suddenly made much more sense.’  All these facts consequently strengthened Gewali’s conviction about the infallibility of ancient literary archives. The author strongly believes that these western scientists would not have applauded and approved of those ancient wisdom and knowledge had there not been any scientific validity and significance. It is a good source book which could be read again and again to fully grasp why those great minds applauded Indian literature and spiritualism.

Salil Gewali, a post-graduate in English literature rose to fame through his work ‘Great minds on India’ which has earned worldwide appreciation. “Great minds on India” has been already translated into Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarati, Nepali and Malayalam. The Malayalam edition will be released in Mumbai shortly. For copies, contact: Salil Gewali, Email: [email protected].              

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