Govt should accept demands of Baba Ramdev: VHP

via Press Release published on June 3, 2011

New Delhi. June 2, 2011. VISHWA Hindu Parishad (VHP) today extended its support to the satyagraha of Baba Ramdev against corruption. “We feel it will help eliminate corrupt systems of our country. We support the whole movement meant for the national interest and will take part in it. We hope the proposed satyagraha takes the shape of a revolution throughout the country,” said the state general secretary of VHP-Delhi after the state level meeting of its office bearers in Delhi. To check the growing menace of corruption & avoid any future problem of the country, the Govt should accept the demands raised by the Yog guru without any futher delay, he added.

Detailing about the meeting of VHP office bearer in Amar Colony area in south Delhi, the state media chief of VHP shri Vinod Bansal said that two resolutions were adopted in the meeting. One for supporting the mass movement of Baba Ram Dev against corruption and another for opposing the draft bill (Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill,2011) which is against the interest of the large segment of the country. The resolution said that “This bill is meant to suppress the Hindus voice and made them culprit to save the vote bank of the greedy politicians. We oppose this draconian bill and demand that it should be put on hold immediately”. “Our Bajrang Dal youths will have a symbolic demonstration near Gupta Market bus stop, Lajpat Nagar-III on the ring road tomorrow(03/05/11) to push our demands for scraping the dictatorial bill”, he added.

Meeting presided over by the state president shri Swadesh Pal Gupta was attended by the state vice president shri Amrit Lal Sharma, organizing secretary shri Karuna Prakash, state head of Bajarang dal advovate Sailendra Jaiswal and many others.

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